Antarctica Bound.

In Travel by David51 Comments

Not Antarctica. Iceland, 2010.

In a couple days I jump a plane to Buenos Aires, then Ushuaia, and from there a boat across the Drake Passage to Antarctica. I’m joining John Paul Caponigro and friends for the short trip to photograph the light and ice. It’s long been an ambition to photograph on all 7 continents, so before I turn 40 on December 24, I’m checking off the 7th continent. I’m a little nervous. I’ve packed trekking poles and hoping they’ll keep me somewhat upright; my walking cane sure won’t help. 🙂

So I’ve packed my Icebreaker woolies and Patagonia wet-gear, and as much gear as I can fit into my Think Tank Streetwalker Pro backpack – Two Nikon D3s bodies, Nikon 16-35/4.0 lens, Zeiss 50/1.4, Nikon 85/1.8, and Sigma 70-200/2.8 lenses, a handful of batteries, Four 64GB CF cards and a bunch of Singh Ray filters. No tripod. No flash. I’m still humming and hawing about my 24mm TS-E lens.

I’ll be gone until December 11, when I return and head into what I hope is the last surgery on my feet. I’m told it’s superficial – just the removal of a plate and shaving some bone, they say. Doesn’t sound superficial to me. Superficial is removing a hang nail, not shaving bones. Anyways, listen, things have been light around here but I’m really hoping to take you with me to Antarctica. I’m told there’s internet access on the boat and I’d like to fire off as many postcards as I can. In the mean time, Craft & Vision is doing a Black Friday blowout this Friday, including offering $40 Gift Cards for $20, as well as some great bundles. There won’t be a blog post, so just stay tuned to the Craft & Vision twitter feed (@CraftAndVision) And then on December 1st, we’re launching another ebook – and this time it’s absolutely free (but you didn’t hear that from me.) So tune in. 🙂

(Antarctica! I am SO stoked. Hear that giggling? That’s me. 🙂 )

**Updated: Just re-read my materials (I’m not known for careful research) and it seems I can get email but there’s no Internet. So I’ll be posting my Postcards from Antarctica as soon as my boots hit land again and I’ve got a connection. Sorry. 🙁


  1. Pingback: - NUWOMB

  2. David, I had the same surgery and it’s nothing compared to what you have been through. From someone who has been there, here is what to expect: Nothing from the removal of hardware except maybe even a little relief if it was bothering you before, and just a little stinging where they shave the bone, but that will go away in a couple of weeks and again, it’s NOTHING compared to what you have been through. Aspirin is all you’ll need afterwards if that. Good luck. Have an amazaing shoot in Antarctica!

  3. Enjoy! but just a word of caution. I had broken my elbow a while back moving a couch (long boring story) and I didn’t notice any change with temp until about 8 months afterwards. The cold really affects any metal close to the skin and I don’t notice it until its to late and it aches for a while after. I’ve just learned to be a little more cautious and wear layers. I don’t know what you’ll have left heading down there but I thought I’d pass along my life lessons.
    Savour your time down there!

  4. Wow David…what a fantastic opportunity. Looking forward to seeing all your great shots when you return. Hope you packed a union suit or 2.
    Take care Barb

  5. Hi David, Have a fantastic trip – its a great way to celebrate a milestone birthday. I’m looking forward to seeing your images on your return. Cheers Emma

  6. Hey David,

    You will love Antarctica…it is a magical place and the light is simply incredible. My wife and i were there in Feb 2010 and I will be returning for sure…

    Looking forward to seeing your images from there…

    Enjoy it and hope the surgery goes well and you are up and about shortly afterwards

  7. So much gear. I already hear you say: Gear is good – vision is better! Have a save trip.

  8. Hey David!

    I live in Buenos Aires not far from the international airport; let me know if you need a ride, want to share a cup of coffee… or a steak!


  9. Just to be pedantic, if you’re getting email you’re getting the Internet. Sounds more like you have no World Wide Web access, which isn’t quite the same thing.

    In any case, sounds like it will do you good — a new continent, and nothing to distract you from the photography 🙂

  10. Oh My! It’s going to be amazing. Safe travels, David! Can’t wait to hear all about it.

  11. Truely the trip of a lifetime, enjoy all of it. You will need less clothing than you might guess. Disembarking the zodiac may be a challenge if you are not yet as sure footed as when you were 38. Regards to JP, Seth and the Quark crew.

  12. Cool, sounds like a fantastic trip. Hope you have a wonderful time. Looking forward to seeing what kinds of shots you get. Be safe and have fun!

  13. Wow, fantastic. Have a blast and I can’t wait to see the postcards! Have so much fun and take all kinds of care.

  14. Top of my bucket list for travel destinations – so maybe before I turn 40…. I’ll actually stop thinking about it and just do it. But for now, the opportunity of Iceland is next (June)

  15. Pure awesome! Trip of a lifetime, but then I’m sure I say that every time you go somewhere lol! Enjoy and safe, upright travels!

  16. I take it for granted that some sort of spikes to attach under your boots are on the packing list? Safe travels!

  17. David, I went to Antarctica last year. I have an ankle with limited mobility and a bulging disc in my neck and I did fine. The Drake Passage will probably be the most difficult part if there are high seas.

  18. David, see you in the Houston airport. Looking forward to a very nice voyage to the frozen continent. Hopefully we will have some smooth sailing across the Drake (yuk yuk, ain’t gonna happen) and some wonderful photo opportunities. See you in a few days.

  19. I don’t think you will miss the tripod. I’m sure there will be plenty of them with the other photogs, so you can always borrow one, I’m sure.

    It will be a great trip with JPC, have a whale of a time.

  20. I’m turning 40 on the 27th December! What is it with parents and having their kids so close to Christmas? Here’s hoping you get more than one set of presents. 🙂

  21. Ice and light, the two best things ever! Yahoo!!!Can’t wait to see what you’ve seen. Lee Valley sells those ice grip things for footwear, I hear they’re great.

  22. Have a great trip! And though you didn’t ask — if it’s worth anything — I’d toss in the 24mm TS “just in case”.

    Look forward to the photos. Safe travels.

  23. Removing a plate should not be a huge surgery… (if it is one close to a joint, you could even gain some more movement)
    I wish you all the best for your trip to Antarctica!

  24. It will be awesome, enjoy! But I was wondering whether you’re sure about leaving the tripod home, you’re not afraid about shaking from the cold or being able to operate the camera with rather think gloves on? Say hi to my fellow Belgians who are crossing the continent on foot (

  25. Safe travels, David! Just don’t lean out too far over the railing on the ship to get that shot you know you’re gonna want. Maybe you should tether yourself just in case. 🙂

  26. Stay warm. Be safe. If you get too cold, come and swing by Sydney, I’ll shout you a nice, warm coffee and make you some soup 🙂

    I’m sure you’ll punish your gears. I can’t wait to see the images!

  27. Very cool David. Have an awesome trip. I wonder if I can fit in my remaining 5 continents before 40. I’ve got another 9 months…;-) Look forward to the postcards!

  28. Hi David,
    I wish you a fantastic experience. Antarctica sure is a special place. I’m sure your legs will be fine !!
    Look forward to seeing your photos.

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