Hosted by David duChemin and Jeffrey Chapman, these photographic adventures are in the spirit of David’s best-selling book: Within The Frame. It is an adventure about the passionate discovery and photography of people, place and culture, with emphasis given to going deep not wide and pursuing that most elusive of photographic necessities—our vision. An organic teaching environment with an emphasis on sharing the adventure. Learn more by visiting the Within the Frame Adventures website.
Oaxaca – Day of the Dead
Oct. 27 – Nov. 03, 2013
Join Jeffrey Chapman and me in Oaxaca, Mexico from October 27 to November 03 for a week of Day of the Dead celebrations, amazing food, beautiful culture, and some really wild photographic opportunities. Our trip in 2011 was a ton of fun. We stayed in a really great little hotel, ate our fill of amazing food, drank mescal with most meals (except breakfast, but I could be wrong about that) and spent some wild evenings walking through candle-lit cemeteries with thousands of revelers. We had long conversations about photography and making better photographs in a really friendly, beautiful place, and perhaps best of all, made some life-long friends. If you’re interested in this rare, fairly close to home (for some of us) Within The Frame Adventure, there’s more information on the mini-site. We’d love to spend a week in Oaxaca with you!
January 03 – 10, 2014
When the Land Cruiser pulled into Lalibela on Christmas Eve, on my first trip there, it was like traveling back in time. We got out among throngs of white-robed pilgrims and yellow-robed priests, our ears full of the sounds of donkeys, drums, and the jangle of timbrels. Ancient rock-hewn churches full of worshippers and candle-light, the walls hung with thousand-year-old icons and tapestries. If I hadn’t had a camera around my neck I’d have sworn I was lost in time.
Lalibela is one of my favourite places on the planet, and I’d love the chance to show it to some of you. This January, Jeffrey Chapman and I will be guiding a small group back to Lalibela to explore and photograph this remarkable place.
If you’re looking for an adventure, we’ve got space for about 8 people, from January 03 to 10, 2014. We’ll be there for the arrival of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims and the celebrations leading up to, and including, Ethiopian Orthodox Christmas. We begin in Addis Ababa, then fly together to Lalibela. If you want more information, get it here on Jeffrey’s Lalibela Within The Frame mini-site.
December 4 – 15, 2013
Kipling once described Burma as “…quite unlike any place you know about”. Now emerging from almost 40 years of military rule, the country also known as Myanmar is waiting to be experienced by a new generation of travelers and photographers. To register, or learn more, visit the Within the Frame Adventures Website.