Joe McNally Weighs In on WTF

In Within The Frame by David5 Comments


Easily the proudest moment in my professional life was reading the words Joe McNally wrote in the Foreword to my book, Within The Frame. The good folks at Peachpit/New Riders have just released that Foreword in a PDF format and it’s downloadable from their website be clicking HERE. Joe wrote the Foreword, Vincent Versace wrote the Afterword; if you’ve been wondering if the stuff in the middle is any good, then give this a read. If ya can’t trust Joe McNally, ya can’t trust anyone.

If you haven’t yet looked at the sample chapter, you can also download that HERE.

And finally, if you’re dying to get a signed copy, there’s more info on that HERE.

Within The Frame will be released 3 weeks from today, on May 11 and is available for pre-order now from, Barnes & Noble, or your favourite bookmonger.


  1. Congrats on your book and getting Joe and Vincent to chime in

    I seriously thought WTF stood for WTF and not Within the Frame.

  2. Congratulations David. What a great Foreward from Joe M. I’ve pre-ordered mine from Amazon and will surely glean lots of useful info before my upcoming trips.

  3. So, I click on the Amazon link to pre-order your book and I’m kindly informed that they have a used version listing for $1,000. Sounds like a deal to me, so I click that link and yes, it’s priced as stated; $1,000. But I’ll be danged if I’m going to pay $3.99 for shipping. So I opted for the new version.

    LOL @ Amazon!

  4. Wow! I’d be proud too. It’s always great to hear your peers or those we look up to compliment our work, now when it’s someone like Joe McNally, it’s a double “Wow!”. He’s not a bad writer either:). Another big congratulations to you, David! You’re really inspiring us all.

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