WTF! IS HERE! (Almost)

In Within The Frame by David67 Comments


A year ago this thing was little more than a crazy “what if…?” that I couldn’t shake from my brain. Now it’s on the home stretch to being 260-something printed pages. A book.


The book goes to the printer on Friday, so those of you who pre-ordered, the end is in sight. And by “in sight” I mean it’s still a month or so away. The release is on May 11, which means books ship from the publishers to the retailers. Amazon will have them soon after that, as will Borders, Barnes and Noble, Powell’s, and in Canada, Chapters and Indigo. In other words, if you have a favourite bookseller, it oughta be there. Can’t wait? Gotta have some WTF right now? Lucky you, I can scratch that itch. And if you want to order it now there’s a link at the bottom to get it straight from the publisher, complete with discount (enter coupon code: PSUAPRIL during checkout to save 35%) and free shipping. Rather shop at Amazon? Within the Frame on Yer a Barnes & Noble kind of reader, THIS one’s for you.

Downloadable Sample
The publisher, Peachpit, has put a downloadable sample PDF online for download HERE.

Scott Kelby Weighs In
Waiting to hear some reactions before you get in on the pre-order action? Scott Kelby’s read the book and the publisher forwarded this to me this morning. Needless to say it made my day. Second proudest moment of my professional life. The first was reading the Foreword that Joe McNally wrote for the book. But it wasn’t a fair fight. Joe used 1,000 words, Scott used 100:

“David has done something here that few have ever done, which is to not only show his absolutely captivating images, but the thought process behind the same, and how to start capturing the type of images we all long to take. His teachings on composition are worth the price of the book alone, but this book goes beyond that to really help you start to see the light, to start to see the process of how amazing images happen, and most importantly he gives you the tools to create them yourself, and I think that more than anything will make this book an overnight success. The way he’s structured this book is just spot on, and this will the THE book for anyone into shooting editorial style travel or people (or just learning about photography from a broader scope). People will be talking about this book for years to come. It’s that good! Highly recommended!”

I’m giggling like a schoolgirl over here. A schoolgirl who’s been dipping into the grown-up punch bowl when no-one’s looking. It’s not pretty, folks 🙂

PeachPit (Pearson Education)


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  5. David..I HAD what I thought was a good enough short list of incredible photographers to follow and learn from. You just made the list along with Joe McNally, Scott Bourne, Moose Peterson, Scott Kelby, and you know what..I’m just learning about your book. I will buy it. I will read it. I will learn. Thanks David!

  6. Pingback: Within The Frame Thursday | PixelatedImage Blog

  7. I recently found your Blog after linking from Scott Kelby’s site. Truly inspirational and I have already added the RSS feeds to my browser! Will definitely follow closely! 🙂

    WTF sounds truly amazing and I will have to make a plan to get a copy. Will check around in SA for a copy alternatively will get online!

    Thanks for the great and truly inspirational site!!

  8. Looks great! Thanks for taking the time and effort to write it. (And thank your wife too for letting you ;))

  9. I just sat and read from the layers link to the chapter in your book that is a free read.
    As a person embarking on a second career and just finishing my Photo II class, you are an incredible teacher, mentor, visionary for those who are still shooting landscapes………thank you for sharing some incredible photos and most of all……..your vision. Loved working the darkroom and B&W, spent a fortune on fiber based paper, now ready for your book and my digital camera! Thanks!

  10. Hey, you’re work is stunning. I’ll enjoy reading the book, and needless to say, would love to do so for free… 🙂

  11. I got connected to yours site via another shooter’s site. Found the posts regarding the book to be enticing and motivating. I like images that make me stop and inspect them on several levels. However, as time goes along I enjoy the writing posts with the thoughts, viewpoints, and perspectives. I am looking forward to physically handling the book, reading the notes and making the connections to the blog.

  12. The book looks good. I rather win one, so please enter me into your drawing!

  13. Pingback: Speedlinks — Fotografie Serge Van Cauwenbergh

  14. Author

    Thanks Gudmundur. I’m afraid I can’t. The design team at the publishers did all the typesetting and layout and I haven’t a clue what the fonts are. Sorry. I’ll look into it if I remember, but don’t hold you’re breath, it’s nutty over here right now.

  15. Very nice work! Could you please tell me what font-type is used in the main text and which font-type in the headings of your book?

  16. WOW!!! Just downloaded and read the sample. Book looks amazing, both in its content and images. I don’t generally purchase books like this anymore, have way too many, but looks like I’ll get this one!

    Best of luck with it’s release!

  17. I’m already inspired to go out and work on some photo essays. It looks like it will be exactly what I am looking for. If the rest is as good as this then it certainly looks like it could become a classic text.

  18. Pingback: Awesome Book Title

  19. David, that acronym’s almost as good as the book! Looking forward to getting it.

  20. Amazon “Buy Here” Button has been pressed! I can’t wait to get the book….although the postage time (I only paid for the standard shipping in case I get some grief from the Revenue and Customs boys) means I won’t have it in my hands until late June: I may gnaw off my own hand my then 😉 Congrats again, David

  21. David,
    I just wanted to give you a big Congratulations! I just finished reading the PDF sample and I already feel a little more inspired to “see”. I can’t wait to read the whole book. It it just what I need to inspire me in search of my own vision. Thank you for providing a book that isn’t about technique. I think you are really sharing something special not found elsewhere.
    Keep up the good work!

  22. Pingback: Weekend Wrap-Up | PixelatedImage Blog

  23. Pingback: David duChemin: Within The Frame | Gavin Gough: Travel Photographer

  24. Just downloaded the pdf…. WOW!!!

    Your “Vision” message is so right on. I look at your pictures and think I must be blind when I look at mine. Inspirational for sure!

    You have no idea how talented and blessed you are. Great job David! Waiting for the full version.

    Thanks for all you give back to all of us!!!!

  25. David, I love the idea of the limited edition signed copy with the print! Where do I sign up?

  26. Author

    Good idea Jo, but there are only so many batteries a guy can use 🙂 If only you’d come up with this plan sooner. I shelled out CAD$200 for my last one! Ouch!

  27. David, you could exchange signed, personalized copies with added photograph, in exchage for a rare 5D MarkII battery 😉
    Read the chapter yesterday, can’t wait for the rest now… Just great….

  28. This likely wouldn’t work with your aesthetic, but I’ve known some authors to offer autographed book plates if folks send in a SASE. Not sure how that would work with International orders, but I’m sure there’s a way.

  29. Pingback: Free WTF Chapter | Big Softboxes | Layers Magazine

  30. My copy is pre-ordered and I can’t wait to get it. Congratulations on this achievement! I probably would have ordered for the images alone, but reading what Scott Kelby said sealed the deal. 🙂

  31. Congratulations, David! I just pre-ordered from Amazon (which was cheaper than Peachpit even after their discount). I’m looking forward to devouring it. 🙂

    I also sent an email to all those from the 2008 School of Photography II you taught at here in Kona (including the other guest teachers) to recommend they get your book also. 🙂

  32. Author

    Claude – I just downloaded it with no problems but I’ve sent an email to the publisher and they’ll look into it. Thanks for the heads up! Try again in an hour, hopefully it’ll all work out.

  33. I tried to download the PDF sample from Peachpit, but, after several attempts I keep getting the same “file is damaged” error message.
    Anyone else having the same problem? I’m using Adobe Reader 8.0

  34. Hey David,

    Great post! I work for Peachpit Press and I wanted to let your readers know that a sample chapter from “Within the Frame: A Journey in Photographic Vision,” is now available to download for free on our site. Enjoy!


  35. Congrats – very cool! I’ve ordered mine from Amazon. Can’t wait to get it.

    I just read the first chapter – very fine work.


  36. I am so excited to read your book! From the images you posted it’s looking amazing…

  37. Félicitations, David! The book looks not only visually beautiful but also a fascinating read. Can’t wait to turn the cover page and dive into it!
    Thanks for the preview!

  38. This is so cool. You’re hanging out with the celebrities in the photography world. Soon you’ll be posing for pictures and giving autographs. Don’t let the fame change you, I want to say I knew you back then. 🙂

    Seriously, I can’t wait to read the book. Congratulations. You deserve it.

  39. Author

    Lisa – Ah, the signed book issue. Ya know, I just haven’t wrapped my brain around this one. It just doesn’t make economic sense for me to sign and ship books when you can get them so much cheaper from Amazon.

    BUT. I have an idea. I’m thinking about offering a limited edition. Say, 20 books that I sign and personalize AND include a book-sized print of one of the images in the book. Price would be higher but at least people would get something for their money.

    But I will happily sign people’s books for free if we meet in person.

    If you have any ideas on this lemme know. Of course, for my mentoring students I can probably arrange a signed copy for the price of shipping. If you ask really nice 🙂

  40. Pingback: Photo Contests, self-critique and David duChemin’s book. « Mitchell’s Travel and Photography Blog

  41. Pingback: WTF! IS HERE! (Almost) - David duChemin (pixelatedimage) | Photo News Today

  42. Sometimes life on dial-up (what I have here in the sticks of NH) is funnier than reality: The page starts to download and I see “WTF! IS HERE (Almost)” and I think “What The F***” which got me laughing big time. Sometimes we do take life way too seriously and the thought of a book of outrageous out-takes from a renowned photographer actually WOULD be a good idea.

    By the way, I did order the book (even if there are not out-takes).

  43. Congratulations! It feels like you are pregnant with a book, David and the due date is fast approaching 🙂 Happy to know that Dr. Kelby and Dr. McNally have pronounced it healthy but more importantly, your fans have picked a name for it “Winner”. Can we say “we knew David when”?

  44. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Within the Frame Why-To Book Preview.

  45. David,
    Congrats on a milestone in your life!!! I downloaded the PDF and the images and the text are both eye catching and great reading! You lucky dog!!!

  46. Congratulations David – you’ve certainly earned this.

  47. Congrats David,
    Judging from the sample, this book exceeds my expectations. I can’t talk for anyone else, but if the rest is of the same quality, this will become one of the most important photo books for me. Thanks for spending all the time to write something like this for us.

  48. Thanks for the primer. It looks great, the layout is stunning. I enjoyed the chapter on telling stories within the frame, and hope that the rest of the book will be equally inspiring and helpful.

    I watched a talk on creativity yesterday that I though you might enjoy too. Author Elizabeth Gilbert talks about genius and nurturing creativity, which reminds me of the topics you often touch upon.


  49. No offence, but should you now help with printing and shipping the books one by one instead of blogging, so we can get it earlier! Downloading the sample now, this is going to be fun reading, and then painful waiting for the rest to come…
    Thanks again for everything you give back…

  50. I downloaded the pdf, switched off my phone, and spent the last hour enjoying this first chapter…
    Wow. I LOVE it. Every image, every single word. And I can hardly wait to see/read the rest of it.
    Congrats David – I’m giggling with you 🙂

  51. congratulations, david! I’ve been following your blog for almost a year now and I always look forward to your images.

    I have this book in my cart and I can’t wait to get my copy!

    I’m sure this book will be a big hit.

    All the best,


  52. It looks absolutely great, David. Both the photo’s, the lay out, the choice of fonts, just stunning! I’m gonna read it tonight.

    Congratulations with accomplishing this milestone 🙂

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