The Long Way Home from Senegal

In Travel by David2 Comments

It’s been a long trip. Senegal was amazing, though as always these things take on a life of their own and present more challenges than you anticipate. What a lovely country. We spent hardly any time in Dakar, and were almost immediately driving out to the Gambian border where our shoot locations were. Dusty, sandy, and hot. The first few days were about 40 degrees Celcius and then it started to get warmer! The people were so gracious and patient with us. Our demands on location are always a little nutty, and the patience with which the Senegalese handled us was remarkable. It’ll be a while before images get posted. Only fair the client sees them first and these things just take time. Until then I’m aiming to get images up from my Kenya safari last month and I’ll aim to do that soon. Between client needs, a book deadline, and the need for some personal time, I’ll do what I can to post when I can.

We flew back to Washington, which right now seems mostly recovered from all the insane flight delays, though we got in late enough that I missed my flights and I’ve decided to take this chance to re-route and stay off the radar for a few more days, get some work done, and keep my iphone and email program off for a little more silence. You always plan to have time for this stuff when you travel, but it’s always a ridiculous expectation. So, with my apologies, I’m going to be quiet for a little while longer.

The image above was shot on the island of Goree, just off Dakar. Lovely place, though haunted by its past as slave quarters in the slave trade. Gary and I spent a couple hours there, wandering and shooting, and generally hoping to avoid getting arrested as a friend of mine did while shooting there a few years ago. See you when I get home and settled.


  1. I was sure there was someone missing in my emails. Happy returns to you. Lucky me. I’ll be in Guatemala and Ecuador for the next couple weeks, back to Mexico, then Ecuador. Look forward to your photos!

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