Vision & Voice Released and Shipping

In Books, Lightroom & Workflow, Photographs & Photoshopping by David292 Comments

Well, the day is upon us. The final book in the vision trilogy is out and Amazon has started shipping it – which means others are soon to follow, and places like and other should have them heading out within a month. I can’t tell you how excited I am to have this done and out there as a body of work. So excited I want to give 3 signed copies away. But you have to keep reading to find out how that’s going to happen. No cheating and going straight to the end!

Anyways, the video (click the screenshot above and it’ll take you to Vimeo) is a quick intro to the book, hopefully it’s helpful in giving you a feel for what the book is and is not. It’s not very well scripted, mostly because after an hour of out-takes I was bound and determined to get it done in one take.

I mention this briefly in the video but it deserves more than a passing mention. It’s been 14 months since Within the Frame was released and in that time so much has happened. The community that gathers around this blog has grown significantly, I’ve had a chance to meet some of you, travel or photograph with others, and become friends with many of you. Writing books that no one reads was not one of my life goals and the audience that has sprung up around the books, eBooks, and this blog has truly humbled me; I’m deeply grateful and I want you to know that. As such, this book is dedicated to you. The dedication reads:

For the amateurs – the lovers – those who do this for the love of the image and the journey of getting there. This is for everyone who loves this craft, whether you draw a paycheque from your efforts or not. For everyone who has ever created an image just to say, “Look at this!”

Vision & Voice, along with the others in the vision trilogy – Within The Frame, and VisionMongers – is available at HERE or from your favourite bookseller

Want one? Want it signed? Leave a comment in the comments section, make sure your name and email are there and I’ll do a draw for three copies which I will sign and mail out to you before I go to Iceland towards the end of the month.


  1. David,
    It’s interesting that I should finish this book as you head off to rehab. I picked it up at the last Photoshop World then headed back to my insane government IT job the next week. The book sat forgotten on a shelf until last week. I know you don’t want to hear that but there’s a good ending.

    I took early retirement from my job in April of this year, intent on spending the remainder of my productive years in the more creative pursuits I abandoned/neglected to pay rent and buy food. So when I found this last volume of the vision series, I was excited and eager to begin. …but it was about post-processing. My skills in post-processing were pretty strong – I’ve been investing all my time better honing my camera skills, now finally having time to shoot more frequently.

    Well, I cracked open the book and was drawn in by the vision and voice talk. It resonated with me and was encouraging at a time when I feel particularly down about my portfolio (all these images suck – I’m going to have to start over). Then I got to the 20 Photographs section. I have a similar approach to processing and am doing many of the things you suggest. What struck me deeply was your generosity in that section. Working through all the details, explaining the motivation and intent. I’ve never seen any book quite like it before. You made me reconsider some techniques I had abandoned and consider some I had never tried. More impotently, seeing where you successfully pushed the limits in some areas inspired me to take more risks along those lines. It was incredibly kind to start from the zeroed out images and build from there and to let the reader into your head and your heart.

    So while you struggle through the pain and frustration of physical rehab, I will be back with my seemingly impaired porfolio, coaxing it to perform as it should. And I’ll be thinking of you undergoing therapy, sending you the same encouragement and positive thoughts you so gratiously sent out in your book.

    Good luck, David, I know you will prevail.

  2. Great to hear about the latest book. Had the pleasure of meeting you and have you sign my copy of Within the Frame at last year’s Photoshop World in Vegas. The Craft & Vision books are great inspiration and great value – have them all! Best of luck with the new one.

  3. After watching the webinar this weekend I am dying to read this book. Thanks!

  4. After your Creative Live webinar this past weekend, I am dying to read this book. Thanks!

  5. I have been introduced to you during this creative live weekend. I am happy to have you in my life and have downloaded some of the ebooks. Thank you for your humility, experience and manner in teaching a non-concrete lesson in a concrete way. I look forward to reading your work as well as the podcasts.

  6. Aloha David, congratulations; thank you for the inspiration you provide. I’ve been enjoying your blogs for the last few months, they provide a welcome respite from family health isssues.

  7. I just read a review of Vision & Voice: Refining Your Vision in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (Voices That Matter), by Conrad Obregon. He is tough to please; this is the first review that I’ve seen that is unqualified praise. Impressive!


  8. I’d love to have one of your books David, after reading your blog avidly ad regularly I have gotten to quite liking your unique stile of writing.
    Amateur photographer from Madrid, Spain.

  9. I just got your book Visionmongers at Barnes and Noble last week and love it!
    Now I come to your blog and find out you have a third book! I would love the chance to win one!
    Thank you!

  10. I’ve just recently been introduced to your work and am very excited about what I see! I would gladly accept a signed copy of your book!
    I’m looking forward to your creativeLIVE Weekend Workshop!

  11. Starting to read the books. I’ve been enjoying the blog and e-books tremendously in the meantime.

  12. Been waiting for this one! Read both Within The Frame and Vision Mongers. Not a Photoshop guy. Lightroom and RAW help achieve the way I envisioned my images. Was disappointed about a book claiming to be about how to use lightroom (partly true – about 1% of the book – Creative Digital Darkroom – Eismann & Duggan) achieve your vision. Hope this one is as great as the first two books you’ve written. God Bless!

  13. I loved your book Within The Frame and would love to read more and see more of your inspiring images. I only just now found your blog and for all I know this drawing has already taken place. However, I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to tell you that I’ve already learned much from looking at your work. Thank you.

  14. Count me as one of your biggest fans – you are really inspiring, and always manage to bring things back into focus. I love your other books and e-books. Looking forward to this weekend!

  15. The cover of your new book looks good enough to eat. And you wouldn’t want me to go hungry now, do you?? See you this weekend!

  16. Hi David,
    “Within the Frame” changed he way I photograph. I believe it is obvious in my web site what is before WtF and what is after WtF. It’s about turning the camera towards yourself for a change!.
    I do most all in LR3, looking forward to where you are taking us this time!

  17. Photography came to my live after years of indifference and maybe even dislike about the subject. (my wife maintains is part of my midlife crisis). After reading WtF the first time I intentionally changed the POV to express a given message and I saw the result I was amazed, and this is just my beginning.

    Reading your book makes me happier and better, I can’t think of any better compliment than just a Thanks

  18. I have your prevous books and all of the Craft & vision eBooks and would love to add this one to the collection. Unfortunately it’s not yet available in the UK so I have to wait, unless I manage to bag one of these three very special copies!

  19. Congratulations on finishing your trilogy! You most certainly deserve a long rest after all that work.

  20. Pingback: Tuesday Newsday

  21. Hopefully this offer is still on. It would be FANTASTIC to get a signed copy of your the last of the “Vision” trilogy. My name is Art and my email is Keep up the great work!

  22. I wish it came as an ebook (pdf) – shipping to Costa Rica is annoyingly slow/expensive. Luckily I will be in Canada for a bit and it should be easier to pick up 🙂

  23. I’m looking forward to the third book! I would love a signed copy!

  24. Thank you so much for working so hard to make our understanding of the develop module easier. Looking forward to digesting this book. Congrats on the completion of the first trilogy. If it is like Star Wars fashion, you have the prequels ahead of you. That should be fun.

  25. Loved Within the Frame and looking forward to getting my hands on Vision and Vioce too.

  26. I’ve been longing for this book for so long. Would love to have a signed copy.

  27. I want the book because I loved Within the Frame and the ebooks and need to complete my collection.

  28. Thank you so much for being generous with your knowledge, and for being such an inspiration to me. I look forward to reading Vision & Voice. Thank you!

  29. David, I just finished your first book of the trilogy, and ordered the other two today. Studying one’s vision, and how to share it, is a refreshing take on photo books. By the way, should I receive a signed copy of your new book, I will donate the one I just ordered to a needy photographer. Thanks for sharing your insight.

  30. Looking forward to reading this one!! I’m on my second reading of Visionmongers, and have been through most of your e-books, so I’m looking forward to something new!

  31. ‘Vision & Voice’ will be on my bookshelf… right alongside ‘Visionmongers’ and ‘Within the Frame’. But I find that they don’t actually spend much time on the shelf. I tend to have one or more of them next to the monitor, out on the coffee table… somewhere near where I spend much of my time. Thanks for everything from the practical to the inspiration!

  32. I’ll have to wait until stock this before getting my hands on it, but I’m very much looking forward to the read.

    Thank you.

  33. Someone’s going to win, could be me. More likely mine will be coming from Amazon UK or Bookdepositiry. Thanks for all the hard work.

  34. Any idea when it might be available in the UK? It’s been on my Amazon UK wishlist since it first appeared as a pre-release on their site but still seems to have a status of “Not yet released” with no indication of when. 🙁

  35. I’d love to win a signed copy. I have read Within the frame and currently reading Vision Mongers. Great inspiration.

    Cheers, GA

  36. Congratulations on the release of the new book. I’m currently reading “Within the Frame” as part of my reading assignment for my 365 project I’m half way thru chapter six. Awesome book and I’m learning a lot about seeing the image. I would love to have your new book as part of my collection and as my new book to read for my project.

  37. I am too late for this? Looking forward to Vision and Voice. You must feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

  38. Well, with 234 comments ahead of this one, I’m arriving a bit late to the party! No mater, one way or another the book will be on my reading table… 🙂

  39. I’ve been impatiently awaiting V&V. I would love a signed copy 🙂

  40. A signed copy of Vision & Voice would be excellent. Very much looking forward to this weekend’s CreativeLive workshop!

  41. Hey David, love your books and your blog. Always inspirational. Hope I win the copy! If not, I’m buying it anyway.

  42. Loved With The Frame, and looking forward to getting to read this one as well.

  43. Photographer’s capture life in factions of a second; to later be viewed by others for a lifetime.

  44. You are a mentor to many. Looking forward to the reading your new book….hopefully autographed!

  45. Glad to hear that!
    Still haven’t read the paper ones, but if they’re anywhere near the e-books, they’re a must!

  46. I would really like to have your new book. In the meantime, I’m looking forward your week-end workshop at Creativelive. See you there.

  47. Hi David, my copy of Within the Frame is already getting well worn. A copy of Vision & Voice is destined for my shelf regardless of how I get it, but a cool bonus of signed and free would certainly bring smiles. (then I’d just order some of your e-books to balance things). cheers,

  48. Congratulations on your book release! I would love to receive an autographed copy. I am signed up and looking forward to your creativeLIVE Weekend Workshop!

  49. I would love a signed copy of Vision & Voice. I so enjoyed WIthin the Frame.

  50. Hi David,
    I really liked “within the frame” and
    a signed copy of Vision & Voice would be nice.

  51. David: you continue to be a source of inspiration for me! Can’t wait to read and complete the trilogy! I’d love a signed copy…if the stars will have it!


  52. loved the first two. can’t wait for this. was especially happy to see a canadian with great publications. now if only we could get to get stuff in at the same time as .com!

  53. Hi David, I’d love one. I have your Within the Frame book (which was recommended to me by Karl Grobl who visited our photo club) and I love. I refer back to it often and am looking forward to seeing what Vision and Voice has to offer. Congrats on its release!

  54. thank you for giving so much to those of us desiring to grow and develop the craft.

  55. Being fairly new to photography, (just over a year with my first DSLR) I need all the help “seeing” I can get as my creative gene was never gifted to me at birth so please pick me for the trilogy!

  56. Congratulations David! Looking forward to reading that one, why not a signed copy of it.

  57. Absolutely loved “Within the frame” and I am re-reading “VisionMongers” as we speak. Thanks a lot for being such a great source of inspiration!

  58. Great book for myself (within the frame) and it made an even better gift! Keep up the inspiring words and works…
    Thank you David!

  59. Loved ‘Within the frame’ and ALL of your ebooks. Can’t wait to win a copy of Vision and Voice 🙂

  60. I enjoyed “within the frame” very much, and will be more than happy to receive your latest book.

  61. I Enjoyed “Within the Frame” very much and will more than happy to receive a copy of the latest book.


  62. Thanks for all you do, David. I enjoy all of the books and ebooks and will certainly be picking this one up soon! Maybe as a freebie???!!!

  63. Looking forward to picking up my copy at Barnes & Noble if I don’t win one!

  64. Love the video blogs. I hope to see more.
    BTW, I think it would be awesome to have a trilogy pack.

  65. Would love an autographed copy, but I might be picking up copy on my cross country trip anyway for some great reading and inspiration.


  67. David,
    Gear is good, Your book are a darn side better! A huge congratulations is in order to you for your ability to dare to dream & find a way to make it come true. Just the fact you have succeeded with your books is inspiration enough, without even flipping through the 3rd of what should be an amazing trilogy. Well done mate, from Australia!

  68. Just finished reading “Within the Frame” and loved it. Can’t wait to read the new book.

  69. David.

    I just purchased an ipad a couple of weeks ago and the first thing I did once I got it was purchase a number of the ebooks from Craft & Vision.

    For the price and the content they contain it was really a no-brainer.

    Keep up the great work.


    London, Canada.

  70. David, I loved “Within the Frame” and since them I followed your blog and your ebooks. I will love to have a signed copy of your new book. I hope one day I will meet you in persone. Thank you for your inpiration.

  71. David,

    Congratulations on the Vision & Voice book. Really a different tree in the fast growing forest. Got the (e)book in a couple of minutes, the paper would take ages to get across the pond! 😉


  72. Wow, thank you for picking me! I’m so excited to read this fantastic book.

    Both of the other “vision” books have not moved from my night stand since I acquired them several months ago. If I win, I promise this copy will live happily with its siblings and never be banished to the bookshelf.

  73. Hey David; looks like good stuff, I look forward to reading this final part of your trilogy, whether won or purchased.

    Take care

  74. I have your other books, and almost all your ebooks. I really like the iPad compatibility with Goodreader with the ebooks. Keep them coming!

  75. I would very much enjoy a signed book! I photocopied a few pages from WTF and brought them with me for inspiration on my recent trip.

  76. Thanks for taking the time and effort to actively give back to the photographic community, David. I always appreciate your blog posts, as they are full of wisdom regarding the art and craft of photography. Keep up the great work!

  77. I enjoy your photography and your writing because it comes from the heart and mind of a working artist who has taken the time to think through the glories and challenges of daily approaching the world with “new” eyes. If I may throw out a challenge, I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on the artist’s relationship with God and His creation. Congratulations on getting the book out – just wait ’til its a teenager!

  78. I just can’t wait to read the book! I hate that it will probably still take several month to have it published in Poland… unless I get lucky =)

    Best wishes to you David

  79. Many congrats, David!

    I keep trying to win your books, because I’m cheap. It’s becoming more and more apparent that I just need to go out and buy them already.

    Thanks for another chance to win one, though!


  80. Would love a copy of your new book! Love, love, love VisionMongers!

  81. Congratulations on completing the trilogy. Looking forward to reading it (hopefully a free copy!) I loved the first two and they are in pride of place on my shelf.

    Now that the Vision trilogy is complete, do you have any more books in mind for the future (apart from any eBooks via Craft & Vision)?


  82. Within the Frame and Visionmongers were AMAZING. Already pre-ordered the new one (even though I don’t use Lightroom…yet!). If I win the set I’ll give my three other copies away and pass on the wonderful photographic message within.

  83. Thank you for sharing and can’t wait for the Creative Live weekend!

  84. Hei!

    Just about to finish reading Within the Frame – would love to get this new one also!

  85. What more can one say than THANK YOU sooooo very much. It feels great to be part of the community you started with your passion, vision and hard work. I guess we all try do do the same. Let’s just hope we can achieve as much as you have. Thank you once more.

  86. Looking forward to getting this….love your work and vision….peace to you David….

  87. Hi David!! I LOVE your writing and just read and reread your Print and Process series. It really helps me to know the thought behind the images and what lead up to them. I am looking fwd to reading your Vision and Voice. And what a great title, too!

  88. I’ve just ordered your last two books last week. I look forward to reading them, I’ve heard nothing but good things. Looking forward to the third!

  89. David, keep up the excelent work. Will read your book cover to cover, now only for your remarcable photo work, but for all the advice and inspiration.

    And, Enjoy Icenland!

  90. Beautiful dedication. I already own the other two books, and this would complete the trilogy:)

  91. Within The Frame is THE BEST book on photography that I have read. The ebooks are also fantastic. Hope to get another fabulous read. Signed copy? I want to win… Cheers.

  92. David – You’ve inspired me to perceive and think more actively about making photographs. Thank you!
    Of course I’d love to get a signed copy of your new book!

  93. David…I have been waiting for this latest book since it was announced. Amazon says it will ship next week and I am counting the hours.

    I wish you much success in Iceland and I was I was going along.

  94. The first two books should be on every photographer’s bookshelf. Without a doubt Vision and Voice will make it a hat trick for duChemin. Thanks for the inspiration David!

  95. Hi David, ‘Your books are great. But signed copies of your books are even better.” 😉

    p.s: Even in a small country like Singapore, your books have been so well-received that they are always out on loan at the National Library. 🙂

  96. Can’t wait to read it butfor now seems out of stock! It might be quicker to get it this way!!! I like the way you’re writing…

  97. Congrats David, I am sure it was a lot of work to make this available to us.

    Thank you.

    P.S. I am looking forward to find the signed book in my mail, I can’t for British Amazon. (I am hooked on your stuff) 😀

  98. David…

    Congrats on the new book, the fast-moving career and wonderful gift of sharing your ideas and vision…Looking forward to the CreativeLive weekend as well!

  99. Anxious to read the next of the Trilogy. Thanks for taking the time to share.

  100. I’ve enjoyed your first two books and can’t wait to read this one. Hopefully I can win a signed copy.

  101. Congrads!. I met you twice: Photoshop walk both times. I was the guy who asked if you take bribes. Didn’t work but I have followed you since. Love your ebooks.

  102. David, your shorter, practical books have been a great help to challenge myself after picking up the camera again, both technically and on why I want to make photographs. Will definitely by the “trilogy” as soon as the electronic payments from here are more accepted.

  103. David – it was a pleasure meeting and hanging out with you and the gang in NYC. Congratulations on the completion of the Vision trilogy – can’t wait to see “Vision & Voice”!

  104. Amazon UK hav just sent me an email saying there is a delay in the UK caused by the supplier! Please send me a signed copy it will probably arrive quicker than my pre-order.

  105. Congrats and a thousand thanks David!!! Please sign me in for the draw @antoinerev or as this would very nicely complete my collection of your books. They are so nicely done I even reed them in English (I’m French) to have them asap and in the “true words of the master” 😉 You helped me so much to refine & express my vision I can’t say thank you enough! Take care.

  106. I’ve always enjoyed reading your books and enjoying your photographs! thanks for the opportunity and chance at a copy of the new book!!

  107. Congratulations on the release of your latest book, David. Sounds like a wonderful tool to translate the vision in you head to the final product.
    Thank you for the chance to win a copy of the book. Also thank you for sharing your knowledge through your ebooks.

  108. Congratulations, David! I would love a signed copy of your new book. All the best.

  109. Great news – looking forward to the book. Maybe now you can take a well deserved rest. Or, not. 🙂

  110. I’d love a signed copy to go with my signed copy of Within the Frame. Thanks for all you do!

  111. Hi David, congrats, always enjoyed your work!
    Have a great trip!!

  112. A fleeting vision
    Given voice singing clearly
    Lightens the journey

  113. Congrats on the book! I’m sure it will be received very well by your audience members. I know I’ve been looking forward to it!

  114. Congratulations David! I love, love, love your books (have all the ebooks) and I’m a big fan! Will be watching creative live too!

    Travel safely, and we’ll be here watching your wonderful work!

  115. Hi David!
    I’m a photographer from Barcelona (Spain). I’m so glod that Vision & Voice has been realeased… I just can’t wait to get it!! I’ve been reading you at your blog, your books, your ebooks from Craft & Vision…. and I’ve got to tell you: THANKS SO MUCH! I think my craft has exponentialy improved since I started following you…so once again… thank you David. You’re so great! I feel I’m indebted to you.
    As it will take longer to get to… I’d love to have that signed copy 🙂
    Enjoy your trip to Iceland!

    Greetings from Europe!!

  116. David, I love your books, always great information and inspiration. I’m glad you finished writing your trilogy so I can finish reading it. Thanks.

  117. david, i’d made weekly trips to a local bookstore looking for a photography book that would fuel my interest in photography further and got home frustrated and disappointed as most books sold at the bookstore were either too technical or did not ‘tickle’ me enough to think or reflect on what i’d read, until ‘within the frame’. a week later, i was at the bookstore again buying ‘vision monger’.. and now on daily basis going through your blog archives. and now i’m looking forward for the 3rd installation.

  118. You rock David!! It must be such a great feeling to have your work out there making a difference in peoples lives.

  119. Congrats on your new book!
    Your first two books were awesome and it would be great if I could get the 3rd 8D

  120. I read two previous books, and found them very informative. I am looking forward reading this one, especially with added value of author’s signature. I am sure it will give me many idea how to use Lightroom in the ways I have not done it before!

  121. Read the first two books cover-to-cover. Consider that the third would be read as well.

  122. hi david! i have your first book and most of your ebooks, i really like them. i would love to get a signed copy of your newest book!

  123. Wow ! Thanks for this great giveaway !
    I bought Within the Frame! Very inspiring to me.

    Have a nice trip in Iceland. I can’t wait to see your photos from there. It’s such a lovely place on earth !

    Kind regards from Belgium.

  124. awesome! can’t wait to get a copy. any chance of getting the book in pdf format?

  125. Given that fact I enjoyed your previous books so much, this would be a nice shortcut of getting hold of the latest one. So why not give it a try?

  126. I’m new to your work but just from this post I’m now intrigued about your books. I think our approach to creativity may be similar. I look at almost all my work as a projection of my self trying to tell my story through an archetyal perspective. Looking forward to reading all your books. And congratulations BTW!

  127. The first two books were fantastic…I’ll have to read them for a second time to hold me over until it hits the shelves in Canada! Can’t wait!

  128. I just got my gorgeous Du Chemin canvas print from APC and now you want to give me a copy of Vision and Voice – it just keeps getting better and better!!


  129. well well, isn’t it about time =D

    “Shipment 2 of 2
    Shipping Soon
    Shipping Estimate: July 26, 2010”
    Ordered it along with Polar Obession back in November, I think.

    I’ll keep the signed copy and pass the one among my friends!
    Otherwise I will still pass mine around locally after I finish it!

  130. David, I enjoy your writing and would love to get a signed copy of this book. Have safe travels!

  131. You have been an inspiration, David. Thank you. Hope I will be the lucky recipient. If not, I will certainly buy this last of the trilogy.

  132. I’ve just recently jumped into digital photography, and love your ebooks and website. Can’t wait to get a copy of Vision and Voice!

  133. I found your blog a couple of months ago and am enjoying it immensely. Just bought a copy of Within the Frame and I’m going to register for this weekend’s CreativeLive workshop. Thanks for all you share with the photography community.

  134. David,
    Your books and your teachings are truly inspirational. Thanks for sharing your passion with us.

  135. David,

    I always enjoy your books and ebooks. Thank you for sharing your passion for photography and life!

  136. Hook me up David. I have enjoyed this series so much. I am a huge Lightroom fan as well so this book is a no brainer for me.

  137. I’ve enjoyed VisionMongers, Within the Frame and all the eBooks. I was scheduled to go on the Tibet trip, so sad for the people there.

    It would be great to win a signed copy of the book, but I’m sure I’ll buy it regardless.

    Looking forward to CreativeLive next weekend.

  138. Hi David,

    Congrats on getting the complete trilogy out there, you certainly crank out the books – stream of consciousness perhaps?

    Looking forward to reading the third book, the first two were fantastic. You mention the audience of the blog and support of the books – I think your subjects and the way you present the material hits it home with a wide variety of shooters, hence the growing support.

    Keep it up!


  139. Awesomeness, been waiting and waiting (did I mention waiting??) for this to be released!! Yay! Can’t wait to get a copy (even if I have to buy it :-))). Thanks!

  140. Looking forward to reading V&V … I’m planning on buying it, but would definitely appreciate a signed copy!

  141. Loved your first book and can’t wait t get my hands on the new book.
    Thanks for an inspiring site.

  142. can’t wait to get my copy of what i am sure will be a fantastic book – lovely if it was from you but very happy to buy

  143. Love your books and ebooks. Cant wait to see this book appear in bookstore near my place, which I think I have to at least 3 months 🙁

  144. Hey David!

    Congrats on the third book. I loved Within the Frame!

    I am downloading it right now and would love a signed paper copy!

    See you in India! Can’t wait!

  145. I can’t wait to see what I’ll be learning from you in the new book. Thanks for all you’ve shared.

  146. I am looking forward to taking my photography to the next level, and am hoping to improve my Lightroom skills!

  147. I’ve been anxiously awaiting the release of this book and paid for overnight shipping to have it ASAP (delivered today!). A signed copy would have a pretty place on my shelf (the other one will be dog-eared on my desk!).

  148. I love your work and your approach, less tech, more Vision !! Thank you and can’t wait to win a copy. 🙂

  149. Thanks to your last offer I should soon receive the 1st canvas of my work (and yours!). I desperately need the new book, so throw my name into the ring. Cheers!

  150. Dude never mind the effin’ books you’re coming to Iceland?????

    I’d give my left arm (I need the right one to operate the camera…) to meet up with you, buy you beer and have a little chat! Your books have been such an inspiration to me that I can’t even imagine how inspirational you’d be in person.

    Please send me a line if you’re interested, it can’t hurt to be on the good side of the locals 🙂

  151. I just received a copy yesterday from the publisher. Good stuff! If I’d end up with a second copy, the first will go to a good friend.

  152. Hey – Throw me in for the draw 🙂 Seriously – Loved the first book and second still in the wish list for when I can get to it. Also looking forward to the creativelive broadcast soon.

  153. David –

    Any word on when this will be available via Kindle? The Kindle software works wonderfully on my MPB and WTF looks fantastic! Besides, I can carry many more books this way when traveling….

  154. David, best of luck with Vision & Voice, and thanks for a great blog and your generosity in sharing your talent.

  155. Congratulations, David!

    I love your books – I gave myself the first two for Christmas and have been enjoying your blog and collecting the e-books ever since. I’m really looking forward to the new Vision book!

  156. David: Well if the third book is as helpful (and inspiring!) as the first two I will hardly be able to contain myself.
    Would like to say “thanks” for all that you have published in the past year or so: books, blogs, and eBooks. I’m definitely not alone in saying how much your ‘tribe’ appreciates what you do.
    Have a good weekend.

  157. Congratulations on this final book in your trilogy – sign me up, down here in Oz we have to wait for ever for this to show up in our bookshop… Loving the ebooks btw. Cheers Mark

  158. all we love your contests! Your the best at it and i can’t think of another site that spoils his readers with so many contests that are fun, easy and great prizes! Keep up the good work on the eBooks and look forward to the next one!

  159. Congratulations David! I am looking forward to reading this. I am planning to buy it as my fun reading for my vacation in 2 weeks.

  160. Felicitations David! I am looking forward to reading this book.

  161. I have Visionmongers and LOVE it! There are paragraphs I read again and again–I’m so inspired. I’d love your new book!!

  162. Since I read “Within the frame”, my motto is “Shoot from the heart, tell a visual story, put it in the frame”, inspired by You, David. Looking forward to this book to help me translate my vision into the final image.

  163. Really enjoy reading the ebooks. Plus the first two “Vision”. Looking forward to this one. Many thanks.

  164. Just reading through Visionmongers at the moment and you haven’t managed to discourage me yet, despite your good effort. Can’t wait to read the new book. Thank you for your good work.

  165. I’m a fan of your ebooks and of Within The Frame. I’d love to get my hands on your new book! Keep up the good work….

  166. David,

    Thanks for sharing your wit, wisdom, and knowledge of the art of photography. Your works have been most inspirational. Have a great time in Iceland!

  167. Just wrapped up the other two books almost simultaneously–how’s that for multi-tasking?–and can’t wait to dive into this new one. Fine work!

  168. David count me in. I also am anxious to read your latest book in the series. Your vision and style of teaching have had a great influence on us all. Thanks for sharing and building a community.

  169. Congratulations on the new book! A signed copy of Vision & Voice would complete the set on my shelf very nicely. Thanks for the awesome books and ebooks!

  170. First two were awesome! Can’t wait to receive my copy from


  171. I can not write a blog post let alone three books! You deserve all the wonderful things that happen on your travels David. Well done sir.

  172. Your ability to accomplish so much in so little time is almost as inspirational as your texts. Cats must be infinitely easier than kids on your ability to get things dong!

    Thanks for everything, but especially a signed copy of your latest.

  173. I have all of your ebooks and a couple of the others….so yes! I’d like to win your book!

  174. Amazing David – I just got back from Chapters at Robson & Granville looking for your book. Can hardly wait until they, then I, get it!

  175. Congratulations on getting the third book done! I have the other 2 books in the trilogy and looking forward to the final chapter of the endeavor.

    A signed copy would be a great way to finish the set 🙂


  176. You are the most important voice in photography today. I love your books. Please take me to Iceland – can schlepp stuff “real good.”


  177. How does that saying go? When the student is ready, the teacher appears? I learn so much from your books, ebooks, and blog. I’m so grateful to have found this community. Thank you, David!

  178. I can’t believe the 3rd book is already here. You…Mr. DuChemin are a writing hoss. Not only do you complete a whole whack of eBooks but also a major publication all while travelling the world. Unreal. You are my hero. (Not trying to brown nose or anything :p). Would LOVE a copy of the book. 🙂

  179. From one David to another, congratulations on getting your ideas into print. I only recently discovered your books and blog, but I look forward to starting on the “trilogy.” Does each book build on the last, or can I start reading with any one of them? But I’ll accept a free copy of the latest regardless!

  180. There aren’t enough vocal photogs out there speaking out on the power of intention… Thank you so much for the wisdom you’ve passed along. I often find that your words reach well beyond photography…

  181. I have not read any of your books yet, but they have been highly recommended. I look forward to your CreativeLIVE class next weekend as it will be the first time I really get to hear your thoughts.

  182. i can’t wait to get my own copy of the newest book…and signed would be incredible! i have loved everything you have put out there so far!

  183. Thanks David! I love your writing style… even if I wasn’t a photographer I would enjoy reading anything you write!

  184. David,
    Thank you for putting your philosophy on photography in words and committing to a demanding schedule of getting three books out in such a short space of time. The first two have been truly eye-opening and mind-expanding for me, and I am sure the third will continue that trend. Congratulations on your own journey!

  185. I would love a copy of the book, looking forward to checking out all the books and seeing more of your work.


  186. Congratulations Mr. duChemin. I am looking forward to 7/23/10 and the start of your 3 day workshop at

  187. Got several of your ebooks, been thinking about investing in the paper ones now. If I win this one, I’ll just start backwards. 🙂

  188. I have the other two signed. I must complete the set! Especially since it will probably be the last paper book I ever buy.


  189. Hi Dave,
    I can’t wait to get my copy of the book.
    I am also waiting to see you at creativelive. I think I’ll be the whole weekend stuck to my computer screen.

  190. Woohoo! I just placed my order. Thanks for taking the time to share with others. I look forward to meeting you in Seattle.

  191. Great news! I’ve enjoyed reading and studying VisionMongers and Within the Frame and am excited to do the same with Vision & Voice. Thanks for the great books!

  192. Hello David,

    I want the book for the dedication alone! Ah, and the rest will be better than those disgusting red dye #2 maraschino cherries on top, that’s for sure!

    Just lent my personal copy of Vision and Voice to an aspiring pro in my photography class. Links and info about your site are on my class site as well. Congrats on this latest book!

    Did you pick up some ancient technique to function
    without sleep in Bhutan? You totally amaze me! Maybe your coffee is stronger than Seattle’s….how could that be?!


  193. I would love to win a copy. I read Within the Frame and loved it! Iceland sounds like a wonderful place-Have fun!

  194. Sure I’d love one! I love Within the Frame!
    Congrats on getting it this far. Must have been like herding cats sometimes!

  195. I have read your first book, borrowed from the local library! What an inspiration! I can’t wait to read Vision Mongers and Vision & Voice – I am number 113 on hold at the library list. I am a huge fan of your work. Keep on going and inspiring others!

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