Final Postcard from New Zealand

In News & Stuff, Travel by David43 Comments

Curio Bay, South Island, New Zealand, 2010

Sitting at the Christchurch airport waiting for an outbound flight to Auckland. From there it’s a straight shot home and I’ve got 3 days to turn it all around and head to Jamaica for the holidays. What a trip this has been. Very relaxing, and a chance to shoot more landscapes and seascapes than I’ve ever done. I’m fascinated by the edges of things, places where land meets sky, sky meets water…and New Zealand has it’s share of dramatic coastlines. So if there’s a theme threading through my postcards it’s a reflection of this 3-week pursuit of the edges of things at the edges of day. Lots of early mornings and shooting late.

Will be nice to be home but home has started feeling less like home than ever as I begin to get things ready for the coming year on the road. I’ll get home, pick Jessie up from the mechanic’s, and have three days to continue the bits and pieces of the prep, as well as clean the gear and charge the batteries. Jamaica is a chance to see my parents for my birthday and Christmas, as well as to spend a week in the water learning about underwater photography and working the bugs out of the wierdness of shooting with a water housing.

I trust you have an amazing holiday. I’ll check in between now and then, but while I have a moment I want to thank you, on behalf of myself and the whole team at Craft & Vision, for your friendship and support this year. May the holidays and the coming year bring you peace, beauty, and time with the ones you love. However you celebrate, I wish you the very best.


  1. Just catching up with my reading after Christmas.

    Super seascape. Any chance you’ll tell us what lens you used and what your settings are?

    Happy New Year from Northern Southern California.

  2. Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas and a great 2011 (including the book, which I am much looking forward to). Glad you are finding the new gear fun and new horizons awaiting.

  3. really stunning david, I love seeing your photography move in a new direction, reminds us all to continue to grow, explore, and experience.

  4. David! I’m from New Zealand and your showing me things about my home country that I’ve never seen before! Wow! You have an eye for adventure and “edges” that I’m simply amazed by!

  5. lovely. i hope you got to see all the places you wanted to. i think you skipped over a few great parts too, but then travel is a bit like that isn’t it? so many places to see, so little time…!

    safe travels, looking forward to reading about more of your adventures

  6. Merry Christmas, dear friend. Enjoy the time that has been afforded to you to travel the world and perfect your craft.

  7. Thanks, David, for all you give each of us. Enjoy a very happy Christmas and a joyful and fruitful New Year.

  8. David, I’ve been enjoying your blog all year, so let me say Thanks!, Happy Birthday, and Happy Holidays in no particular order. Enjoy your foray into underwater photography! If you don’t mind a bit of advice from a hobbyist – work on your buoyancy control and learn to swim like a fish. Otherwise, all you’ll get are, er, tailfin shots! 🙂

    Oh yeah – if you decide you like the u/w stuff, ditch Jamaica and visit Bonaire. And if you ever need a dive buddy, look me up!

  9. great as usual, Happy hoidays to you too and looking forward to continuing to follow your epic journey, come to see us in Maine some time-

  10. Author

    @Fernando – Well, it will now that I’ve looked it up and know what it means! 😉 Geez, not often someone sidelines me with a new word…

    BTW, came home to a stack of mail. 🙂 Email to follow, but thank you ever so much!

  11. This is a great image. I am wondering if this is just a perspective effect or if you had to use Tilt-Shift lens to look down on those weeds and still be able to capture the background coastline. Also, I see you are embracing and enjoying the landscape photography for a change. Those images are stunning.

  12. Beautiful image!

    The mutual desire for you and everyone around!

    Your work and way of life is an inspiration for many of us, be sure!

    Thanks for the wonderful images and narratives that motivate and cheer our hearts and minds!

    God bless you and everyone around you!

    Greetings from Brazil!

  13. Thank you very much for sending us this postcard from New Zealand. It is the place that I hope one day I will visit and now I have a lot more motivation to make this happen.
    Have wonderful holidays and birthday with your family.
    I hove to have an opportunity to meet you (share meals and a roof) next year during you passage in Virginia (I live in the Shenandoah valley near Staunton).

  14. Nice images from NZ David, love to see the types of things your shooting. Have a great holiday, enjoy Jamacia, I’m interested in seeing how the underwater shooting goes.

  15. Amazing image, as always.
    Thank you for your generosity. All the best for 2011. I hope your adventure will bring you pleasant suprises. Happy birthday!

  16. »the edges of land at the edges of day« seems to be one of your favorite themes this year. Think of those in liguria and venice too. I am shure next year you will have a lot of opportunities to proceed this series because half of your route will be along the coastline.

    David, have a good time in Jamaica, enjoy your birthday and christmas! Good luck for the next year, David ontheRoad! ,-) Cheers, Jens

  17. Gorgeous image, David! Funny, I actually considered traveling to Jamaica during the holidays but chickened out, lol. Happy Birthday 🙂

  18. Can’t wait to see you in SF. I’ve been thinking about IWTF a lot lately and what a great trip it was, and, how important the people that I met have come to be to me.

    Safe Travels, see you soon.

  19. David,

    Thank you for the inspiration you’ve provided all of us this year, but I also want to thank you publicly for the support and inspiration you’ve given me personally. It’s been a pretty amazing year and I owe quite a bit of of that to you. Here’s looking forward an even better 2011.

    Happy holidays to you and yours,

  20. Gorgeous image, David! Have a merry Christmas and a happy birthday. All the best for the coming year and the adventures that come with it.

  21. This is what I am wondering (and keep in mind that I am a huge follower of your work and passion)… when you send out postcards and similar work such as this, it is extremely awesome and beautiful and what I wonder is why you don’t include your signature or initials or something saying that it is yours. I understand the point of not wanting to “sell” everything, but still, to have your “mark” on all your amazing work is important. This is just me wondering. You are at the top of my inspiration go-to guys… so just thought I would ask…

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