Postcard from Ushuaia

In Travel by David28 Comments

A short post to say hello. Unbelievable here. After 20 hours in the air I arrived in Ushuaia, Argentina and by 11pm was finishing dinner and the sky was just getting dark. I arrived to gorgeous light and Ushuaia immediately had my heart. This is a really great town. On the edge of the end of the world, there’s a frontier feeling here, but the restaurants and stores are great and the whole amazing place is nestled, like my adopted hometown of Vancouver, between ocean and close-huddled mountains. I slept until 4am when the light woke me.

This morning a small handful of us chartered helicopters and flew to a small glacial lake, and the hiking and exploring I thought I might never do again doesn’t now seem so far off. I walked slowly, and a little awkwardly, but the Black Diamond trekking poles I brought were worth their weight in gold. It’s still a little tough-going and things I once did without thinking are a bit harder, but getting back onto that helicopter an hour later I felt more exhilarated than I have in a while. In part because I’m simply here in this amazing place, and in part because I am finally working again. Andrew Zuckerman, in a presentation for the 99% Conference, put it well when he identified two key ingredients of the creative process as curiosity and rigor. Today was the start of, or the renewal of, a rigor in my work that I’ve not had for 7 months now.

Tomorrow around 4pm we get on the Ocean Nova and head to sea. The weather’s kicked up a little and I’m told anyone with hopes for a calm crossing of the Drake Passage should lower their expectations. Foolishly, I keep thinking, “bring it on.” I have a feeling I’ll regret those prayers, but what doesn’t kill you only gives you something to blog about, right?

This’ll be the last post until my feet hit ground again on or around the 10th of December. Thanks for checking in!



  1. That feeling of making progress, being able to do what you love (albeit a little more slowly, a little morecautiously) is great! You look happy and that’s good to see as well!! The Zuckerman lecture was interesting wasn’t it?

  2. Awesome David! Looking forward to hearing more of this particularly interesting for me adventure. Get some great shots, and tell my Maine Usa neighbor John Paul i said hi.

  3. This is a great place.
    There is a small shop in town that will stamp your passport with a nice ‘End of the World’ stamp. Don’t miss this nice souvenir….

  4. love to see you travelling, working, hiking, and exhilarating in the work again!

  5. Great images as always…enjoy the crossing, when I crossed in 2010 we hit a storm at sea and had force 10 conditions for 2 days…i enjoyed it, but most of the other passengers didn’t hehehhe. You will love it!!

  6. You are so blessed!!! I am very glad you feel that renewal in your work and the ‘bring it on’ craving. Cannot wait to see what you bring to us next.

  7. OMG that is so weird. My nephew and his wife are in Argentina (right now) on vacation from Vancouver and I thought it was a postcard from him. I know that feeling of being exhilarated again and I am happy for you. Safe trip and looking forward to your checking in on 11th!

  8. You look as happy as a pig in poo!! I would be too … look forward to some posts and pics. Safe travels. DG

  9. I called ahead, there are no walls or canals within a 2,000km radius so you’re safe to proceed Visionboy. You better wear floatation armbands just to be safe.

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