Gobi Impressions II

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David15 Comments

Gobi Impressions, Triptych II. Mongolia, 2012.

Yesterday I posted the first of these, all taken with my big-boy camera, the Nikon D3s. These three I shot with my iPhone while driving, using an app called Slow Shutter, which for I think $0.99 has given me more fun and creative pleasure than all my other apps, or expensive dSLR gear put together.


  1. Author

    Siva – First, thank you. For being honest and willing to ask the question. I don’t think impressionist images or abstracts fall into quite the same category as more literal photographs. I created these less to communicate a specific feeling to you, and more to allow myself the chance to express it, and you the chance to interpret and feel whatever you do. I think, ultimately, that all of my photographs could be made anywhere by anyone. But most of all, these are an experiment, a creative device that I enjoy and that there’s a good chance others don’t “get it” is OK by me. That some do is an added bonus. 🙂

  2. David,

    I love your work and the way you teach. You are the first author who cared to explain the need for clarity of thought & feeling before clicking the shutter. Craft & Vision is such a great contribution to novices like me.

    However, I am finding it hard to “see” what you wanted us to “feel” when looking at these shots. When I look at most of your pics I am left marvelling at how the artist and the geek have come together to evoke an emotion. With these, if I didn’t know that it had been you behind the lens I would be saying “so what?”. I couldn’t but wonder whether these blurry landscapes could have been done anywhere by anyone or is there something more that this ignorant novice is completely missing ?

  3. my new favorite iPhone app is 645pro….great fun and let’s me save in TIF format. $2.99. and no affliation on my part with the company.

  4. Despite Justin only recently developing an ‘Art’ bone in his bodye, I’m pretty sure these would look similar even with a tripod in a moving vehicle on a bumpy road!
    While I do like yesterdays, I prefer todays.
    As for apps, I feel the same about Hipstamatic. I shot about 300 hundred shots with it in Iceland, and even put 79 of them in a Blurb book. Love that it’s all about fun and composition, not about technicality.

  5. I agree with Drake, the third frame is beautiful, not that the first two are shabby, just that the third one really draws me in, I feel like I’m on the road, heading into the clouds.

  6. That last frame is gorgeous! Have you ever seen the work of Chris Friel? Different atmosphere but same technique.

    Does the slow shutter app let you vary the exposure time according to your pleasure?

  7. Hi David, was it a slow shutter app or as result of the present empty bottle of wine ????

    Gr stefan

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