Gobi Impressions

In Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David18 Comments

Gobi Impressions, Triptych. Mongolia, 2012.

A triptych made of images shot during my recent time in the Gobi desert. Handheld at low shutter speeds, I moved the camera back and forth to create a series of impressions. My friend Wendy does a lot of work like this and the art she creates continually blows me away and often creates in me an experience far more powerful than any of the more literal photographs I’ve seen or made. Click the image to see it larger.


  1. really fantastic imagery here David~ theres something about an abstract impressionistic photograph that is always a transcendent experience for me- Gorgeous!

  2. Love the bottom one. It looks dreamy and “desert-y” at the same time.

  3. Author

    Steven – As an example, the top image was shot at 1/8 seconds and f/22. ISO 100. Probably had a polarizer on too.

  4. Stunning David, I could look at that firest one all day and it would still make me feel warm inside. I love the hues.

  5. These are really beautiful. Although it is very different from a Rothko painting, that first image resonates with me in a similar way.

  6. David,
    These are beautiful. I sometimes use this technique also.

  7. Very cool… on these three you hardly notice the blur from the camera movement, just looks like a soft focus, but one certainly gets the “feel“ of desert sands.

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