Postcards from Venice

In Postcards From..., Travel by David32 Comments

Venice is, at any time of year, magical. But I’ve never enjoyed it this much, never found so much mood and beauty. The tourists are a little thinner now that it’s cold out, but the light is gorgeous – this morning the sun just let the fog do its thing and didn’t try to get in the way.

We’ve got a beautiful little apartment here, not far from Teatro La Fenice, and in such a walkable city, everything seems close. I’m looking out my window right now, gondolas going by with some regularity. Some of the images in this series are shot a couple feet from the sofa I’m on now. I’m not even going to pretend I’m not deliriously happy about that.

I’ve felt greater creative freedom this time than I ever have in Venice. Perhaps I’ve hit that point where I’m not as worried about coming all this way and not “getting the shot.” Or maybe I’m just having too much fun to worry about the fact that this new work is a bit of a departure from previous images in my Venice series. Despite the Leicas I adore and carry with me, it’s the iPhone with its 18mm Moment lens on, and my Slow Shutter App that allows both longer exposures and multiple exposures, which I’m combining for the images you see here.

In case I miss you in the coming days, thank you for another beautiful year. My very best to you and the ones you love over this beautiful holiday of love and light.


  1. Thanks for sharing your shots from Venice from both of your posts. I love them all for different reasons and illustrating the movement of life and that darkness can have a lot of depth too.

    Venice is somewhere I would love to visit but also am concerned by the amount of people who also want to be there too:)

    Can you share how you found your apartment or a name for it? I love your idea of staying outside the major tourist area.

    Happy New Year to you and hopefully your jet lag will subside soon. Thanks for sharing and stimulating the rest of us.

  2. David,

    I’m possibly planning a trip to Europe for December 2015, perhaps staying tin 3 or 4 different cities for 3 or 4 days each. (we are currently trying to decide between Europe and someplace warm.) I’ve never been to Venice, and want to go, but have heard how crowded it is. Your blog post and photos opens new possibilities for me. My original thoughts for the possible pending trip were to “good Christmas” cites (whatever that means), but now I definitely have to consider adding Venice. Thanks.

    1. We love it here, photographically and otherwise. Yes, some spots can get crowded but less so at this time of year and usually not when the light is best. Bring a willingness to get lost and this place is magic! We hope to be back here for Christmas next year, too, but we’ll see. Happy new year, Joe.

      1. Perhaps I will see you in Venice next year then. And thank you for the new year’s wishes David. May the new year brings you many awesome new adventures. (And perhaps you can write about a few so we, your blog readers, can join in some!)

  3. Pingback: Postcards from Venice – news.iNthacity

  4. I can see the creative freedom you are feeling this trip. There is nothing better than to just let go and make the photos your soul inspires you to make.
    Happy Christmas, and thanks always for your inspiration.

  5. Too much coffee – this style is overdone – passe – dated – not at all artistic in my eyes – nice colors, although a bit dark for me. Fortunately variety is the spice of life, and others may be invigorated by these images.

    1. Author

      I’d be curious to hear what is, in fact, artistic to your eyes, Walt. I appreciate that you feel free with your reaction on this blog, but what does it even mean for something to be overdone? Is black and white overdone? Is it not more a case of expression? The haiku is thousands of years old, is it also overdone? Watercolours? Marble sculpture? Or is it more a case of preference?

  6. Having a hard time over here. When I blur a photo my followers tell me my shot sucks. Here you are a photographic genius and they call it art. I love and admire most of your work but I just don’t see it. Sorry

    1. Author

      I appreciate your honesty, Harry, but I think you might be giving too much value to the opinion of others. There’s no value in consensus when it comes to art. Your followers have little to contribute to whether your work is art or not. Nor, for that matter, do mine. We create as we please. Some of that work will resonate with others, some will not. In my case, it works for me, but is also as much a point on my own journey, not a destination. I post work here to show how I think, feel, and create. Some will like it, some will not, some will learn something, or be inspired. I’m happy that it makes people think and react, so no apology necessary.

      1. Thanks for your reply and advice. I Will keep it in mind while taking my photos. Just enjoy what you are doing

  7. Gorgeous images. Thank you for sharing them. Having never been to Venice, I feel more compelled than ever to visit one day.

    Happy Birthday, and Merry Christmas!

  8. Which app do you use? I’ve tried Slow Shutter Cam, Long Expo and NightCap but couldn’t get any good results with them. There are too many apps called Slow Shutter Something.

  9. If on your way back from Venice you would like to come over Verona, I would be glad to show you around!
    It could become your next favourite town (after Venice, of course)!

  10. The iphone is so useful. I use it all the time to capture those street moments, when I’m too slow to get the big dslr out of the bag…
    Great captures of Venice. Enjoy your stay for Christmas.

  11. Lovely! You’ve captured the ethereal mystery of the place! I’ve made a note to go to Venice in December next year! Have a great Christmas, and all the best for 2015…..looking forward to plenty more interesting images

  12. A great title for these would be “Impressions of Venice.”

    Love the colors and feel the mood, can even taste the whiskey your enjoying on the couch! 😉

    Have a wonderful and playful holiday season…

  13. Hey David,

    Just great images! You are always an inspiration! These images are especially exciting to me as I will be arriving in Venice on Christmas day. The light this time of year is so much more directional, although the days are short, the light is just magical!

    Merry Christmas!


      1. Sounds lik a plan. Staying at the Locanda al Leon… Double cap for me please 🙂

  14. I love how you are capturing Venice!

    The first time I stepped on the island I felt the motion…the sea, the city they are inexplicably interwoven.

    Venice holds within its depths such a dark mystery perhaps they are the same.

    If I can (and you haven’t read it) I HIGHLY recommend reading Watermark by Joseph Brodsky while you are there. There is perhaps no better prose on Venice in the winter.

    1. Author

      Who could travel to Venice without Brodsky, if not in their bag, at least in their heart, right, Brian? Watermark is essential reading 🙂

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