My Remote Camera Set-up

In GEAR by David8 Comments

This is a quick one but I’ve had some questions about the way I photograph bears and rhinos so close without frightening the animals or jeopardizing my own safety, so I’m posting this as a place to direct people interested in this. Please don’t read this as a review or an endorsement, just a guy telling you what’s working for me right now.

I’ve been playing a lot recently with remotely controlled cameras. These aren’t camera traps or trail cams which you set once and which trigger themselves, but rather they are cameras triggered by me from a distance, which is a good idea if you want to photograph a bear with a 16mm lens from a foot or two away.

If you look at the picture above you can see a bear not doing what she was asked to do. You can also see two cameras, one is mine and the other belongs to my friend Jon. The camera sits on a motorized tripod head. On top of the camera itself is a CamRanger2 remote with two little antennae, connected to the camera with USB cords, and to my iPhone or iPad with its own wifi signal. Both the remote-control tripod head and the remote trigger are made and sold by CamRanger here.

Once set up and connected to the iPhone or iPad I can see my composition, change my focus points, camera settings like shutter, aperture, ISO, EV compensation etc. And with the motorized tripod head I can pan and tilt. The only things I really can’t do are level the tripod or zoom the lens (cameras with power zoom would, I assume, allow you to zoom, but don’t quote me on that). Here’s what I can see on my iPhone screen:

The interface of the CamRanger2 software is pretty thorough. I can see my settings, histogram, and battery (for both the camera and the CamRanger transceiver).I can also move the motorized head, change my focus point, and if I’ve got it set up right (I don’t) I can also see what I’ve shot. I’ll tackle that one when I’m feeling brave and have some time to kill.

With this set-up a camera can be placed well ahead of an approaching bear, usually around a corner so our presence doesn’t disturb them, and then we’re back into the boat and back into the middle of the river, about 100 feet or 35 meters away, before the bear approaches (the range of the CamRanger2 is reported as 500ft / 130m).

The CamRanger2 is a bit fussy to get set-up initially, or it was for me, but when I ran into problems the folks who support it were very responsive and got me turned right side up. There are settings within each individual camera that need tweaking and it took me a while to get those set correctly. Overall it’s the best solution I’ve found for remote stuff where I want to see what’s going on through the lens, and want full control. Now that I’ve used it a while it has my confidence.

The tripod I’m using is a Really Right Stuff Versa Ground Pod, and while almost any tripod would work I like this one for the very compact size and it’s still super stable, which is important when you’re trusting a grizzly bear not to knock your camera into the water. So far I’ve had no issues, even though the occasional bear decides to give herself a bit of a scratch on the camera.

Am I worried about losing the gear in the water? Not really. So far I’ve had no incidents. And the rhinos I’ve photographed don’t seem much of a threat. So far nothing has crushed the set up (or even tried) and the fabricated aluminum cage I was using last year (see the picture) just doesn’t seem necessary and is kind of bulky and hard to level, so I replaced it with a tripod this year.

If I were to do it again, I’d probably skip the motorized head. It works well, and from the same app I control the camera with, and it’s not super expensive (USD$250) but it moves quite slowly and for what I’m doing the bear is long gone by the time I’ve realized it’s not going straight to the camera and I want to change the way the camera is facing. And I’ve got to make sure that tripod head is really level or panning just gives me a really wonky horizon. It’s a great head and I’m sure others would find real-world application for it, but I think I might travel without it next time.

One more thing. I’ve been using my CamRanger2 with an iPhone. My friend Jon uses his with an iPad Mini and he gets better range than I do because there’s a bigger antenna in the iPad. It’s also easier to see everything on a larger screen, but it works just fine with the phone.

If this all makes me seem like a smarty pants, it’s because I’ve got friends much more clever than I am and who figure out the technical stuff with greater grace than I can. Jon McCormack gets the credit for the refinements to this set-up.

Hope this helps. Happy to answer questions; if you’ve got them, leave them in comments.

For the Love of the Photograph,


  1. I am game to give this a try when I head to Texas in the Spring. There are some crazy areas of cattle country in the Louisiana Bayou Country where I will be photographing Spring brandings. I am not sure I wouldn’t be cringing at the thought of it getting stepped on or run over by a wild bull headed toward the fire – or the fact the remote connection would be faulty at the exact moment I want to hit the “take the picture now button”!

    Maybe I ought to give this a practice or two in a less trafficked area before diving into the deep end.

    Thanks for your time speaking from experience regarding the “how” and “what works for you”

  2. Wow, I always wondered how is possible to photograph a wild animal from such a close distance with a wide angle lens! Thanks for the information, your work is fantastic.

  3. Oh, David, you had me at “photograph a bear with a 16mm lens from a foot away.” Honestly, that’s the kind of sentence that makes me clutch my camera tighter and reconsider every life choice.

    This whole setup sounds like a tech geek’s dream and a bear’s mild amusement. Remote-controlled cameras? Motorized tripods? Antennas poking out like your camera’s trying to phone home? I’m picturing a bear casually scratching its back on your gear, thinking, “Ah, these humans and their toys.”

    Also, the part where you’re chilling 100 feet away, like some kind of wilderness paparazzo? Genius. If I ever try this (spoiler: I probably won’t), I’ll imagine myself in a cozy boat sipping tea while my camera risks it all for the shot.

    And let’s talk about that CamRanger2. Sounds fancy, but also like the sort of gadget that would have me yelling, “WHY WON’T YOU CONNECT?!” to the Wi-Fi gods. Props to you for sticking it out—and for not needing the fabricated aluminum cage anymore. Though I have to say, the idea of a bear scratching its itch on a Really Right Stuff tripod deserves its own documentary.

    Also, “the rhinos don’t seem much of a threat?” Okay, now you’re just flexing. Meanwhile, I panic when a stray cat eyes my lens cap.

    Anyway, thanks for this entertaining dive into the wild world of remote photography. I’ll stick to weddings for now—less chance of my gear getting scratched, slobbered on, or knocked into a river. But if I ever venture into bear country with a camera, I know who to thank for the courage (and the tripod recommendations).

    Keep doing what you do, you fearless smarty-pants.


    1. Author

      Katya, that might be the best comment I’ve read in years. You’re not wrong about the moments of frustration with connecting the camRanger2, but it’s usually my fault, something I forgot to do. And thank you for the laughter. You made my day. You can comment here anytime you like! Best to you!

  4. Clever and very well thought technique David. Well done to both you and Jon for this. Judging both of your from the photographs you are creating I can only say that what you do seems to be working very very good. I checked also Jon’s site. His photographs are also very beautiful and his articles quite interesting. If you don’t mind I will also visit his site as well every once in a while 🙂

  5. Love the BTS. I’ll look at CamRanger to compare the range. I’ve been using the Canon Connect app that does most of what you are describing over the built in wifi.

    1. Hey Stephen! Good to hear from you. I used the Sony version of the Connect app and didn’t get nearly the kind of range the CamRanger gives me. At a guess I feel like I get 2x the range with CamRanger – I suppose because of the antennae. And the CamRanger is way less buggy. Maybe the Canon app is better than the Sony but I hated using the app. The CamRanger website says CamRanger2 range should be 500ft / 130m (we should make a drinking game: every time I write the word CamRanger someone has to do a shot of vodka.)

  6. Why didn’t I think of that! Remote camara is BRILLIANT! The images you posted gives a completely different and much more intimate view! Love it! The perspective in the images are fantastic. I really get a feel of how close the animals are!

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