Get A Life.

In Books, Influences, News & Stuff, Vision Is Better by David14 Comments

There’s this great story about William Shatner ( aka Capt Kirk aka the guy) at a Star Trek convention. Clearly a bit put off by his fans he yelled at them to “Get a life!” Ok, not much of a story, more like a cautionary tale about biting the hand that feeds you, but I’ve always liked it. And …

Friday Roundup

In Just For Fun, News & Stuff by David18 Comments

I call this one, “She’s a Babe, I’m an Idiot.” So does she. Yesterday my wife and I marked 6 years of marriage and so today we’re off to British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast for 3 days of hanging out sans internet. Can’t wait. So while I’m doing that, here’s some details – a few recaps, a few new items. 1. …

The (Free) Pixelated Image Wallpaper Collection

In Images, Just For Fun, News & Stuff by David44 Comments

Yesterday a lot of people said a lot of very kind things and though I’ve never needed reminding how much I like y’all, well, yesterday just capped it. Your support and encouragement means a lot to me. So I’ve got a little something for you, just to say thank you. I’ve put together 16 of my favourite wallpaper-type images into …

Within The Frame, Within Top Ten.

In Books, Just For Fun, News & Stuff, Within The Frame by David74 Comments

You could have knocked me over with a feather (whatever that means) when my publishing team emailed me yesterday morning to let me know that Within The Frame was chosen by as one of the best books of 2009 in Arts & Photography. It came in 5th, after Joe McNally’s Hotshoe Diaries, Scott Kelby’s Digital Photography Book, Volume 3, …

State Of The Blog Address

In Books, News & Stuff by David59 Comments

On Thursday the 22nd I attended a conference called Creative Mix Vancouver. It was the brainchild of my manager, Corwin Hiebert, and it was incredibly inspiring to me to see a room packed with creatives from an incredible cross-section of disciplines. We had writers and publishers, ad executives and musicians, video-game creators, film-makers, photographers, and a chef. Not to mention …

VisionMongers Going To Press

In Books, News & Stuff, VisionMongers by David16 Comments

My second book, VisionMongers, Making a Life and a Living in Photography, is going to press in a week, earlier than originally planned. Why? Because y’all said you couldn’t wait and I’m not so patient myself. It means that the book will be released on November 16 and anyone who pre-ordered on will get theirs within a week of …

Postcard From Delhi III

In News & Stuff, Travel by David13 Comments

Hello from Delhi. First day of the Lumen Dei Tour and already up to our necks in new experiences and already being prodded further steps down the road of our photographic journeys. Our team is fantastic – wonderful photographers, all of them, and all with a great sense of humour. We spent the morning around Jamma Masjid in Old Delhi, …

Kenya & Bangladesh – World Vision Canada

In Images, News & Stuff, Travel by David25 Comments

In November I was in Kenya for World Vision Canada, in February I was in Bangladesh. Both trips were a visual adventure for me, another challenge to shoot similar subject matter in new ways and to discover new moments. I’ve only now got around to posting something. Part of that is simple deference to the client’s wishes as they complete …

VisionMongers: Making a Life and a Living in Photography

In Books, Freelance and Business, Marketing, Self-Promotion, News & Stuff, VisionMongers by David55 Comments

Last week my new book got rolled out on, which means two things. Thing One: I can now talk about it. Thing Two: I guess I need to start writing this sucker now. Just kidding. Almost done, promise. VisionMongers: Making A Life and a Living in Photography is due out in November/December. Amazon lists it at December 25 just …