Thanks so much for downloading The Composition Checklist.

This short video is a follow-up to that resource, to give you 3 ways to make the most of it, to use it as more than a checklist and to make true, lasting change to your skills as a photographer so ultimately you don't need tools like this.

This video is hosted on my blog, welcome here. Please feel free to dig around, and read the articles.

If you'd like to download this video for offline viewing, you can do that HERE.

Got a question? Feel free to leave it in the comments below!



  1. Really like the list! Been using some of the items on the list in my photography already, but good to see some new compositional considerations and additional validation of what I have been doing.

    Also, this short video was excellent. The second point about using the checklist to examine my own photos in post production has been a regular practice of mine that occurred just sort of naturally. I often finding something really interesting in a photo that I didn’t necessarily see when I first created the image in my camera.

    Great work and very I glad I found your website!

  2. The icons you used in the video suggested, to me at least, that I should just BASH it everytime I look through the viewfinder.
    B – bulb indicating isolate the subject.
    A – see-saw of balance
    S – lightning flash for energy
    H – lines for position in the frame and leading lines

    To my eye these are the letters suggested by your symbols. And maybe the things I sometimes overlook.

  3. It never occurred to me to use the checklist in this way. I’m so glad it occurred to you and you shared the idea. A new way of seeing has opened up. Thank you!

  4. Thanks for this! I went to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit at the Royal BC Museum this weekend… amazing photographs but also, thinking about the checklist while enjoying the exhibit allowed me to enjoy the photos even more as I understood a little more deeply what I was looking at. Highly recommend the exhibit if you’re in Victoria BC.

  5. Thanks David.

    I’ve read some of your hints and tips, downloaded The Composition Checklist and just watched the follow-up video. Clear, concise and well done. I liked it so much, I just bought Photographically Speaking.


  6. Thank you David, a great resource to understand the process but also to check my understanding once the photo is taken.

  7. Thanks for making this available when it is so hard to find time for life. It’s a hit and miss on being able to take advantage of so much your offering. Thx

  8. Dear David, from the other part of our continent (Hamburg, Germany – originally from Greece ) I want to thank you explicitly for your shared creative content. In those dark and rather depressive times, your written and visual messages are really meaningful and refreshing! Thank you!

    In the last 10 or so years, since I bought and read your book “Within the Frame”, I follow your publications, messages, videos, etc. with great enthusiasm. But the most inspiring think about you is your personality and your dedication to keep on this war of art under all circumstances and with all means available! This is for me the most valuable think about your contributions, your pathway as a creative person!

    Thanks a lot and stay healthy,

  9. Thank you for the resources, books and insights into your own photographic journey. I am consistently coming back to your books, videos, blogs and articles for knowledge and inspiration. I so appreciate your balanced approach and encouraging demeanor.

  10. Thanks David! The video truly makes the checklist an eloquent and meaningful exploration to become a more unique and satisfying.photographer.

  11. True beginner here. Thanks for keeping it simple and informative! Looking forward to trying out your tips!

  12. Once again, a clear and helpful resource. Thank you, David. Your ideas help me be a better photographer, and just better as a human on this earth.

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