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You know that place that’s
“just so amazing you can’t take a bad picture”?

Yeah, me neither.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” width=”364″]I’ve created 3 free videos to help take you deeper and make more intentional photographs while you travel – photographs that do more than say “I was here” but express the incredible variety and life we find around the world when we travel it with open eyes.[/text_block]
  • Have Camera, Will Travel. Learn the 3 things that will change the way you approach and photograph a place.
  • More Than Snapshots & Postcards. Learn how to go deeper and make images that are more authentic to you.
  • But What If I Bring The Wrong Gear? Learn to identify and disarm some of the fears that get in the way of seeing, experiencing, and photographing a place.

privacy We value your privacy. Your information will never be shared.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_color=”%23ffffff” width=”800″]My name is David duChemin, I’m a photographer specializing in world and humanitarian photography. I’m also a teacher and deeply passionate about this craft and those who practice it. I’ve photographed – and taught this amazing craft – on all seven continents and I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned with you.

Over the next couple weeks I’m releasing a total of 3 videos and – eventually – a chance to go deeper and really focus on your travel photography with my new course, The Traveling Lens. Trust me with your email and I’ll make sure you know when the next two videos are ready to watch, and I’ll send you The Contact Sheet – my way of staying in touch with photographers who are as passionate about photography as I am, with articles and resources I don’t make available anywhere else. You can unsubscribe any time.

For the Love of the Photograph,
David duChemin