
In Images by David11 Comments


I had the distinct pleasure of spending a couple days with Dave Taggart recently. Dave flew up to spend a couple days with me working on his craft and getting out a few bugs before he joins us on the Kenya tour in January. In the lead up to our time together I spent some time looking at his work and the image above – called Ready To Fly – was one that jumped out at me, and then lodged itself in my brain.

Ready To Fly is a moving example of Cartier-Bresson’s “decisive moment.” It’s also a great example of juxtaposition, and an image that has a deeper theme. It’s got humour, too, but as the romans once said – In Risu Veritas – or, In Laughter Truth – there’s something true being said in this moment. It reminds me of lines from a Bruce Cockburn song;

And as I’m walking this prison-camp world
I long for a glimpse of the new life unfurled,
The chrysalis cracking and moistened wings uncurled
like in the vision John saw.

Isn’t it all what we hope for? That the decline of age is bringing us to the cocoon and not only the grave?

It’s also a great example of pulling any element from the frame that doesn’t add to the image – in this case pulling the vibrant colours to let the gesture and symbol take the stage. Thanks to Dave Taggart for letting me share this image. You can see more of his work HERE.


  1. Pingback: Metamorphosis – David duChemin (pixelatedimage) @ Photo News Today

  2. David…


    …at 67 I am beginning, slightly, to live this

    …how does one gain permission to use that magnificent image?

    …I’m beginning to do some important work on eldering, and it would be so useful

    …even have a dream of you helping me capture pics of elders as this project increases

    …Kenya? …have a friend there you need to meet…and he you…a remarkable soul

  3. A precise moment well captured.
    Awesome photo, one of those you wish were taken be you (well, me) 🙂

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