Friday Roundup

In Just For Fun, News & Stuff by David18 Comments

I call this one, “She’s a Babe, I’m an Idiot.” So does she.

Yesterday my wife and I marked 6 years of marriage and so today we’re off to British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast for 3 days of hanging out sans internet. Can’t wait. So while I’m doing that, here’s some details – a few recaps, a few new items.

1. On Wednesday Scott Kelby’s Guest Blog spot was by Tyler Stableford. Tyler’s post was moving, and worth a read. And refreshingly free of gear talk. More why, less how, and heart to spare. You can find Tyler on Scott’s Blog HERE.

2. Scott Bourne asked me to host the most recent edition of PhotoFocus, so if you’ve got an hour to kill listen to Scott and I yapping, you can click HERE for Episode #20 of Photofocus.

3. I’m excited to tell you that the dates and details for Lumen Dei 2010 are soon-coming. We’ve got the basics nailed down, so put Sept. 12-25, 2010 on the calendar and wait for more details. As always, there will be room for about 8 people, and spots will go fast. Last year we sold out in less than 3 days.Details will be announced here and on Matt Brandon’s blog as soon as they’re available.

4. Jack Hollingsworth has a poll going to see “which published Photography Author would you like to spend intimate, workshop weekend with at the seaside cottage/studio of @photojack” So go put in a vote, even if it’s not for me. I think this kind of thing would be amazing. But don’t let the whole “intimate weekend” thing mislead you. There will be neither candles nor any slipping into something more comfortable. Unless y’all vote for Joe McNally instead, and then all bets are off.

5. At the beginning of the week I announced the BIG FAT BUSINESS CARD GIVEAWAY THING, be sure to enter. I’ll be drawing the winner at the end of the month.

6. Ralph Clevenger’s new book Photographing Nature is now out. The Fed Ex guy came with mine yesterday which really ticked me off because I thought it might be the first copy of VisionMongers and it wasn’t. Neverthless, hardly Ralph’s fault. Like anything put out by Peachpit Press it’s a thing of beatuy and I’m looking forward to tucking into in preparation for my safari workshop in Kenya this January. And it’s the same size as Within The Frame, and VisionMongers, and Chris Orwig’s Visual Poetry, so they’ll all look great on your shelf together. ๐Ÿ™‚

7. This article appeared in the Deseret News (Utah) on October 29th and is worth a read. I want to have all the sympathy in the world for the gal losing her gear, but leaving all your gear in the car is just plain stupid. Not that I haven’t done it (and had it stolen, for that matter) but still… It’s a good reminder to be vigilant and insured and for the love of Alfred Eisenstadt don’t leave ALL your harddrives in the car. Backup your stuff. Do it now. Now back it up again and put one of those backups somewhere safe, and preferably not on your own property.

8. Finally, if you missed it. I’m always grateful for you as a community and I’ve created a collection of wallpapers for the iPhone I’d like you to have. You can find all the details on Wednesday’s post HERE.

Have a great weekend. Go shoot something you love. Unless you’re with someone you love as I will be, then it might just be best to put the camera down for a spell. ๐Ÿ™‚ See you on Monday.


  1. Listened to you on PhotoFocus. As well as all the great chat I now know how to pronounce your name.

    I thought you were very gracious when Mr Bourne started talking about how rarely he shoots because he’s bored with everything and already has all the shots – possible the most depressing thing I’ve ever heard on a podcast. I’m glad you still have your vision to inspire the rest of us.

  2. That is a really wonderful photo – came close to making me laugh outloud – and the comment makes it even better. All of us husbands can relate… I’m afraid. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh, and congratulations.


  3. I thought you said “sans internet”, yet you are posting on Twitter. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. my wife and I celebrated our anniversary yesterday as well. Ours marked 43 years so you have a ways to go …
    Congratulations and many more years of happiness to you both. BTW, I’ve pre-ordered it and I’m looking forward to Visionmongers

  5. She’s a babe and your a genius for marrying a supportive beautiful woman!

    Thanks for the round up.

  6. congratulations to you and your wife. yes, put the camera down and go crazy. as you know, an images is only as great because it has a story to tell. jump to the other side a make your anniversary worth someone else photographing… because it’s a beautiful story.


  7. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Anniversary, David. It’s great that you have someone so cool to share the life-adventure.

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