May 2010 Wallpapers

In Travel, Wallpapers by David20 Comments

May wallpapers are here, in both 2560×1600 and 1280×853, get’em while they’re hot. This is Camogli, a gorgeous and under-touristed town compared to others in this area. Lovely people, great views, awesome food and wine. Click the image above for the smaller wallpaper. Click  HERE for the larger one.

If you missed the action, the latest eBook Vision Is Better, got released this week. Be sure to get the discounts while they apply. Limited time offer!

Next stop, Venice. It’s supposed to rain the whole time I’m there and for some reason I am quite excited about that. Bad weather can be great light. I’ll drop a line when I can, see you then.


  1. Pingback: Camogli at night « Dejar de imaginar

  2. David,

    The shot is awesome. Thank you for sharing with us. If I may ask for you to give us the story behind the shot (setup, exif, use of filters).

    This definitely does wonders for the state of mind through the workday even in gray walled cubicles with endless firedrills 🙂


  3. Really lovely warm image, thanks for this months desktop.

    Pssst, you got yourself a few dirty grubby nasties on your sensor. I’ve been going through a bunch of my own work for final check before submitting to clients, hence my tuned dust spot radar.

  4. i completely agree with Russell Coleman about how inspirational you are David to the photographic community. It is comforting to know we can move forward and pursue our own vision because you have done so. Thanks
    Wanted to also comment on the pic. I too have been rediscovering filters, which I kind of put down 2 or 3 years ago. Singh Ray filters really are essential on many landscape images as you are better able to control the light and contrast. Check out the photographer Darwin Wiggett as he does a great job with using filters

  5. Whilst I commented a few days ago that I didn’t like this image, I do like this rendition. I am assuming this is the same image? The sky and additional emphasis on the water has made the difference for me. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. Author

    @Russell Coleman – Well you just made my day, Russell, thanks for the truly generous words. It’s really my pleasure to be doing what i do, and the fact that others get something out of it is even better. I’ll stick around if you do. 🙂

  7. Author

    @Valeria – It’s HDR in the sense that the graduated ND filter I used allowed me to capture a broader range of light than the sensor could deal with on its own but it’s one image with very little done to it in Lightroom. One ND Grad filter, one Singh Ray Gold-N-Blue Polarizer (what Jeffrey refers to as the Cub Scout filter) and a 30 second exposure in the right place at the right time. Thanks for the kind words.

  8. @Valeria, I’m pretty sure that’s the much-coveted “Cub Scout” filter and not HDR. (And for those wondering, that beam of light is real.)

  9. David,
    Gorgeous image! HDR, right? I am just starting to experiment with HDR and I love it!
    MN, USA

  10. Wow! Great picture! Their tourist agency should get a hold of you before you leave!

  11. David,

    I purchased Vision Is Better on 29th April as it was released and I have read half of it already.
    WOW!!! I have been blown away by your thoughts and comments throughout the book so far. Do you really believe and feel these things or have you taken some sort of training to be able to see peoples feelings, their insecurities and belief that they aren’t able to achieve what ‘real’ photographers can achieve, and then write stuff to string them along and give them false hope?
    You don’t know how much I have been encouraged, enlightened and inspired to press on, to focus on MY photography, to seek out MY vision and to develop MY craft.
    Mate, you are making such an awesome difference in the life of photographer who struggle with these issues (and that means most of us, apparently!).
    Keep it up, the real photography world needs you, it IS your calling.

    Russell Coleman
    Qld. Australia

  12. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Gotta say… I look forward to the start of each month to see what you’re gonna give us next. Thanks so much.

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