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In Photographically Speaking, The Compelling Frame, The Craft, Thoughts & Theory, Wallpapers by David7 Comments

As a photographer who learned his craft before autofocus became a truly reliable technology, my earliest challenge was focusing the lens. Those who picked up photography after the cameras could focus faster than we would ever be able to do ourselves won’t know the frustration of that particular learning curve. But focusing the lens was never so hard as learning …

Towards Mastery. Again.

In Postcards From..., Rants and Sermons, Travel, Wallpapers by David52 Comments

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a desktop wallpaper, I’m hoping this makes up for the absence. Enjoy! Photographed this morning on the Maasai Mara, Kenya. In a few days, or so, I’ll publish some thoughts about my mirror-less experiment in Africa. This is the preamble: none of it will make you a better photographer. Collect all the gear …

November Desktop Wallpaper

In Craft & Vision, Hokkaido, News & Stuff, Wallpapers by David9 Comments

Desktop Wallpaper from Hokkaido, Japan, last winter. Enjoy! I’ve just got back from a nice road trip – one that took me for the first time in almost two years over the US border. Let’s just say I’ve had some unnecessary issues stemming from a decision to live nomadically with no fixed address a couple years ago. Anyways, there’s some …

September Desktop Wallpaper

In Travel, Wallpapers by David12 Comments

Fresh off the Dempster Highway, in Canada’s Yukon, a couple days ago, Tombstone park ablaze with colour, here’s something for everyone in the northern hemisphere about to enjoy autumn, and for those in the south for whom it’s a ways away. The image above will take you to a full-sized desktop wallpaper – enjoy!  

August Desktop Wallpaper

In Postcards From..., Travel, Wallpapers, Wilderness by David11 Comments

One of the most magical forests I’ve ever been too, this forest glade on Ramsay Island in Gwaii Haanas was straight out of a story book. I spent a too-short, but very happy, hour here climbing over moss-covered logs and dodging bear scat, half-expecting to hear the trees speak to me. A slow shutter speed and some intentional camera movement …

The Khutz Trip

In Travel, Wallpapers, Wilderness by David21 Comments

Grizzlies of the Khutzeymateen, 2013. This is a large desktop wallpaper, feel free to click it, make it larger, download it and enjoy it on your desktop. This is my favourite image of the trip and sums up my time with these beautiful bears. I’ve been planning this trip to the Khutzeymateen for a while now, not because I’ve got …

May Desktop Wallpaper

In Travel, Wallpapers by David16 Comments

One evening in Camogli, Italy. Just my Fuji XE-1, a Lee Big Stopper and 3-Stop Grad on a tripod pointing at the horizon.  14mm @ f/11. 210 seconds. ISO 250. No significant adjustments in the digital darkroom. Just amazing light on amazing water. This is a downloadable desktop wallpaper and should look great on anything up to 30 inches. Enjoy. …

April Desktop Wallpaper

In News & Stuff, SEVEN, Wallpapers, Within The Frame Adventures by David4 Comments

From Northern Kenya this January, a herder brings his flocks home under the setting sun to celebrate Almatho. I didn’t anticipate this one. We’d been out the night before making portraits and I’d seen similar scenes. I thought the herds were home now. But the next night they kept rolling in, and the celebrations began. I spent a couple hours …

Hokkaido Re-Cap

In Hokkaido, Images, Travel, Wallpapers, Workshops and Events by David21 Comments

I’m not one to pigeon-hole, but all the same, I’m no wildlife photographer. Of course I said that about landscapes three years ago as well, so what do I know? I’ve spent almost 2 weeks in Japan, mostly in Hokkaido, with birds and monkeys, often flopping around gracelessly and hip deep in snow, and almost always freezing my arse off. …