October wallpapers are here, in both 2560×1600 and 1280×853. This one’s a little experimental, lacks the monthly calendar (I’m in a hotel in Bangkok heading to Kathmandu tomorrow), and has an experimental logo as well. Figured if people are going to hate it, they might as well hate it for multiple reasons. If you don’t like it don’t freak out; for one, I’m not likely to see the comments for a while and by then it’ll be too late, and for another, it’s just a wallpaper and it’ll get changed in less than a month. Unless I forget November’s and then you’re stuck with it for TWO whole months and, frankly, I’d moan about that too. 🙂 Anyways, shot this heading up to Khardung Lah, the highest motorable road in the world at almost 19,000 feet in Ladakh. Last year we rode Royal Enfield’s over it, this year we took SUVs and almost didn’t make it.
I’m auto-posting this for Monday, October 04, by which time I’ll be with the Kathmandu Within The Frame team. It’s still going to be quiet around here for a while but I’ll try to chime in with a postcard if I can. Kathmandu has a tough time with consistent electricity, let alone internet. But if I can get a postcard to you while sipping a chai on a break with the team, I’ll do so. Promise.
The smaller wallpaper is all yours by clicking the image above, the larger one can be had by clicking HERE.
The pic is great as ever, of course. Most of your monthly backgrounds have had the calendar and now the logo in an unfortunate position for use on an iMac 16:9 screen. Right now, only the top half of “Photographer&VisionMonger” can be seen. Just so you know.
This image when look in some direction it look like ultrasound baby scan on my laptop screen. Have you made this on this purpose…:-)
I actually really like this image as wallpaper – I suppose I don’t have the issue with icons because most of my icons I use mainly are on my dock – but I like the contrast of the photo…it has some nice depth and texture!
Awesome picture! The Mountains (and valley in particular) really speak to me right now…
also that experimental logo is pretty awesome too. 2 out of 2 for me.
I really appreciate the fact that you post photgraphs for wallpaper images we can use, so take the remaining comment with grain of salt.
This image is great, but not a great wall paper. I find it a little too busy and sometimes have to hunt a bit for icons on my desktop against the highly detailed and varied dark/light scheme. In the past, your wallpapers have had some good ‘negative’ space or larger areas of single color that didn’t distract me from the task at hand (finding a file or application on my desktop). This one is taking a bit longer for me to get used to.
I’m sure in November, when a new one is released, I’ll be longing for this one… 🙂
Thanks for another great wallpaper; like the logo, love the image. It looks cold, …hope you have a new pair of boots.
For me the calendar is useless or even annoying, because my week starts on Monday. So much better without it! 🙂
Yes,looks a lot colder than last year. Logo looks good. Enjoy Kathmandu
Hey all – thanks for the comments. I love the dialogue and you’re all right in some fashion. The logo on the wallpaper is something I’m playing with because right now I have no personal brand. When I first started this journey I branded the company, and that really became the blog. Then the eBooks came along and that brand is bigger than me. So I’m creating a brand for my work itself.
In short, I will have three related brands – David duChemin will be my personal brand, Pixelated Image will be the blog, and Craft & Vision will be the eBooks. So I’m playing with logos and the best way for me is to put it on a wallpaper so I can look at the darn thing and see if it has staying power.
Appreciate your feedback too, thank you.
I absolutely Love your pictures…and so grateful that you share them as wallpapers for all of us David duChemin junkies! 🙂
Have safe and productive, but most of all, fun travels!
Hope you enjoy nepal! Thanks for this great wallpaper, feel like home…
True, Ron, true. Also in line with David’s writings is that rules are meant to be broken. 😉
Having finally viewed the image on my iMac and seeing the logo bigger (my phone is rather tiny after all), I think it’s a great one and is totally appropriate for David’s personal work.
Hi Steven, regarding the logo, it’s just that David’s writings would steer a person away from making these sort of changes unless absolutely necessary. Even though not expressed earlier, this was the premise of the comment.
Another strong thread in David’s writings is that he does what he wants and has found success at that. With that, I agree, it’s his business…
I would agree that the calenders are not really necessary.
I would also agree that your photograph is stunning.
As for the logo, that’s your business. 🙂
Love the image.
I kinda agree with those who feel the old logo is a little less commercial, but in the end, you’re the “decider.”
Love the image, the tone and especially the roads. Though–I wish the peaks had more definition.
Also, I have a 27″ iMac and I have to ‘stretch’ the image to make it fit my monitor, so I feel a little dirty. How about a 16×9 version for Nov?
The scene is great without the calendar. Honestly, I think the calendars get in the way of the image…leave them off.
Regarding the logo, why change? You’ve branded yourself well under PixelatedImage. Is there a stronger change in direction happening? Less of the NGO work more of the Craft&Vision focus? Maybe consider using C&V as the moniker if that’s the case???
I like it…have a safe trip!
Honestly, my first impression of the logo was Nat Geo. I am guessing you were going more for the Within The Frame motif though.
It’s outside of the “box.” As in “outside the box thinking.”
I should get a prize for figuring that out. 🙂
Logo’s kinda National Geographic-ish (Cezar said it first)… so don’t get sued!
Are you insinuating that you’re a “square?” You seem pretty cool to me.
Oh my goodness… the snow. Completely different landscape than the one I saw. And they hadn’t closed the road. Lucky 🙂
And I love the image. Well, when I can fight off the envy long enough 😉
Hey David,
Enjoy your time at Katmandu Within the Frame. Lots can be learned from other photographers especially when you plop them down in strange surroundings.
As far as the wall paper image goes I like it but I think the vignetting in the upper corners is a bit heavy handed. Personally I like the amount you added in the lower right hand corner. For what it’s worth.
I actually like the logo :p
One thing though, doesn’t it look kinda NationalGeographic-ish ? Or it’s that just me ?:p
Have a great trip 🙂
Great colours in this David. Enjoy Kathmandu 🙂