March Desktop Wallpapers

In Jessie and I, Travel, Wallpapers by David35 Comments

March is coming and with it some big changes. And a new wallpaper. Click the image above or HERE to get the small one, and HERE to get the big one.

I made this photograph on the Masai Mara in late January, part of a one-month sojourn in Africa and time among nomadic tribes in the north before flying home to pack my life into boxes and prepare to begin a nomadic journey myself. It’s now the end of February as I write this. Every stick of furniture has been sold, conveniently, to the woman moving into my old condo. My remaining possessions have been boxed and stored, and my cameras and laptops and other essentials have been put into Pelican cases and packed in the truck. The truck, Jessie (read more about Jessie and our travel plans HERE), has had some issues and it’s been an adventure just getting her ready for this journey. Some of the pieces got done very last minute, some will just have to wait.

Tomorrow morning my buddy Al Smith and I will jump into the Land Rover and head to Tofino for a few days on the far west side of Vancouver Island to get the bugs out of the truck. Then I’ll come back to Vancouver, pick up Dave Delnea and head south towards Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, down the Oregon coast and eventually to San Francisco. At San Francisco Dave will fly home and I’ll just keep going.

Keep an eye on the blog, and on Twitter – that’s where you’ll find me, and when I pull into a town with time to spare I’ll let you know where you can find us and share a coffee or a meal.

Ok, big deep breath. Here we go.


  1. David, I thoroughly enjoy the changing wallpapers each month and the opportunity to enjoy your beautiful work. I must admit however that I am most drawn to the works of the sea or ocean, anything water related and though it’s asking much, a water based photo option would be a beautiful start to my day. thank you for sharing

  2. If you happen to come through the Champaign/Urbana IL area, on I-74, i’d enjoy hosting you for a night or two, and am willing to treat for some great barbeque and craft brews!

  3. Hi David, I love the wallpaper. As always, you work is a great inspiration for me.

    I was recently taking photos for a sponsorship-run school in Tanzania (with a safari thrown in there as well). I think I missed you at Nairobi Airport (if you flew from there) by a day or two.

    (Any tips on cleaning your camera gear after a trip like that?)

  4. Hi from Singapore,
    Have a safe trip. I’m excited about your trip too and can’t wait to read your blog update.
    I just got a gift from my husband, it’s your book “within the frame, the journey of photographic vision”, great book, very inspiring. Thanks!

  5. Sounds like you are about to embark on a grand adventure, the likes of which most of us would not be able to undertake due to work/family commitments, etc. Glad we can follow along via the internet. Have fun, stay safe, and enjoy the ride (or should I say drive) of a lifetime! 🙂

  6. Good luck & enjoy the trip David & if you should ever find yourself venturing near the wild wilderness of Manchester, there’ll always be a welcome at the safe-house here

  7. Very envious of your trip – looking forward to reading the blogs though.

    And I just got back from a few days in Iceland. Wow. Wow wow wow.

  8. Godspeed on your latest adventure! I am sure it will result in some magnificent publications. Your e-Books are great and the one entitled “Drawing the Eye” with the concept of Visual Mass is probably the most significant lesson I have come across in learning about the art of photography.

  9. Reading your updates about Jesse and the imminent adventure always make me admire the mindset that allows one to just “go for it.” I think travel is like mountain climbing, if a person has to ask “why” then they wouldn’t understand the answer.

    Will be travelling vicariously as you cross the country. Best of luck.

  10. Well, duChemin (as in champagne), we missed you in Blaine this time. Looking forward to making it happen one day. The coffee offer doesn’t have an expiry date.

  11. Pingback: Break Desktop | KALEIDOSCOPE COLLECTIBLES

  12. Would love to connect some time on your escape! Our paths haven’t crossed for 15 years…that is way too long my friend. Still have fond memories of our slogging through puddles in our mtn bikes…you’ve now been to my other home in NZ and I hope my Kiwi mates treated you well. God’s blessing on your journey – closer to the light!

  13. Author

    Thanks, folks. I am SO excited about this. I’m sleeping on the couch at a friend’s studio tonight, then tomorrow I hit the road, but the kind offers of hospitality are so encouraging. Very grateful. And when I hit the big cities I will do what I can to have a meet-up. 🙂

  14. Godspeed on your journey. Please keep us posted as to where you are. When you come to New York there will be a room waiting for you in my home!!!

  15. Good luck – sending good vibes your way! What an amazing adventure this will be for you – time for reflection and a very introspective period! (I’m jealous!) Can’t wait to follow your journey through your blog and on Twitter…I’m sure you’ll come through this period stronger and wiser! 🙂

  16. Good luck on your adventure. I’ll keep my eyes on your blog for adventure visions. This year I’m in UK, but next year if you have visit Asia again, please consider the north east part of Thailand. There are a lot of children and ordinary culture, which start to lost to the global money-driven culture.

  17. wish you were making it all the way down to So Cal, guess will just have to meet up some day in my magic place. Have a wonder journey, I am along for the ride, looking forward to your post.

  18. Godspeed in every sense of the word, David. Hope your travels do indeed bring you close to Atlanta; it would be a privilege to meet you, if even for a few, though over a cup of java would be even better. Cheers.

  19. Congratulations on being on the brink of starting your journey. It will be amazing I’m sure. I wish I stilled lived in CA to be able to share a coffee or some other more spirited drink.
    Best of luck and hopefully Jessie behaves herself the entire time. Happy travels.

  20. Safe trip and adventure David. Just make sure you come back to Vancouver because I have always been proud to say you are from my hometown! Besides you owe me a coffee – remember I saw you in Yaletown last summer. My fault as I didn’t get in touch.

  21. Good luck on your journey. I’ll keep my eyes peeled to see if you pass through the Atlanta area.

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