May 2011 Desktop Wallpaper

In Wallpapers by David129 Comments

San Francisco, February 2011. This is a 1920×1200 wallpaper. Just didn’t have the attention span, with these pain meds, to do a couple different sizes. So this’ll do for 17″MacBook Pro and anything smaller.

Ok, folks, the Desktop Wallpaper is up for the month. You didn’t think I’d let a dozen broken bones stop me from doing this, did you? 🙂 (For those to whom that is confusing, read the previous post, And Then I Fell.)

I’m still at The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus. Hoping today is surgery day. After that I could be here for 6 weeks then another 2 months of off-my-feet rehab while my pelvis heals. Other than that, no updates. Doctors are talking about an in-bed recovery of 3 months. I promise to be a good patient, to listen to them, follow their orders, and prove them wrong. 🙂

I know I’ve said it, but I’ll say it again and again over the coming months: thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. This community is one of the rare online communities that is not beset with trolls and haters and people for whom life is so long they have time to argue about cameras. It’s full of incredibly kind, compassionate people and I like to think you’re all rubbing off on me. I’m a better person for this community. For all the hundreds and hundreds of emails and shout-outs and kind words – thank you. If I could heal by virtue of good vibes and the quality and quantity of friends, I’d be on my feet already. To every single one of you, including sponsors and my publishers, family, friends, and most astonishingly: people I’ve never met, that have asked to help, offered company, or sent tokens of support: I am grateful beyond words.


  1. Hmmmmmmm, that does sound like you are healing, keep up the positive spirit and planning for the future. It will be here sooner than it may seem at the moment.

  2. Thanks again to all of you for the encouragement and kind words. Recovery is slow but I’m happy and getting some neglected desk work done, spending time with family, and busy making plans for 2012.

  3. I have never met you, but I I know your voice and its welcoming to know that I will hear that voice again on a podcast or some such. Your work and philosophy on life and photography are inspiring. Heal you body, believe in your inner strength and praise the almighty for life. Get well ,hope you have a speedy recovery

  4. David,
    My thoughts are with you as well as prayers for successful surgery and quick recovery. I have so enjoyed your writing. Also, I can see myself leaning just a little further to get the perfect angle….I’m off today on another overseas adventure, and I promise you, I will be more careful. I also bought travel insurance after reading about your medivac. God bless, and heal quickly.
    Brad-Parker, CO

  5. Sorry to hear of your tumble mate …. but really glad to hear you’re in good spirits and receiving the care you need.

    Bet you 20 bucks, you’ll be climbing walls before the end of the summer!

    rest up – and get well soon 🙂

  6. David, I hope the surgery went well. Your blog is so inspiring to me and obviously to so many others. Be patient and do what the doctors say.

    Praying for your full recovery.

  7. David, heal quickly! I can tell that your bodytook a bruising, but that your spirit is as strong as ever. You have been in my prayers ever since I heard about your fall.

  8. David, I visit regularly and just read about your fall… wanted to take a moment to tell you you’re an inspiration for me as a photographer and a as a man — that apollonian ideal of improving one’s craft while being a Good Citizen. You’ll be on your feet before you know it!

  9. Hi David,
    I just read your short message on Twitter, and (as a doctor) I have an idea about what you are going through these days. I guess your priorities have profoundly changed for the moment… I hope and wish you that things will turn better for you the next days.
    By the way: Your message that we all should have the heart to live our dreams now and not in an unknown future could not be pointed out more intense…

  10. So glad to see you are on the road to recovery and have a positive outlook on the future. Looking forward to more posts as you recover. Best wishes and get well soon!

  11. Hi David, was shocked to hear of your accident, wishing you a speedy recovery, best wishes and love to you and your family.

    Tristan and Amelia, London

    ps your blog and writings are such an inspiration 🙂

  12. I am so terribly heartbroken to hear your news, but I know you will have a full recovery!

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery,

  13. David,

    I was so sad to hear of your accident. I am SO glad you are okay and wish you well on your road to a speedy recovery!!

  14. This “journey” is a little different to the one you’ve planned… I guess and hope that surgery is done now (?) and that everything went well… 3 months in bed might now become the biggest challenge you have ever gone through, and the only thing you can do is to take it day by day… Hope you can make it- with the help of your family, your friends, the hospital-staff and maybe with a little help of all the good wishes and blessings your fans (me included) are sending to you!

  15. David: alas, I have just recently become a groupie of yours — started with the book, then the podcast, and just over the last month have caught the blog — in time to get the vibe of your life changes and big journeys. I know this wasn’t in The Plan — but you seem at just this precise moment in your life to be in the best possible shape to roll with this detour off the plan. Keep writing and by all means heal up, since i have every intent of meeting you in person and taking a class with you.


  16. David – I’m a fan of your work and regularly visit your site for inspiration. I was very surprised to read that you’re at the Civic Hospital – I live two blocks from there! Let me know if there’s anything I can do – I’d love to help out if I can.

    Hope the surgery went well and that you recover quickly.

  17. David, wishing you continued speedy and complete healing. It’s still hard to think about the fall you took and so thankful the injuries weren’t more serious than they are, which is bad enough. Hope today’s surgery was successful and free of complications.

    Just curious about Jessie? Is she home, too, or is she stranded someplace? The least of your worries, I’m sure.

  18. Here’s to hoping and praying you prove them wrong BIG TIME! :c) All the best to you! My prayers are still with you!

  19. man, what an impressive accident..
    late in the game, I know, but best wishes and a speedy recovery to you

  20. Sad to learn about your accident, I wish you a full and quick recovery.
    I first read about you a year ago in a French photography magazine that published a small review of “Within the Frame”. It had a different feel to most photography books. I found it truly inspiring and deeply enjoyed the journey. I then got addicted and became a regular follower.
    Thank you so much for sharing your vision and for all the e-books helping us to becoming better photographers.
    Kind regards from Belgium,

  21. David,

    It’s simple really. I don’t consider being on this earth for any other reason than to share what I’ve been given, my God-given gifts, with those around me and the world. It’s open season on grace, and wonderfully, you’re included. I’d say that’s worth a fall every now and again. Hang in there!

  22. So happy to hear you are in good spirits. I wish you a full and rapid recovery.

    Keep your chin up and get well soon so you can go out there and capture more fabulous images!

  23. Adding the wallpaper to my desk for a daily reminder to send healing wishes your way. Take care of yourself, listen to your doctors, and no matter what, do not anger your physical therapist! (They don’t call PT “pain and torture” for nothing.) 🙂

  24. David,
    Wish you a speedy recovery.
    You are in our prayers.

    Best wishes,

  25. David, I have been following you for a while now and I must say that you are a true inspiration to me.

    I wish you a speedy recovery and I am certain that you will be out there shooting again in no time.

    Best wishes from Slovenia,


  26. I hope you get well sooner than they say and get on the road again. The best of luck with all the surgery.

    Greetings from far away…from Romania 🙂

  27. You are an extraordinary man, David.
    Perhaps you will find a way for your injuries
    to propel you to ever deeper levels of spiritual photography – your work does that for many.
    Best wishes.

  28. Hi David,
    Two fellow classmates of the Picture Series at Big Picture Classes are big fans of your photography and wrote on the message board that you have a new book coming out this summer. Got the address of your blog and just went there for a visit. Awful to read about your accident. I know photography is so addictive that you lose sight on your surroundings. Hope you have a full recovery, take your time, besides the physical healing things like this needs thinking and mental healing too. (I have only just ‘met’ you, but I immediately liked you after reading your words about the community you are part of).

    Big hug.

  29. Hi David,
    i will not wish you a speedy recovery, but instead a full one 8hopefully that does not take too long) but more important than speed is completeness…..
    Having spent a month in a wheelchair myself, i know that 3 will be hard, but it is worth it if you want to fully recover, i would not recommend shortcuts…
    Unfortunately, when i was in a similar situation, the doctors told me that alcohol was bad for bone mending….
    send us your room number and i will send good cheese instead of a single malt!!!!

  30. What an incredible journey your life is. I really admire the way that you are able to ride the storms that life presents you with. Inspirational.

    With all best wishes for recovery

  31. I’ve been following your trek David with great interest. I saw you a long time ago in Temple Texas and have been following you for quite awhile. Since I know you believe, trust in God and let him do the healing! Wishing you the best from Texas!

  32. Best wishes again… Take care of your self and don”t give the nurses to hard of a time. Soon enough you will be back on your feet and shooting like never before.

    Best wishes from all of us at KAH Photography

  33. Like many of your other admirers, my best wishes for a successful operation and a speedy recovery. I know the problems of an injured back as I too live with the constant pain of a non-operative bursitis of the Ischial bursa. Makes it hard to walk and carry camera gear so I sold off my dSLR and have switched to m43 gear.

  34. Praying speedy recovery for a stubborn, but obedient patient…Perhaps this time will give you insight to photography on a micro-scale; how does one create beauty from the clinical?

  35. You are amazing! Under the influence of pain meds, likely tied up to monitors (and awaiting surgery), you provide not only a desktop image but words of encouragement, wisdom and challenge. Thank you!

    I wish you a very speedy recovery.

  36. Hi, David:
    I’m so sorry to hear about your accident, my prayers go out to you for a speedy recovery. Here is a passage from Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    Godspeed, Kyle

  37. David –
    Glad to see that you are in good spirits and glad to see that you have the desire to keep up with your blog – I know that it can be hard to keep a good attitude when facing a long medical rehab. Keep your spirits up, listen to the Docs (I am married into a family of various Drs. and don’t get a chance to mis-behave when I have been in recovery!). Try to enjoy your down time, use this opportunity to learn or do something that you would never other wise have the chance to do!

    Best thoughts and hope for a speedy recovery – still looking forward to having you bring Jessie through Vermont someday.

  38. Wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery, David. Your words have touched us all through your postings – so it’s nice to be able to give you a little boost with ours.

  39. Don’t doubt you’ll prove the doctors wrong and then some… praying your surgery goes smoothly without complication David. We’re all cheering for you.

  40. Best of luck with your surgery, David. I do hope you will prove your doctors wrong and make a complete recovery!!!

  41. David, I know your spirit will get you through this rough patch. Yu will be back creating your vision very soon on your own terms. Keep the faith. Gary Halby

  42. David, I’ll just add to all the previous well wishers’ with my own VERY BEST wishes for a speedy recovery. Break the speed records for your recovery, yes, but with care and thought and the support of all your friends you’ve met and haven’t met (yet) from all over the world!

  43. You are in my prayers David.
    The Lord won’t let you rest for longer than necessary
    I’m sure you will be on your feet again soon.

  44. Very good vibes and best wishes for every single moment of this new journey. We are all there with you.

  45. Hello Dave,

    I just bought the chinese version of your wonderful book on taking photos and using Iightroom. Then, I stopped by your blog only to find that you have been hospitalized due to an accident. Wish you speedy and healthy recovery. God bless!

    From Hong Kong

  46. Kia kaha David.
    Since you have recently visited New Zealand I thought you might like a little something in Maori. It means to “be strong” or “forever strong”. Be strong in spirit and listen to the lessons of this journey and you will recover with more strength (both mentally and spiritually) than you ever had.
    You are an inspiration.
    Kia kaha.

  47. I am sure you’ll prove them wrong :-).
    Have a speedy and ful recovery!

  48. David, I know that although you are laid up for a long time, you will still find a way to make your mark on this planet of ours! I was recently on a trip and thought how lucky we are now to live in a time where we can see the world from above….of all the humans that have ever lived we are the small small percent who have ever seen it this way. Your work and words inspire me stop and “see” whats right here, it’s a beautiful place….I hope while your are stopped by your fall that you can find something that you might not have seen otherwise….wishing you a speedy recovery from Nelson BC!

  49. Pingback: Today’s Shared Links for May 1, 2011 – Chuqui 3.0

  50. Get well, not soon, but properly. Set small goals, not big ones. Make fun of the medical staff.

    Not being mobile for 3 months should test your creative juices.

    Best wishes


  51. “This community is one of the rare online communities…It’s full of incredibly kind, compassionate people…I’m a better person for this community.” -that’s what community is for. Praying for you through all of this David.

  52. I’ pray for u David
    Get well soon.. 🙂
    greeting from Indonesia

  53. God Speed with your recovery David! I have been a follower of yours for awhile now and have turned my students on to your blog. Do what the docs tell you and keep the faith! You will be out shooting awesome photos again in no time. You are an inspiration to us all!

  54. A couple of years ago I was hit by a car while riding my bicycle. Broken pelvis, ribs, shoulder resulted. You can recover and do better than before. Proof? Yesterday I rode my bike 50 miles in heavy headwinds (that makes it hard) and felt great. Keep working, and keep smiling!

  55. Good luck with the “down” time, seems things are good considering the circumstances. We hope for your speedy recovery and a GOOD recovery. ps. does this mean we have to wait longer for your book now? 🙂

  56. Get well soon! You still need to write us your 4th, 5th, 16th and 89th book before you can really rest. 🙂

  57. You were my favorite speaker at the Maui Photo Festival, very inspiring, and I’ve been lurking about in your blogs ever since. Glad to hear you are getting patched up after the tumble. Nobody can say photography is for wimps, you’ve got battle scars to prove it! Enjoy proving those doctors wrong and get well soon!

  58. David,

    The love, kindness, support and encouragement coming from this community speaks volumes to the amazing person you are. You continue to inspire despite your circumstances.

    The inspiration, generosity, education and encouragement I alone have received from you before and during the trip to Kenya – literally changed my life. I am a better person and photographer for it.

    I have no doubt that you will beat all the odds and come out fully recovered. AND I am looking forward to seeing how you will turn your current situation into something new an d inspiring that we will all learn from. Sending lots of healing vibes your way my friend.

    If there’s anything you need that I can send to the hospital – (like a care package that has a bottle of single malt scotch in it 😉 – lemme know – consider it done.

    Big hug to you, Ellie

  59. Dear David
    Healing takes time. Pushing too hard could be counterproductive. Patience my friend – it will all come together. Wishing you the best.

  60. Hello David:

    People like you have the rare ability to raise themselves from adversity like an eagle in the blue sky. Hope you have a speedy recovery, and back to the field.

    God Bless,

    Omar from Panama in Central America

  61. David, although I don’t know you personally, you are like a friend to me, so if during your recovery you need some distraction, the trip from Monteal to Ottawa is not very long. Just ask! Plus there are beautiful tulips to photograph these days in Ottawa… Wishing you the best recovery possible.

  62. all the best to you, David 🙂 Hope you will recover earlier than the doctors say, i am sure about it – simply because you have power of spirit, so… you are not an average patient at all 😛 I know people like you recover quicker, that’s obvious / and maybe a little bit astonishing for the doctors/ Hold on 🙂

  63. I think I’ve found the silver lining in all this. In less than three months there will be some awesome eBooks, blog posts, and more as David has seemingly infinite time to think. We may even see some portraits of nurses and doctors! 🙂

  64. As a doctor (but photographer at heart); nothing makes us happier than when folks heal faster than we think or expect they will. Give ’em hell! Thanks for your inspirational words, wishing you a speedy recovery!

  65. David. No reason for the quantity of well wishing to diminish the quality of blessings and healing heading your way. Your attitude and outlook will carry you over the dips in the road.
    Thought kindly of you as I passed by that ‘pie’ place in Utah a few weeks ago on one of those once in a lifetime trips to photograph in Zion and Bryce. Be well.

  66. And I thought I’d be wallpaper-less this month! I don’t think there’s anything that can stop you, not even this accident.

    All the best wishes for the surgery and a speedy recovery from Montreal.

  67. I have no doubt you will prove the doctors wrong, after all, you are “the Conquistador” .
    I’m sure all the good vibe and prayers from friends and strangers does something – not sure what- but it does…

  68. There is no doubt in my mind you will recover and prove to those doctors anything is possible if the WILL is there. I know firsthand after a biking accident where I’d broken my hip in three places and dislocated my pubic bone that where there is a will there is a way. I too followed all their orders. My right leg had atrophied but 1.5 years later I was long distance backing the PCT. Your health and recovery are in my daily prayers.

  69. Hoping you a quick recovery! Found your website about a month ago, enjoying your e-books and your blog. You are a real inspiration.
    Wishing you lots of patience and as smooth path to complete recovery as possible.
    Greetings from Nairobi!

  70. David,
    You are still with us! That is the best news! You have been and you are a great source of inspiration! There may be some rough days ahead, but keep your spirit and your positive attitude and you will emerge a better man because of this experience. I often remind myself that we must endure a few cloudy days so that we can enjoy the sunny ones! Hang tight buddy, we’re doing our best to push good karma your way!

  71. I had not visited the blog for a few weeks and read about the incident this morning . I do hope you get well soon and looking forward to read your meditation on the incident. I do love your pictures but I always prefer your non-photographic posts.

  72. Take care! And take the time you need to recover! I’m sure you’ll find ways to be creative in this off-your-feet period of time 🙂 Big hug!

  73. Hi David,

    Best wishes on a complete recovery. I think of you every day when I see your canvas that I won last year (“One of Yours, One of Mine.”) I get many compliments on it. I hope that this time of healing will be fruitful for you and that you will emerge better than new. Is there anything we can send you while you are there in the hospital? Books? Chocolate, maybe?

  74. I hope the surgery went well. Here’s hoping the pain meds keep coming for now. Thinking good thoughts from my part of the country.

  75. man you’re awesome… never though you’d post the wallpaper of the month. I’m glad you’re up to do it… thanks and take extra care to have a fast recovery. cheers from Chile!

  76. Don’t stop taking pictures (if you can use your hands–I just entered the conversation). Dec 14 I fell from my power chair, broke 7 bones and cracked 2 vertebrae–Mar 31 I came home. Still not the strongest crayon in the box–and I’m getting there. Use your time in confinement to be on the look out for hidden saints and angels. They’re particularly gentle and tend to favor the disguise of nursing assistants and orderlies.
    Blessings on your healing, and youf heart.

  77. David, it’s amazing to me that with all you’re going through, you would think to send Us a gift. But, on second thought, that’s who you are, and that’s why you get so much love in return.

  78. David, perhaps it is us that should be thanking you? For your hard work, for your building of this forum you speak of, for leading this forum with an amazingly positive spirit. But mostly being willing to share not only your successes, but allowing us insight into the failures as well. God bless, we’re praying for you daily.

  79. i wish you all the best and hope for a good and complete recovery. speed is not the most important thing in such a case.
    i’m eager to see how you’ll turn that position of yours into something new and great (and i’m sure you’ll find a way to do so!)

  80. David, You are an inspiration to me, and I thank you for that. It’s amazing how social media connects us all, and how you’ve allowed us into such a personal event as this. I wish you a speedy recovery. Ivan B.

  81. Get well David. You’ll be shooting magnificent photos, like what you posted here, in no time.

  82. David..All the Best.I have a feeling that your going to have a speedy recovery and you will be out shooting those inspiring images in no time.We are all pulling for you.You’ve been a big inspiration for me with my photography..Best Wishes..Mike….

  83. Hi David – What a remarkable, inspiring spirit you’ve shown in confronting your accident. Be patient with yourself, listen to your docs and know that you have a huge community of friends supporting and encouraging you on your path to a full recovery!

  84. Wow. That is a serious bummer. Speedyish recovery. I don’t mean that in a bad way. I mean ‘a little speedier than expected’. Sometimes it’s beyond our control and we have to do a big old slow down. Healing vibes coming your way.

  85. Oh my god David, my sincerest condolences for you! I somehow missed your last post so thank you for linking to it here. Geez Louise, that is rough, but in a few months you will be back to normal! Get yourself the most amazing functional physical therapist you can and they’ll get you walking probably better than you did before! Lots of healing thoughts and vibes being sent your way, and thank you for the wallpaper, it’s stunning. One of my favourites!

  86. David, you’re amazing — still with the wallpapers in spite of it all!

    I agree too, with your assessment of the photo community. I’ve been heavily involved with another and the cattiness that sometimes springs up leaves me shaking my head. I’ve never seen that among photogs and am immensely thankful for such a great bunch of friends and colleagues.

    Wishing you all the best in your recovery!

  87. I hope that you will recover quickly and fully. Thank you for your inspiration, encouragement and education.

  88. David- it’s great to hear your voice again. I look forward to continuing the discussion on visual languag with you. Heal well, my friend.

  89. David,
    Thanks for this wallpaper, truly amazing you have the energy to get this out after what you have been through….speaks volumes about who you are!

    I’m still struggling get get my first ebook out and I have no broken bones.

    Keep up the good spirits!

  90. Thanks a ton for all your work, words and support you provide in the most amazing way.

    I, for once, consider myself lucky to be able to become a better photographer and person moved by all you do.

    Here’s wishing for a complete and speedy recovery. I’ll make sure to drink a cold one in your name, David!

  91. Stay the course and get well. While there will be challenging days ahead, I know you will do just fine and be back in full swing all anew!

  92. It seems you will be catching up on your writing. That is a huge blessing to the rest of us. Thanks for all you do David. P.S. when the nurse asks if you need more pain meds, as long as you can still speak, the answer is yes.

  93. Wishing you back on your feet!

    Btw, with your recovery I hope you recognize the trauma was not just to your bones – your entire body is affected.

    I had a teacher who was in a serious ski accident when she was around 50. The doctors told her she’d never be the same. As I recall, they told her she would be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Her name is Judith Aston and she developed a physical therapy program she subsequently used for her PT. She’s been teaching for 50 years.

    I met Judith a couple years after that accident, studying with her for a month. You’d never know she had a traumatic accident, a supposed life changing accident. I hope you will check out her system of healing. Sooner rather than later.

    Here she is at 70 or so. Worth the minute it takes to watch her.

    Best of wishes to your healing.

  94. I believed you about life being short. You sure go to extremes to illustrate your point. Glad you are on the mend. Wish you the best of luck with your upcoming surgery and if I am in Ottawa over the next few months I will bring you some cookies.
    Thanks for your recent articles on risk, as always you are an inspiration. Get better soon

  95. i thought the may 2011 wallpaper would be one of your x rays 😀 i’m so disappointed.

    i wish you a very fast recovery … i’m a radiologist and i know for sure that pelvic fracture is long to heal. Immobility is a necessity and must be respected. Sometimes your envy and your winning spirit could be your worst enemy cause it leads you to forgiven movements … in other words : listen to your doctors 😀

  96. Hi there David!
    To a speedy recovery of a great photographer and
    Philosopher thinking good thoughts of life and
    Vision! Got several of your ebooks and like them a lot!
    Get well soon and continue your path
    Greetings from Germany

  97. Beautiful photograph David. Good luck with the surgery and I’m more then confident you will prove the doctors wrong.

    Sending good thoughts your way…

  98. David… Best wishes for a speedy recovery on behalf of a group of your fans in Australia. Not only are your images and books an inspiration, so is your attitude. Get better quick Mate!

  99. David,
    Seriously, man the wallpaper is above and beyond – catch up on your reading, rest, recuperate – if I didn’t hear from you for 3 months, I’d be right back when you surfaced.
    Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to Get Well soon!
    A speedy recovery, and thanks for all you do.

  100. I love that you are going to prove the doctors wrong 🙂 just be careful while doing it 🙂
    I hope you’ll be up and around magically quick. I’ll keep your health and rehab in my prayers, just because I’m looking forward to more photos from you 🙂

  101. Glad to see you didn’t let a little thing like being in the hospital keep you from doing your thing David! Nothing can touch your spirit, or ours! Here’s hoping for a quick and as pain-free of a recovery as possible!

  102. David I was horrified to hear of your accident through facebook and read the various accounts. Thank goodness you weren’t killed or injured even more seriously. I don’t think you have to look far to understand why this community has such a wonderful spirit. It’s great to see you blogging again.

  103. David!
    Our collective thoughts CAN help you heal. You give so much to us, it’s our pleasure to be part of your renewal. All is well. Believe and you shall see!

  104. David, hope that the quick healing of your bones will beat all the records. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. The strength of your soul and your open heart are truly inspirational.
    Well wishes from Sydney.

  105. Three months to be all patched up after such a fall?From what I’ve heard that’s faster than a typical Nikon repair. DO NOT RUSH IT.

    That said. Hope you’re feeling like new in no time!

  106. I wish you a speedy recovery!

    Kind regards from Austria

  107. Attended your class at the 2010 Maui Photo Festival and learned a lot. I have been following you since then and your lessons, both on photography and life, have led me to “step out of my box”. I wish the best for you in the next few months as you make a (hopefully) speedy recovery and prove the doctors wrong. Stay strong!!

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