July 2011 Wallpaper

In Wallpapers by David21 Comments

Iceland, August 2010. This is a 1920×1200 wallpaper, so it’ll do for anything up to a 17″ MacBook Pro.
Click the image to access the larger file.

June 30th was my mother’s birthday, so I let her pick the wallpaper this month. She loves this one, so the rest of you are stuck with it. 🙂 Seems a small thing to do for a woman that gave me life, taught me to pursue kindness and compassion, and taught me how to see the world as beautiful because that’s how she see it. Of course it’s not the only thing I gave her, but y’all weren’t invited to the rest of the festivities. Sorry this is late but it was Canada Day on the 1st and I was celebrating that too.

This, incidentally, is my 999th post. Tomorrow will be 1000. I remain astonished that I’ve had that much drivel to publish. 🙂


  1. Happy Birthday to your Mom! Happy Canada Day! And this ia a beautiful image.

  2. Drivel? As if. I’ve been coming here for a number of years, only occasionally commenting, and I’ve never once read any drivel…except for your comment about drivel.

    Happy belated birthday to your mom – she did a good job raising you and picking out the wallpaper photo for the month.

    Chinwe’s excerpt of the poem brought a little tear to my eye – so true!

  3. Always, always love the wallpapers. They are like a little gift of beauty each month.
    Happy days to your mum and to Canada!

  4. I love the photo–the mood, the lighting, the colors. . . . . I “claimed” it for my wall paper for my iPad. (Still recovering from the skin grafts of last week, and looking forward to hearing a good report from the surgeon next week.)

  5. Your comment about your gift for your Mom made me think of this Billy Collins poem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EjB7rB3sWc

    She gave me life and milk from her breasts,
    and I gave her a lanyard.
    She nursed me in many a sick room,
    lifted spoons of medicine to my lips,
    laid cold face-cloths on my forehead,
    and then led me out into the airy light

    and taught me to walk and swim,
    and I, in turn, presented her with a lanyard.
    Here are thousands of meals, she said,
    and here is clothing and a good education.
    And here is your lanyard, I replied,
    which I made with a little help from a counselor.

  6. David,

    Happy belated B-day to your mom. I know first hand how instrumental a mother can be in guiding our vision. A huge congrats on your pending 1,000th post, I don’t know how you do it. Have a nice holiday. John

  7. Nice serene photo David! I like the flow of the rocks and the overall lack of distractions. Peaceful and minimalistic, I like it a lot!

  8. Happy (belated) Canada Day from Toronto. Looking forward to #1000.

  9. It looks awesome on my 27″ iMac. The blue Mac folders just melt away in the background! Thanks!

  10. Drivel away please David! And here’s to Mom and all mothers out there!

  11. Please tell your mother Happy Birthday and Thank You ..I love this one too. Thanks for this & for 999 blog posts!!! ..here’s to the next 999! 🙂

  12. Drivel, shmizel! You never fail to inspire and encourage. And the ripples spread. I contribute to a local photo club newsletter (I confess, writing about photography is my second love). To my delight and astonishment, a fellow club member recently said my articles have helped him become a more creative photographer. Not true, of course — he did that himself. But said articles were partly inspired by your books and blog. Thank you!

  13. great choice, mum, and happy belated birthday! congrats on 999, david, and just keep on drivelling… cheers, sarah

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