Postcards from The Cabot Trail, NS

In Emily and I, Travel by David30 Comments

An amazing day on the Cabot Trail around the northern chunk of Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton island. I’ve driven the Cabot Trail before, but only in late summer and this time it was almost empty, and made all the more beautiful by a fresh fall of snow, in parts blown on the trees so completely that the whole thing looked like something from a fairy-tale. Amazing. We drove, pulled over plenty, and made lots of photographs, many of them on snowshoe, and the rest of them hip-deep in snow. Had an absolute blast, though the campgrounds we were directed to were closed, forcing us into another motel, which isn’t all bad because I forgot to bring my 20L water bottle in from the truck and it’s now a 20L block of ice, so dinner would have taken a little more work. 🙂


  1. Well, we don’t know each other but I am an avid reader of your words of wisdom) as well as your fellow Pixelated gang. If you are ever in N Minnesota…or Minnesota anywhere…let me show you our treasured Boundary Waters Canoe Area and Ely! MN. You can connect with fellow photog Jim Brandenberg and get some images that you and your followers will cherish forever!!!

  2. I love the posts from NS David. Wonderful and your vehicle-as-faithful-companion photos are always a favorite. Emily looks right at home. There’s something about a 4WD isn’t there? Happy to be a stopover point if you manage back to western New England.

  3. Can a jeep smile? I’d swear Emily’s grinning fender to fender on that snowy trail.

    Thanks for taking us along with you. =)

  4. I must say you have an excellent eye for capturing the beauty of our landscapes here in Cape Breton.

    Being a native of the area I still thoroughly enjoy every opportunity I have to visit the Cape Breton Highlands and the world renowned Cabot Trail.

    Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!

  5. Author

    Claudia – I wouldn’t say always, no. But the snowshoes sure make things easier!

  6. I can’t stop looking at the wooded trees covered in snow. They fascinate me and I wonder what it was like to move through these places before vehicles were invented. We are so lucky nowadays. I’m enjoying your adventure.

  7. Ahhh Snow. I am glad to see that somewhere in North America there is snow. Here in Northern Vermont, it is a barren grey and brown wasteland.
    Have a good time in the snow.

  8. You are one of the rare few who venture out on the Cabot Trail in winter. Beautiful shots!!! Remember, if you need anything in Halifax give me a call 443-3355. If you are here on Saturday/Friday you must visit our WONDERFUL Halifax Seaport Farmers Market where you can stock up on delicious goodies. It is housed in a LEEDS Platinum standard sustainable building right on the waterfront.The building itself is a marvel.
    I did read that you are just here for maybe another two days so chances are slim I imagine. Next time! Cheers, Shelagh

  9. Beautiful images, David! It’s a shame we don’t have this kind of extreme temperatures down here in Brazil. I love winter/snowy pictures!

  10. Hi David,
    Great to be following you on the trial again and I just love the images you are making. That lovely snow on the trees shot I want on my wall! It reminds me of one of my favourite shots taken by an Australian photographer called Harry Nankin in our High Country (sorry no link – its in a book). Snow just remakes a landscape totally. Safe travels. Cheers, Keith

  11. Loving the images of home!! CĂ©ad mĂ­le fáilte! So glad to see you made it to the Trail – I was hoping you would!! Thank you for sharing!

  12. David,
    Great images of a very special place. Enjoying your natural Canadian humor. Looking forward to your next post.

  13. Stunning. Inspiring. Thanks for the living reminder to photograph the journey, even when it appears to be going backwards.

  14. Author

    Kenneth – Wow, what a great memory! And you’ve taught me something: I had no idea Karsh had a brother who was a photographer. Yousuf Karsh was one of my earliest influences.

  15. Gorgeous photos, thank you for making and posting. I’ve only been to Cape Breton once, and I guess I missed these parts…

  16. Your are bringing back amazing memories. I explored Cape Breton Island many years ago in the summer. Camped on many remote beaches. An amazing place I’ve always wanted to return to. Must be amazing in the winter.

  17. A beautiful part of Canada. My ex-wife and I were there years ago and happened to meet Malek Karsh and he photographed us outside our motel room with the overhead light from the door entry. A great memory of a great and lovely place. A stunning National Park, as well. Best of luck on your re-arranged journey.

  18. Author

    🙂 Thanks Allen. Right now I anticipate another 2 days in NS. Then maybe 1 day to Montreal, and from there perhaps a week back to Vancouver? Depends how sidetracked I get by the landscapes on the north shore of Superior, and the prairies, and the rockies, and…it’s a big country, what can I say? 🙂

  19. beautiful images David … but Claude and I are looking forward to having you back on the West Coast … ETA?

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