New HQ: A Quick Peak

In Just For Fun, News & Stuff by David42 Comments

A couple quick shots from the new Galactic Headquarters for both Pixelated Image Communications and Craft & Vision. A small loft in Vancouver’s Yaletown, and just big enough to call home when I’m not traveling and for Corwin and the rest of my team to make use of as an office. This has to be one of the best parts of being home in Vancouver; the chance to set up a live/work space I’ve always dreamed of.

Was meant to be camping on Vancouver Island this week, but a brief, unscheduled, visit to the hospital due to gallstones kept me at home (seriously, can I be done with this kind of thing for a little while, please?) I Tweeted and Facebooked this information, and for all of you that replied with yet another kind round of your sympathy, prayers, and thoughts – thank you.

It’s good to be home. I should have all the documents I need for the U.S. customs people soon, and then it’s off to Switzerland for a couple days of lectures, Stockholm for a week, and then Italy for two weeks of Within The Frame Photographic Adventures, before coming home, hopping into Emily, and heading to Arizona for the Overland Expo.


  1. That is just a rocking’ pad, David! I’ve longed for an Eames lounger for many years… Sure looks good in your space, and it looks like you have fabulous light!

  2. Wow! Really cool place! Hope it exceeds your expectations as a living/working place and everything runs smoothly next time you try crossing the border! All the best!

  3. Looks like great digs! I love Vancouver, my BFF lives there too.


  4. Author

    Mark – Safe travels. I’ll be in Cinque Terre and Venice. If you see me, come say hello.

  5. Hey we are off to Italy in a few weeks ..big place but you never know may see you shooting .

  6. What a great space. I can feel the energy!

    You never seem to stay in one spot for long! So much world to experience. Happy travels.

  7. Nice digs! Better have those monitors calibrated though, they look awfully blue-green. 😉

    Sorry to hear about the recent medical problems, seems like you’ve had more than your fair share.

    1. Author

      I’m doing two days of teaching at (TASIS) The American School In Switzerland. Should be amazing.

  8. Oh… it looks so inviting and lovely! Congrats! I’m just across the border. Just keep those gallstones away for all your travels! Good luck

  9. Glad to hear papers are getting in order and you can get back into Emily for some warmer travels…

  10. Pretty cool new HQ. I think the interior matches the other things in your life perfect!
    Hope the gallstones are the last healt-problems for a long time now!

    best regards and hving a good time in Europe

    Richard (from Germany ;-))

  11. Nice digs! Sorry to hear about the gallstones. But such it is.

    Gotta look for a place like that myself…

  12. Author

    Hi all. Thanks for the invitations re. Switzerland and Sweden. In Switzerland I’m giving private lectures and classes at The American School in Switzerland, and will have very little time there. In Sweden I’m taking some personal time with an old friend and I’m letting him call the shots with my schedule. I’d still very much like to come spend some less scheduled time in Europe, connect with some readers, and hang out, but it won’t be this trip. Thanks again for the nudge, though! 🙂

  13. Looks nice! Hope your feeling better now. I would love to meet you up in Stockholm, for some “fika” or something 🙂 Take care!

  14. Hi David,

    congrat for the new HQ.
    I perfectly know how painfull gallstones can be..I read you are heading to Switzerland. Are you going to hold workshops or lectures? If you need insider infos about Switzerland don’t hesitate to ask!!


  15. Hi David and Team. Great Place to work! congratulations. I can’t find when and where you will be in Zwitserland, David. Can someone help? Geert

  16. Looks lovely , David. Congratulations! Sorry to hear that you’ve been sick, and hope that that is all behind you for upcoming travels. Take care, Sarah

  17. I hope you don’t have to blaze through Oregon too fast! No matter which part you come down through (and I would certainly recommend Central or Eastern Oregon) there is much to see and photograph.

  18. Looks like a nice place to be, but more importantly, that Eames chair looks comfy!

  19. Well I’m jealous – how did you ever find that! We rent a condo in Yaletown for a month every summer we love it so much – even tho we live on Wall Street in Vancouver. Enjoy safe travels. If I pass you on the street again this summer I will stop and say hi this time.

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