Within The Frame, 2nd Edition

In Books by David199 Comments

Since 2009, Within The Frame has surpassed all kinds of expectations, among them my own. What started as a book about the passionate (and compassionate) photography of people, places, and culture, became a book that was just as much about vision. It led to other books, workshops, and connections with people that have since become collaborators and best friends.

Now the 2nd Edition is out and I want to quickly tell you what it is and is not, and give you a chance to win a signed copy. What it is not is a whole new book. It’s not a chance for me to sell you a shinier version of something you’ve already got. It’s still Within The Frame. It’s still written by me. But the author has changed. I’ve grown. So this edition was a chance to re-edit the words and update some thoughts and opinions, and add a few things. The same is true of the photographs, all of which were re-processed, and some of which were replaced with new images entirely. There’s also a companion video that you can access with a link from the book, a chance to sit with me and talk about some photographs through the lens of the principles I discuss in the book.

I didn’t think I’d feel this way, the original being so close to my heart, but this edition is stronger and will represent my thoughts and teachings well for years to come.

If you already have the original edition there are good reasons to get the new one. You might want to support me. You might be curious. Your old copy might be falling apart. You might want to give a copy to a friend. But don’t do it if you think it’s a whole new book. It’s not, and I’d be disappointed if you bought the new edition thinking it was. This was a chance to update the book and present to the market again.

If you want to buy a copy, here’s a link to Amazon. I’d be thrilled if you shared it with others. And if you get a copy, I’d be grateful if you took a moment to leave a review for this new edition. If you loved this book, please consider helping me spread the word.

If you have a copy of the original, or you never got around to picking it up,  and want a chance to win a signed copy of the new edition, leave your name in the comments here on the blog (make sure you enter your email in the email field – no one but me can see it, and I’ll need it to contact you if you win) – and in a week I’ll draw names and send signed copies to 3 of you. That’s it. Just let me know you’re in for the draw. You all have my deepest gratitude, thank you!

*Updated July 12 – Congratulations to Lauri Novak, Faraz Shaw, and Steve Haddeen – I’ve sent you emails and if you reply with a mailing address I’ll send you each a signed copy of the book. Thanks to the rest of you for participating.

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  1. Can’t wait to get my copy. I guess individual author don’t get much to say on how Amazon services works, but I think it’s kind of sad, being a Canadian writer, that your work ships within 2 days on amazon.com and within 2 to 4 weeks on amazon.ca, even on pre-orders. I’m sure it’s out of your control, but that’s certainly an issue Amazon should address.

    1. Author

      Thanks François. I agree with you completely. Sadly, it’s all logistics and borders. The book prints in the US and gets to Amazon US first, then to Canada where Amazon.ca has to process and then ship the book, and lastly to Europe and Australia. The fastest way to get it is still direct from the publisher, after that it’s Amazon.com. I feel your frustration, though. Thanks for weighing in.

  2. I’m a new follower and I am greatly enjoying the content I picked up during the birthday week. I’ll have to add this book to my wish-list. Thanks for all that you share.

  3. Nice!

    This was the first book a friend recommended, way back when I started with my Panasonic GF1 (right at the start of m4/3)…

  4. Hi David,

    I have the first edition, I recommended our local library buy a copy (they bought 2) and I’d love to see the second edition.

    I have very much enjoyed your writing and vision.


  5. David,
    Your first edition was very inspirational to me. It provided a recharge to my thinking. I would love an opportunity to check out your new edition!

  6. Congratulations David…
    I just bought one through Amazon, as I love the work you do and your commitment to sharing. Although I purchased a copy through Amazon, I’d gladly give it a friend looking for inspiration and receive a signed copy from the author.

  7. Wow, hard to believe my review of the first edition dated 2009 is still at the top on Amazon.
    Been an amazing journey for everyone since then, hasn’t it?
    I’ll be getting the second edition just because the first needs a companion, among a very few other photography books still in my permanent collection. All the best David!

  8. Have enjoyed and learned from several of your books, and would love a signed second edition!

  9. The first edition is still one of my preferred books.

    I would love a copy of the second, if only to learn in what ways you have grown.


  10. The first edition is the first book I read when I decided to get serious about photography. I still go back to it (and Photographically Speaking) frequently.

  11. I think the first issue, really started my journey getting deeper into the photography field. That have helped me in the creative process and develop/going forward to where I stand today in this field!

  12. The first edition came to me at the perfect time in my creative journey. Would love a signed copy of the second!

  13. David,
    Thanks for all your hard work educating and motivating all us rookies, amateurs, and pros alike about what truly matters in story telling and photography!

  14. Hi David,

    congrats on the new edition, would love to get a signed copy.

  15. Hi David,
    Congratulations on the second edition of Within the Frame!
    My girlfriend ordered the first edition for my birthday in April and I have been waiting for it to arrive. It was only last week I received a cancellation by the Dutch bookstore, because the book was now longer available. I’m happy to read, there is a new, updated version available now. Of course a signed copy would even be better.
    Thank you for the opportunity and your blog!

  16. I have the first edition and love it. I am from Portugal.

  17. Your photographic vision and passionate storytelling are an inspiration! I’d be thrilled to own a copy of Within the Frame.

  18. A signed copy of your book.. It’s sound wonderful. I am in. Thank you.

  19. Thank you David for your wonderful images as well as great explanations and thoughts.
    It is always a pleasure to read new and old blog posts of yours.
    Of course I wouldn’t mind winning a copy of your book.

  20. Would be thrilled to be considered for this! I fell in love with your words and your work as I was doing a graduate thesis on digital storytelling’s influence on shifting perspectives. Thank you for being a significant inspiration for my photographic journey.

  21. I checked out the 1st edition of your book from the public library a couple of months back, and loved it. Would love to have a copy of the new edition.

  22. Anne Groton
    Congratulations on the new edition and thank you for sharing the best of yourself through it!

  23. All your work resonates with me like no other. I’d love to continue being inspired by the new edition. Loved the first.

  24. Number 1 book on my wish list. Cannot wait to have it 🙂 With joy and appreciation Viola

  25. David, Thanks for lettings us participate in your journey as a photographer and author!

  26. Gave mine away as a gift and have always wished, selfishly, that I hadn’t.

  27. Love the first edition, sure the second is just as awesome.

  28. I love the book and I just finished reading the book for the second time. I’d love to win a copy of the second edition.

  29. David, thank you for all your books and teachings. I continue to follow your work and it’s helped me be a better photographer as well as a cinematographer. I try and read at least one of your books every year to stay inspired and motivated to create. Continued success and healing. Looking forward to reading an updated Within The Frame.


  30. How exciting. Your work inspires me. Thanks for sharing a little bit of yourself.

  31. I loved my original copy. Thanks for the chance to get an updated copy!

  32. I’ll never forget the day I lost my first copy of the first version of this wonderful book. I was in a small cafe in an even smaller town on the forgotten backside of some forgotten place when a young photographer approached my table meekly. “Is that David Duchemin’s book?” He asked, his voice barely breaking a whisper. “Yes,” I replied. “His words are the nails that hold my creative house together.” The boy blinked and looked down at my tattered copy. A small tear formed in his eye and after working up the courage it broke free and gently slipped down his nose and into my still-warm espresso. Jarred by this sudden and unexpected invasion of my personal space, I recoiled and dropped the book. In a flash the red-eyed youngster snatched up my book and ran for the maze of crowded alleys nearby. Despite hours of looking, my beloved book was gone. Please, David, may I please have another?

  33. Thanks David for helping us become better photographers, story tellers and humans. The first edition has helped many people to develop and create their vision, and I’m sure this second edition will help many more.

  34. I’m a big fan of yours. I always look forward to your new books!!

  35. Hi David. Thanks for sharing your words and your work. It helps to keep the photographic community a community.

  36. Hello David. I’ve been a fan of your work and your philosophy of photography for years. I have enjoyed your journey, your vision, and look forward to reading the second edition whether it’s a purchased copy or a signed edition. Please enter my name in the draw.

  37. The first edition has helped shape my thinking about not just photography but creativity in general. I am looking forward to reading the newer edition. I have been reading David’s blogs for many years and have gleaned much from him.

  38. i just picked up the old edition. Would love to read the new one.

  39. I have all of your books and love what you do. It would be amazing to win a new edition!

  40. I’m all in for a free copy. I love your work, David. You’ve been an inspiration to me and have definitely helped me grow as a photographer (and hopefully a better person).

  41. Congratulations David on taking another bite at the apple as well as daring and caring to improve. Would love to win an autographed copy. Thank you.

  42. Years ago, I put my cameras away, for personal and other reasons. For whatever reason, I just couldn’t bring the camera to my eye. The spark to create always remained, although I will never understand why it remained even as I intentionally tried to put it out.

    When things are hard, sometimes it’s all too easy to just not want to pay attention to life as it continues to go on around you. It’s easy to just not want to see anymore, or to look anymore at what’s right in front of you.

    Your books, and your encouragement to “see” and to “look” and just “do”, have been a lifeline to me at times. I look at your photography, and I immediately want to be there, and look into the eyes of the people you “see” and try to understand what their life story is, if that’s even possible….

    I’ve taken my equipment out of storage, and am trying to get used to how it feels in my hands again. It’s maybe harder than one might think. At least I can now bring the camera to my eye again, and begin, perhaps haltingly, to see and look again. Your words on the page and elsewhere have added a bit of fuel to the spark that’s always been there. I want to create again.

    Thank you for what you do. Thank you for encouraging the world, through your writing, to look and see and understand. Thanks for sharing your vision the world that some of us don’t always get a chance to see…

  43. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself and building such a great community.

  44. Thanks for taking us on the vision of our passions and photography. I broke down sections from the original book and use it in my high school photo classes to get stories started, to share experiences, and to build fire for the passion. I’d love to add a signed copy of the new edition to the classroom.

  45. That is wonderful of you to offer signed copies in a giveaway! I have been wanting to read this book but haven’t been able to purchase it. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    Have a wonderful day,

    Erin Kasper

  46. This book has been great for someone like me with a hearing loss. I’ve gotten many of your videos trying to figure out from the visuals what was being said and shared. And I have gleaned things though not all things , just some perspiration added-lol! Thanks again for sharing David. Maybe I’ll get lucky this time around and win one of your autographed versions of the new Within The Frame edition

  47. David — I’m amazed to see just how prolific you are. Congratulations on yet one more milestone and best wishes for its success in the marketplace. Frank

  48. The original is very much one of my favorite books on photography and creativity. Would love see V2.

  49. I love reading your posts, views and inspirations. Most of the time, which I know you know, you aren’t really writing just about photography, but life itself. I so appreciate that❀ If I don’t win a free copy of your new book, I will buy it!!

  50. Love to read your point of view on photography. Since I started reading your blog posts it has completely changed my view too.

  51. Read the German translation and then bought the original as this sounds much more like you. I would love to win a copy

  52. Cool. Well said and sounds like a worthwhile update. I’d love an updated copy if so lucky.

  53. I think it’s great that you’ve updated your classic book. It’s one of my favourites and has a special place on my bookshelf. Looking forward to reading your new observations.

  54. Congratulation to your second edition, i especially love the story you told on the podcast how the book started.

  55. David, I read all of your email post! I don’t have a copy of Within The Frame and would love to be one of the 3 lucky people to win a personally signed second edition. Thank for your inspiration!

  56. Thank you David. The Second Edition is on it’s way to me now as I write this comment and I’m so looking forward to reading what’s between the cover. I love the notion of receiving a signed copy, and that in turn will offer me the opportunity to pass my second copy on to my son, an aspiring photographer with a great eye and sensitivity.


  57. Thanks David, for Within The Frame, your book changed my personal photographic journey. I have your Second Edition on order, can’t wait to explore the new book. I would love to read your personaly signed copy.

  58. Nice to see you are up front about what is and what it is not, looking forward to reading it.

  59. I’m a new fan so I don’t have the original book. I’d love to receive the 2nd edition. You have inspired me to make changes and try new things; essentially break out of old habits. I am grateful.

  60. Congratulations on the second edition of your book! I am relatively new to your work and just recently trying to improve my photo skills, so I would love a signed copy of Within The Frame!

  61. Ian

    The first edition has helped me to see and create more. Thank you.

  62. Thanks for sharing your passion. I’d love a signed copy of the 2nd Edition. Cheers!

  63. I’m in! I love what you do, David, and have learned so much from you!

  64. I’d love to win the 2nd edition of “Within The Frame”. I have the first one and all your other books and they are among my favorites of all time. I teach photography in Brazil and always recommend your books to my students and blog readers: http://lucianapradofotografia.com/?p=3899
    Hope the second edition gets published here soon, because the first one is already out of print in portuguese. Thank you!

  65. Would love a copy of your book. It was highly recommended to me. As someone just starting out in photography, it would give me great inspiration.

  66. Your book, Within the Frame, was important enough to my photography professor that he gifted me with a copy as a graduation present. I have since gone on to become the photographer for Delaware State Parks, and your books inform and sustain my craft. Would love to have your new edition. Thanks, David.

  67. Thank you so much for sharing your work and your heart. You have been both a wonderful instructor and an inspiration for me in my photography. I have quite a collection of your books, both e-book and print, but for some reason ‘Within The Frame’ v1 remained on my Amazon wishlist unpurchased. Of course v1 has now been replaced with v2 on that list, but I appreciate the opportunity to win a signed copy! Would be awesome!

  68. Edson Scudder
    Count me in. Would love to read your updated thoughts, opinions and photos.

  69. Thank you David, been following and loving your work for some time now! Would be great to get a signed copy of the book!

  70. I so enjoy your blog, David! Please enter me in the drawings for the second edition of ‘Within the Frame’. Heading over to Amazon, I’ll probably purchase your book there. If I win a copy in the drawing, I’ll just donate the other to my PhotoClub.

  71. Another comment didn’t show 🙁 sorry if I’m flooding….

    Great to hear there is new version. Within the frame was my very first photo-book… And i learnt really a lot from it.
    This book became very important to me… Each time i open it i find something new…

    Wish to get new one…. Please count me in.

    Cheers, m.

    PS. if previous posts/comments show finally…. You can erase them….

  72. I appreciate the growth the Second Edition shows. I use your thoughts and writings as examples to my CC students that images are more than photographs. Have the First Edition. Would really like to have the Second.

  73. Would love to win a signed copy of the 2nd edition. Loved the original.

  74. I would love to win a copy of the new edition, as I don’t yet have the original. Either way, I’ll buy the new since I have heard so much inspiring comment about the first edition.

  75. Thanks for the heads up, David! Just ordered a copy and I am in for the signed one as well. I’ll gift the ordered one if I get lucky. See how I am? 😉

  76. J’ai beaucoup de respect pour la vision que vous avez sur la photographie. J’aimerais bien achetĂ© ou recevoir un livre dĂ©dicacĂ©, et je vous encourage Ă  continuer de nourrir votre passion qui devient aussi la mienne , par la photographie. Merci d’ĂȘtre…ce que vous ĂȘtes…
    Luc Lepage
    artiste photographe de la Nature

  77. All of us grow through our photography. I have watched your journey and empathized with the struggle. It might be hard to believe that photography can make us better people, but it is true.

  78. I’ll be picking this up as soon as Amazon UK have stock. The timing is perfect really because I had been somewhat regretting my decision to buy the Kindle version first time around. This is the perfect reason to spend the money on a hard copy so I can actually enjoy the images.

    Of course, a signed version would be simply spiffing 😉

  79. Have most of your books. (the ones I can afford.) Love all of them, I find you a interesting Guy. I go through deep thoughts, a bit like you but never stop thinking and seeing.

  80. Loved the first edition! Would be interesting to see what gems of wisdom you’ve added to this edition. Trying my luck at a chance to win …

  81. I would love to get my hands on a signed copy of this book.
    Your blog posts and YouTube videos are really inspirational, so I hope to find more of everything in this book.

  82. I’d love to see the changes and give my battered first edition a rest 🙂

  83. I’ve learned a lot from the first edition. Through the years it has become a kind of guide that I regularly like to browse through.
    I’m curious for this edition.

  84. Would love a copy of the new edition so in the draw 🙂

  85. Thanks David for this great giveaway!

    I would be pleased to rediscover this amazing book in this new edition.

    Cheers from Belgium 😉

  86. I have not read your book yet. But ever since you have helped me through your generous emails, I would be very grateful to have a physical book to further learn and grow. Thank you for everything David.



  87. I haven’t read the first edition but if it’s anything like your other books this will be on my list of books to buy this year!

  88. I’m looking forward to reading Within The Frame signed or not:). I’m just reading Photographically Speaking at the moment, for the second time and really enjoying it.

  89. I’m in for the draw of the new edition; learned a lot from the previous one by the way!

  90. Thanks excited for the new edition too
    When is the new studio workshop v3 coming out?!

  91. Your first edition was bought for a friend, then for myself. Then five more for me. Loaned the first and it has not come home. A little dog eared and well loved. Looking forward to having the second to enjoy and autographed would be a bonus. See you in PEI !!

  92. Within The Frame is my bible for photography. No exaggeration there. Thank you, David!

  93. Always liked the abbreviation for the title, but I never did get around to picking it up. 🙂

  94. Hey David,

    Congratulations on the second edition of this wonderful book! Throw my name in the hat…



  95. Hi David! Love hearing you talk on those videos! Keep it up. What a great place to cross paths.

  96. Within the Frame was my introduction to your work and led me to the wealth of resources and beauty on Craft and Vision. Placed my order for the 2nd edition before posting this. Would still love to have a signed new edition. Appreciate your insights very much. Thank you.

  97. I gave my copy of the original to a friend who was just starting her photographic journey. A copy of the revised edition would be awesome.

  98. I have read the 1st edition multiple times. Think it’s great. Would like to read the updated copy.

  99. I’m in such a photographic slump right now,,,lacking direction and just not happy with what I’m producing. I would so love some inspiration!

  100. Your books, Within the Frame in particular, have changed the way I see photography. Can’t wait to get my hands on the new edition!

  101. I loved the book and the progression of your growth. I gave the original to a friend and would relish the change to win a signed copy!

  102. I would love a copy to go along with your “The Visual Toolbox” that I already love. If I don’t win one, I will certainly be buying one!

  103. Always great to see you tinkering with things to make them better, David. I look forward to this book, whether I win a signed copy or not, I’ll most likely update my library with it because I value our friendship, your genuine love for photography and dare I say it, photographers to be better tomorrow than they were yesterday. So, it is in thanks to you alone that I will buy the new book. And in the event I do win a signed copy, the copy I have bought will be donate to a deserving student of photography in India. That’s my promise to you! #payitforward

  104. The first edition reshaped the way I looked at photography, and you have continued to guide me. Thanks for your work!

  105. Love the first edition – I have it on my kindle, so it’s a bit challenging making notes in the sidelines. Looking forward to the new edition!! Thanks a bunch for the opportunity.

  106. Hi David

    Congratulations on your edition of Within the Frame! I enjoy reading your books and articles so much. They are are at times thought provoking, and always inspiring. I took up photography in my late 50s and your writings are helping me grow as a photographer and find my own vision.

    All the best

  107. Looks like another beautiful read. Thank you for sharing your passion

  108. i’d love to have a copy. I read a friend’s copy of the original, but I really need my own!!

  109. Would love to have a signed copy of Within the Frame for reasons too many to list here! 🙂

  110. I have the first edition and have loaned it out so many times, I was considering getting it leather-wrapped like you did with your own first edition… then I realized how expensive it is!

    Here’s hoping for a fresh copy!

  111. I remember buying the first edition. I don’t remember why. But I did not regret getting my own copy.

  112. I have all of your books; I got hooked after reading Within the Frame. Your honest, down to earth advice always resonates with me, be it about gear, craft or vision. I’d love to have an autographed copy of this new edition!

  113. Have the first edition near the top of my library…the second edition has an appealing “look”…count me in and Thanks David for all the hard work and inspiring fellow photographers.

  114. I have the original edition and would love to have a signed copy of your latest edition to compare. Having a signed one would be the cherry on top.



  115. Congrats on the revised version, David. As a part-time writing instructor, I tell my students that an essay is *never* finished. There’s always something to change, add, or remove later once we’ve learned more. Thanks for modeling that idea here.

  116. I loved the first edition, when you were visiting San Francisco before your fall I was selected to join you for drinks but couldn’t make it that day due to an emergency. I was going to ask you to sign my copy of the first edition that day 🙂

  117. I have read the original edition three times. One of my favourite books on Art (every kind of art) ever, with On Writing (Stephen King) and The War of Art (Steven Pressfield). Thanks David!

  118. P.S. Ah yes, hopefully I’m in for the draw 😉 Would love to read the edited version as well. Admire your work.

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