Postcards from Venice

In Postcards From..., Travel by David34 Comments

The train from Venice pulled out only minutes ago, heading south to Florence and away from the city that, after 8 years, I’m only now beginning to really discover, though I’ve loved her – quirky, busy, impossibly tangled with tourists, as well as beautiful, romantic, and bathed in light – from the start. Florence will be a quick one, 4 days between workshops to catch my breath, and catch up with email, in between visits to the Uffizi gallery and some favourite wine bars. And then it’s on to Rome for one last week of MentorSeries Workshops in Italy. The next ones will probably not be until 2019 or 2020.

The last two weeks in Venice were a creative surprise. I expected to spend a little time making moody black and white photographs. Instead it was all colour all the time, mostly reflections, silhouettes, and shadows. The muse wants what the muse wants, I guess. Maybe next time. And yet, I’m thrilled with the results. It was nice to see Venice a little differently.

Here are a few of the images from the last two weeks in this fabulous city. As always, if you’ve got questions about the technical or the creative steps that got me here, feel free to ask! I’ll drop you a line the next chance I get.

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  1. Hi
    Your photos have been an inspiration for me for years, for the fifth time I am in Venice trying to capture light, colors and compositions. Recently I am starting to think about showing Venice in black and white tones which is difficult because the colors here are wonderful. greetings from venice 🙂

    1. Thanks for that, Bodzio. I can’t tell you how jealous I am to hear that you’re in Venice. I’d love to be there right now. I imagine it’s much lighter on tourists now than it usually is. Have a great time!

  2. Pingback: Cytaty: „Banał nie rodzi się z tego, co fotografujesz...

  3. Bellissimo David
    Was there the same time you were wish I knew you were there. Would have been great to meet up and have a glass of vino.

    1. Author

      Maybe next time! Its amazing how many photographers I meet in Venice. If you see me, don’t hesitate!

  4. Dear David:
    I so enjoyed your recent body of work from Italy (in the monograph) – just beautiful. Made me long to step into that golden light.
    Thank you also for your never failing encouragement and for the ’tips’ on how to go about creating a coherent set of images.
    And, no, I don’t hate you – but was pretty envious for a minute!!
    Cheers, Janet

  5. Pingback: What’s inspiring this week – Korwel Photography

  6. Thank you David, we were just in Venice and I couldn’t agree more. Venice drew me in like a siren. Beautiful photography once again, hope you enjoy Florence and Rome, Arrivederci!

  7. Thanks Tom! Good to hear from you again. Sounds like you’re having a wonderful new adventure of your own these days!

  8. David, These images from Venice… they take my breath away. Venice from a gorgeous point of view! The reflections, the colors, the mood you created… ! I just want to sit and look at the images and let them sink in. As a lover of black and white images I am totally thrilled by the color palette of these images. My absolute favorite is the one with the goat!
    Did you use an in camera jpeg filter?
    Enjoy Florence and then Rome!

  9. Coolest photos of Venice I’ve ever seen! Very inspiring. Hoping I’ll be ready for a f2f workshop with you in 2019 or 2020. Meanwhile, learning from your online courses!

  10. I like and adore the silhouettes, David. I do not ever plan to create a silhouette, but I sure wish I did. I also like backlit subjects. Your reflections and colors create within me a creative, very enthusiastic, and exhilerating passion to create my own label for my work. Trying to determine this. As I travel I wish to think people images., and write their stories down. I have a friend in Turkey…she is a photojournalist who has a very successful career, and I must say she is a very inspiring colleague. You are as well quite the inspirational photographer. Thanks for the privilege!!

  11. Love, love, love them, David. Dynamic, colorful, creative view of Venice.

  12. Man, you always capture beautiful images in Venice! The reflections are just wonderfull, and the colors dynamic.

    Love them all, but the one with the goat head is my favorite.

  13. A fascinating way to photograph Venice its like two sides of the story in one photos brilliant

  14. Author

    Hi Diane – Thank you! The very last image is the only double exposure in the images posted here. The rest are reflections and / or slow shutter speeds.

  15. Great photos David!! Question: are these all reflections and/ or slow shutter speed and/or movement or are a couple multiple exposures? Thanks

  16. Love this series. So different – love the colours and the reflections especially !

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