It’s Only a Moment, but…

In Images, Thoughts & Theory, Travel by David32 Comments

I think one of the things I love most about photography is that it often elevates the mundane. When you stop a moment, and preserve it forever, and take the care to frame it, light it, and chose one moment over another, you effectively tell the world – or anyone who cares enough to look at your work; Look at …

Postcard From Senegal

In Images, Thoughts & Theory, Travel by David11 Comments

I photographed this man in Senegal earlier this month during some much needed time off. The encounter was so typical of much of my travels. You meet someone, drawn by their smile, their character, and with permission you raise the camera. And then it vanishes. For one reason or another that authentic thing that drew you disappears behind what? Something …

Kenya Images Posted

In Images, Travel by David45 Comments

I’ve been sitting on these for a while, wondering what to do with them and finally got off my butt and decided to put them into a slideshow. It could be a while before they make it into my portfolio as I’m still figuring out a complete re-build, so here’s a glimpse at what I shot. It’s a rough edit …

We Need More Obsessions

In Books, Images, Influences, Uncategorized, VisionMongers by David9 Comments

The cover of Paul Nicklen’s new book, Polar Obsession. I’m captivated by Paul Nicklen and his work right now. His book, Polar Obsession, is on its way from Amazon and I can’t wait until it arrives. I haven’t been this excited about a book coming my way for a while. I might even be more excited about this one arriving …

The (Free) Pixelated Image Wallpaper Collection

In Images, Just For Fun, News & Stuff by David44 Comments

Yesterday a lot of people said a lot of very kind things and though I’ve never needed reminding how much I like y’all, well, yesterday just capped it. Your support and encouragement means a lot to me. So I’ve got a little something for you, just to say thank you. I’ve put together 16 of my favourite wallpaper-type images into …


In Images by David11 Comments

I had the distinct pleasure of spending a couple days with Dave Taggart recently. Dave flew up to spend a couple days with me working on his craft and getting out a few bugs before he joins us on the Kenya tour in January. In the lead up to our time together I spent some time looking at his work …

Images – One Last Harvest

In Images, Travel by David25 Comments

This is a short slideshow of some of the images I took in the village of Lamayuru last month while in Ladakh in the north of India. I love Lamayuru, and fear for what progress means for this place. While there we were told that this might be the last harvest done without mechanization, and while machines bring good they …