A Late Postcard From Ladakh

In Travel by David17 Comments


Well, we landed in Delhi about 2 hours ago and now that we’re settled in day rooms at the hotel I can send the postcard from Ladakh that I’ve been meaning to send. I shot this at sunset in the Nubra Valley. We got spent 2 days in Hunder after driving over the highest motorable road in the world, some of us on Royal Enfield motorcycles. That’s me below on my buddy Russ’ Thunderbird at 18,500ft. It was spectactular!


The trip was so enjoyable. We’re a pretty organic tour and we limit our numbers to 8 participants; as such we operate more like a family and it’s tough to say goodbye. We saw some incredible scenery, spent time in some great monasteries, shot thousands of images, and ate some incredible food.

Special thanks to the participants that joined us, and to Ami Vitale, a lovely, vibrant photographer with no end of talent. Ami is a world class photographer and she was brave (crazy?) enough to throw in her lot with us as a special guest teacher. We had such a great time together. Also, she has a weird thing with jumping.


I’ll be showing more of my images over the coming weeks, including a desktop wallpaper for October, but the bulk of them will get stored in the secret archives and get used for the next book(s). Speaking of books, the next eBook – “TEN MORE” – will get announced in the next 12 hours of so (update: it’s now up and info is HERE).

Off to Frankfurt in 12 hours, then to Calgary, then to Vancouver, then home. Oh man, I can’t wait to get home!


  1. David – Thanks as always for sharing a slice of your life.

    How did you go from Delhi to Leh? It is not close to each other as google map tells me.

  2. Author

    Thanks, y’all.

    @Cezar, you asked so nicely, how could I say no? 🙂 Look for your wish to be granted tomorrow.

    @darko – Juley! Kanzung ina ley? 🙂 Enoy Ladakh. Safe travels.

  3. Stunning images. Can we pretty please have the first one as a calendar ?:D

    PS. can hardly wait to get the new mini-book 😀

  4. I’d love to get a copy, but I had a little trouble with lulu logon… will try again later – loved the first e-book, and your printed one!!

  5. yyyyyyyessss, fantastic pictures. i’ve done the same road (sadly not on an enfield, but a tiny yamaha rented from a local for less than 10$ equivalent :D)

  6. Glad the trip went well! Save travels home. I believe we’ll have some rain ready for you when you get here.

  7. Welcome back to the cyber world, looking forward to seeing your images. I just gave it a quick glance, and 10 More looks hot! Safe trip home, David. 🙂

  8. Happy to see you back here. The postcard is great and I can’t wait to be in October to see the wallpaper you will post.
    I wish you a nice trip home.

  9. hmmm i wonder if i tried too soon, it gives me a “We’re sorry” when i try checking out =P

    Any prizes for first to download each eBook? hehh

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