November 2010 Wallpapers

In Wallpapers by David38 Comments

November wallpapers are here early, in both 2560×1600 and 1280×853. If it’s OK with you I’ve decided to forgo the monthly calendar. Leaving it off is much less work for me but also makes these a little more timeless.

I shot this on the edge of Tso Moriri, a high-altitude lake in Ladakh. This was really just a scouting shot, I wanted to go back the next night but life had other plans and (a) the tents were taken down the next morning, (b) my boots were stolen, and (c) I ended up desperately sick. It’s a good reminder to get the shot while you can. There might not be a tomorrow. Weather moves in. Things happen. Life gets in the way. Shoot it while you can.

The smaller wallpaper is all yours by clicking the image above, the larger one can be had by clicking HERE.

I’m posting this early in hopes that we can all move on from the Nikon discussion, which I posted after so many questions about my decision to make the switch. And I gotta tell you I nearly put money on the fact that this community would respond well to that post. I should have done so, because with the exception of one person who posted anonymously (#155) telling me I was getting a demerit point for using the word “retarded” in a derogatory sense, the comments and discussions were amazingly free of the usual lunacy these topics instigate. So you all get gold stars and my continued respect and thanks for keeping this community one of the exceptions in the online photography world (and there are others, but you make this place special. Thanks!)


  1. I would like to show my thanks to you just for bailing me out of such a instance. Because of scouting through the search engines and getting tips which were not powerful, I assumed my entire life was well over. Living minus the answers to the issues you’ve sorted out all through your main site is a crucial case, as well as the ones which might have in a negative way affected my entire career if I hadn’t encountered your web page. Your personal training and kindness in handling all the details was very useful. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t encountered such a step like this. I’m able to at this time look forward to my future. Thanks a lot very much for this impressive and results-oriented help. I will not be reluctant to recommend your web blog to any person who should get care on this matter.

  2. Makes you wonder what they are doing… talking, playing a game, reading… I like the colors of the tents and the fact that the light lets you see that some are textured (ont des motifs). I also really like the clouds are moving. How did you do that?

    Love your work and your books…

  3. Calendar or no calendar, I love the wallpaper. I’m still looking at June and Venice. Many thanks.

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  6. I miss the calendar a LOT!
    The best place for having the calendar is on the right hand side. Can I change your picture and add it?

  7. Author

    Hey Darlene – No, no sinister reason. It’s a struggle each month to do these so I welcome the break from adding the calendar. Much faster to get these done. And as I keep getting requests for wallpapers without the calendar so that people can use them longer without staring at an out of date calendar, it seemed like a good chance to try a change. You miss the calendar too?

  8. Hi David – I notice this one and last month have not little calendar icon on them. Mind if I ask why you changed it? For more branding?

  9. Hi David,
    just wanted to say that you are an inspiration to a lot of people. Keep the hard work and good luck with your transition!

  10. Thanks for your insightful reply David. I see what your saying. I’m still happy to give a little PC a shot myself, but I’m in no way saying you should edit what you’ve said or anything.

    It’s kind of rare to get a reply from someone I have so much respect for (especially over the internet), so I appreciate that a lot.

  11. Check out me, no comments er…ever and now two in the same day. Anyway; OI David, stop being lazy and resizing after you’ve put the logo in. The logo in the smaller version of the image is, ironically, a pixelated image, you can’t even read the url.

  12. Scouting shot, WTF?! 🙂

    “if Carlsberg made scouting shots they’d probably be the best scouting shots in the world” (not sure a non Uk audience will get that but you never know, beer is the international language of love. Kinda. :))

  13. “There might not be a tomorrow. Weather moves in. Things happen. Life gets in the way. Shoot it while you can.”

    True, and in the mountains this is especially so. A great quote David.

    By the way, I am assuming the stolen boots were hiking boots and not your favourite Blundstones?

  14. Again an image that just stops me in my tracks. I’m actually happy that you didn’t include the calendar this month, because there are some of your images that I would love to keep around a little longer. Thank you for sharing your visions of this world I may never see.

  15. Just an amazing wallpaper for my iPad! Thanks, David, although I was kinda hoping for a D3S wallpaper!!

  16. And besides, retardation, in the sense that David used it, and considering the object the word pointed towards, could be defined as thus (from

    – the extent to which something is delayed or held back

    – slowdown: the act of slowing down or falling behind

    I think most Canon users can agree that Canon has fallen behind in the areas of autofocus and memory capacity in their bodies, right?

  17. David, it’s always so refreshing witnessing someone stand up with a little backbone in these days of limp, dont-you-dare-have-any-beliefs-or-opinions-lest-you-offend-someone-you-don’t-even-know-and/or-weren’t-even-talking-to-in-the-first-place conformity. It’s difficult preaching the mantra of making yourself stand out as unique and expressive in the arts if you are ever only concerned with comforming to the world’s expectations in other areas of life and becoming a carbon-copy human being. Many of the concepts we adopt in our craft can and should be applied to our life and the way we live it as well. Yours is a great example of how to do so without being a total punk about it. Finding that balance in loving on people but not backing down from or compromising on what you believe is what is on display here. Thanks, not only are you a fine photographer, you are a fine person as well.

    Thanks, too, for the great wallpaper. Even though I was secretly hoping for the other image from that blog post. 😉

  18. Awesome shot, I loved this when you first posted it during you trip and was hoping it would make the wallpaper cut. Although I’m still wondering what’s going on in those tents!

  19. Great Image David. I too wanted to take this one but felt so bad that night that thought -I’ll do it tomorrow- missed this one, but I got different images at other the camp and a great experience. So, take image today but if you didn’t just move on…

  20. A beautiful background. I still have the September background. It seems to be more suited for a backdrop for photo editing. Although Lightroom & Photoshop are always maximized, so I’m not sure what my problem present such excellent images.

    Political correctness is the bane of free thought everywhere…

  21. Author

    Jacob – I think the political correctness movement has done more damage to the way we communicate than it has helped. Yes, I agree we should be careful not to give offense where we can, and yes, I might have used another word had I really thought about it, but I also think we’re living in a day and age where we’re just looking for something to be offended by. Words matter, and if I truly offended someone by my careless use of those words, I would be happy to consider changing them. Probably. But I think the whole PC movement fails to look deeper than choice of words to the meaning implied by them. A balance of sensitivity to the causes we’re defending, and a mind open enough to look for what people are really saying, is probably a good place to begin.

    If we spend our days checking each word against a list of forbidden words, none of us will ever get anything meaningful communicated for fear of offending people to whom we probably weren’t speaking in the first place.

    Still, if I cause genuine, non-anonymous offence, I’m truly sorry. I’ve never shyed from issuing a mea culpa, but I also won’t edit my content now that the issue is out there. I genuinely meant no harm.

    Thanks for the comment, Jacob.

  22. I’m not the #155 guy, and I mostly agree with your reply #156.

    I personally feel the same way about using the word retarded as the word ‘gay’. While I don’t expect people to agree with me and I’m not offended by people who use them, I avoid using them myself, simply to avoid insulting that one person who may be offended.

    In a case like this where another word could easily be used, isn’t it best to avoid using the word someone could find offensive? You can’t please everyone, but where possible, we can try to be more respectful to more people right?

    I’d love a response David. (I’m not trying to incite some kind of argument, just wondering if I am talking complete rubbish)

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