Postcard from Cuverville Island

In Antarctica, Travel by David55 Comments

We’re camped out at Cuverville Island right now, spent the afternoon wet and bounced around in Zodiacs chasing ice. You wouldn’t believe the colours. I’ll show you something from this afternoon soon; in the mean-time here’s a pair of penguins. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Now you’re back, this gets my favourite postcard vote.

    Just love it, can’t say why, I’ll have to read Photographically Speaking again.

  2. Really love the minimalism and negative space use…..and the penguins are adorable… ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. LOVE! If you had to give me something to tide me over, a pair of penguins was a fine choice! One of my two favorite animals on the planet (the other being turtles). Have FUN, can’t wait to see more photos. Janine

  4. Really nice image (as are the previous ones from this trip – the white phase, right?). Don’t spoil it by telling us they taste like chicken:)

  5. I agree with Julie – one of my favorites ever – now David, I would like a copy, and signed please!!!!

  6. Admiration, gratitude, manly affection, respect, a little envy, laughter, empathy, joy. All are aroused by your blog entries and the images you post. Your generosity of spirit make you an example to us all, but one that few can hope to emulate. Love the penguin picture. Perfect!

  7. What about colors?
    Is it so much white all around that anything non-white looks so much more colorful?! Or is it the clean air? I like the penguins photo.

  8. Great composition. Have been sending URL for your free ebook to all the people that ask me for advice on taking photographs.

  9. I am really enjoying your Antarctica photos! This one is particularly fabulous!

  10. In the middle of the free (!) e-book you’ve been talking about – love it. Absolutely bloody love it. I’m so glad you decided to go through with it! God knows it’s well needed, for us poor but passionate buggers! Thanks a lot, again. For everything.

  11. Something about penguins – they always crack me up. Love those funny, crazy guys here !
    Interesting alliteration of their figures and shadows

  12. Are these the guys from “Happy Feet”? I can hear the creative juices screaming!!

  13. Been following your blog for a while, but rarely comment. This photo did it for me! I just have to say that it puts a big smile on my face. Really. ๐Ÿ™‚ — Michelle

  14. Very jealous! Would love to go to Antarctica. Need to save up on both the cash and the Gravol (for the crossing). Love the penguins!

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