Blurred Vision

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Vision Is Better by David93 Comments

So what do you do when you feel your vision has abandoned you? That it’s dried up or gone missing? I talked about this while I was in Kathmandu on a personal level but I’m seeing it all over the internet and in emails from friends. I can’t be the only one. The downside to believing that our photography is …

Leaving Kathmandu

In Creativity and Inspiration, Travel by David72 Comments

Boudha, Kathmandu Canon 1Ds MkIII, 85mm, 1/160 @ f/1.2, ISO 800 After the last post, and what one reader called my exhausting angst, I’ve been shooting very little and just enjoying this place. Guess I just needed a break. I’m really grateful for the comments left, and for the thoughts and ideas expressed in them, but I trust you know …

Go to the Writers.

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Vision Is Better by David48 Comments

I’m re-reading a stack of books about the creative process. Anne Lamott, Stephen King, Annie Dillard, Robert McKee, et al. When what I want is to hear about the creative life, I don’t go to photographers – most of them are good with images, lousy with words. Want insight into how this whole creative thing works? Go to the writers. …