Me. Shooting in the driving rain in Iceland. Cold. Wet. Deliriously happy. I’ve never shot in the rain, drizzle, dew, fog, and general “water coming out of the sky in every possible form” as much as I did in Iceland the last couple weeks. There were days my boots were so wet I thought they’d never recover – they were …
Gitzo Fleece – This One Goes Up To 11.
Within a stone’s throw of the Arctic Circle in Iceland. Photo: Dave Delnea It’s been a while since an unapologetic gear post but I need to get this out there. I love the Gitzo fleece jacket. It’s not right for a guy to love a jacket this much, much less a jacket that raises my nerd factor to 11. Hell, …
Filters & The Creative Process
Good news for all my friends and students who have been eagerly chomping at the bit to get their hands on the Singh-Ray Gold-N-Blue Polarizing filter: they’re back in stock. Now I know y’all don’t like these things, and I’m as guilty as anyone of struggling to learn to use this filter a little more judiciously. I also know not …
Hiding Behind Shiny Pillars?
I’m re-reading Hugh MacLeod’s IGNORE EVERYBODY. Great book. You should read it. Seriously. But that’s not why I bring it up. I just posted about shooting with a little less gear and then I sat down with a glass of wine and this book and a pen and read the following. I think it applies. There’s no correlation between creativity …
Screw Vision, Gimme Fast and Shiny!
Ok, not really. I’ll take vision anyday over the shiny toys. It doesn’t always have to be one or the other, though. This is one of those rare posts that talks about gear and if you’re not ready to hear me geek-out, perhaps now is a good time to go read What The Duck or something. I have been planning …
20 Perfect Things
Perfect Thing #19. Shooting What You Love. Shot this on the island of Goree in Senegal last month. A day to wander, shoot, and hang out with a friend. Life is about these kinds of moments. I should be slaving away on a million things right now but I’m feeling a little sheepish over the neglect this blog’s suffered recently. …
Credit Where Credit is Due. Or Not.
I got this email yesterday, and I’m quoting it here in full with only a few edits to protect the identity of the one who sent it: Dear David, What do you know and think about stock photography, and which stock photography company would you recommend using? Really any information you have about stock photography will help. I’m seriously thinking …
Big Love for Small Light: Quadra
Me. Kiboko Bag by GuraGear, Canon 1Ds MkIII, EF 300/2.8L IS. I told you I’d picked up an Elinchrom Ranger Quadra (B&H link HERE). It came a week or so ago and I’ve finally had a little time to play with it. Product reviews are always a dicey thing. So because I’ve not had much more than an afternoon to …
Stuff (But Vision is Still Better.)
This one is an unabashed, shameless, Gear Is Good but Vision Is Better post. You’ve been warned. There have been a lot of quiet, but enthusiastic ripples about the new Elinchrom Ranger Quadra system, and I finally caved in. I called B&H and talked it through, then placed my order. I’d been tempted before Photoshop World and then I got …
The Best Travel Tripod?
If there’s one question that seems to come up with traveling photographers more than “what’s the perfect bag?” it’s “what’s the best travel tripod?” And that question is almost almost qualified with, “and it has to be light, sturdy, compact, and inexpensive.” And if possible it must come with little tripod faeries to carry it about and position it for …