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One Decision Away From Stronger Photographs?

In Lightroom & Workflow, Resources, The Craft, The Life Creative, Workflow & Technical Issues by David29 Comments

Click play to watch this 7-minute video Transcript: I think many photographers put all their creative eggs in too few baskets. They look to the work they do with the camera as job one, which it is. But it’s not the only job. It’s the sexy job, for sure. But it’s insufficient. Some lean heavily on post-processing or development; you …

Photographers and Money. We Should Talk.

In Freelance and Business, How to Feed a Starving Artist, Resources, The Life Creative by David28 Comments

One day I want to sit down with my readers, somehow, and have an honest conversation about money, and how we make it and manage it as creatives. I don’t know how it’ll happen – it’s hard enough having honest conversations about things that aren’t so surrounded by fear and shame and a general, “I don’t want to talk about …

Study the Masters: Magnum

In Books, Resources, Study the Masters by David7 Comments

When Robert Capa conceived of Magnum Photos I suspect he had no idea what it would become. Founded in 1947 by Capa and Cartier-Bresson, among several others, Magnum has become a rallying place for excellence in photojournalism. Notable members over the years include Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, Eve Arnold, Steve McCurry, Elliott Erwitt, Ernst Haas, Don McCullin, W. Eugene Smith, …

About The Image Podcast: New Episode

In Craft & Vision, Resources by David2 Comments

Episode 10 of my Craft & Vision podcast, About The Image, is now up. Thanks to Soren Neergard for this episode’s photograph. A free video podcast, About the Image is a chance for me to discuss the photographic language, and issues related to visual design and composition. They go from about 7 minutes to, well, longer, and there are now …