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Postcards from Lesotho

In Postcards From... by David13 Comments

After 2 weeks in the highlands of Lesotho I’m back in Johannesburg for a couple days to wash the dust off and get the bumps massaged out before beginning the long journey home. The highlight this morning was waking up in a bed that was not my sleeping bag, and getting a cup of coffee that was not powdered Nescafe. …

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Postcards from Venice

In Postcards From..., Travel by David34 Comments

The train from Venice pulled out only minutes ago, heading south to Florence and away from the city that, after 8 years, I’m only now beginning to really discover, though I’ve loved her – quirky, busy, impossibly tangled with tourists, as well as beautiful, romantic, and bathed in light – from the start. Florence will be a quick one, 4 …

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More Postcards from Jodhpur

In Postcards From..., Travel by David6 Comments

I’m writing this in turbulence 40,000 ft over Afghanistan on the way home from India, so it’s hardly a postcard from Jodhpur but then I usually send my mother her postcards when I get home too, so that makes you family. I’ve just wrapped up 2 weeks in Rajasthan, and now making a run for home to get my hands …

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Postcards from Jodhpur

In Postcards From..., Travel by David6 Comments

After a busy, and increasingly hot, week in Jodhpur with my first of two Mentor Series Workshops here in Rajasthan, one group of students is now leaving with beautiful bodies of work and another has just arrived. We spend our early mornings walking the streets, padding our shoeless way through temples, sitting with our favourite chai wallas, and following unexpected …

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Postcards from Rome

In Postcards From..., Travel by David6 Comments

It’s Sunday morning here in Rome and the church bells are chiming. We woke this morning to our second earthquake in a couple days; a good sign that it’s time to go home. But what an amazing 5 weeks it’s been with students and new friends, lots of amazing meals and wine, and days to wander unknown streets looking for …

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Postcards from Italy

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David19 Comments

It’s been a while since I said hello, and the last time you heard from me was probably during the chaos of the 5 Day Deal over the last week. Thanks for your patience on that. Together we raised over $200,000 for 4 excellent charities, including The Boma Project with which I am so personally involved. This sale also funds …

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Giant Mantas of Socorro

In Postcards From..., Travel, Wilderness by David25 Comments

I boarded the Nautilus Belle Ami, with a couple dozen other divers on World Oceans Day. Together we spent the next 36 hours sailing from the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula, bound for the Revillagigeda archipelago, a small collection of islands and rocky pinnacles a couple hundred miles south. The experience of the last 12 days was, in significant …