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Postcards from Istanbul

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David13 Comments

I remember some point in my childhood hearing the name Constantinople; like the name Zanzibar it conjured something exotic and romantic in my mind. Of this kind of romance there was no shortage in my childhood. Early on my mother had a massive National Geographic atlas, easily the largest book in the house and I’d lie on the floor looking …

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Postcards from Rome

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David29 Comments

  Ciao from Roma! We spent this evening walking through Rome in the rain, the shadows and reflections of this ancient city bounced back at us on the glistening cobbles, as we passed boutiques and wine bars, music and light pouring out of the wine bars. This morning we walked over to Vatican City, and yesterday it was the Colosseum, …

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Postcards from Lucca

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David30 Comments

I’m sending these postcards with a heavy heart from Lucca, a night after the new attacks on Paris, hoping someone out there needs a reminder that there is still good in the world, that beauty remains as imperfect but undiminished as always. That our ways of expressing grief and compassion and empathy for others may, like beauty, not be perfect, …

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Postcards from Venice

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David14 Comments

Ciao from Venice! I shared this last week with 3 new friends in Venice, all here to do the first in what is, for me, a new kind of workshop. With just three students, all here to see Venice, of course, but also to work on a very specific body of work, it was a very intimate workshop. The week …

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Postcards from London

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David23 Comments

Some things are over far too quickly. 3 nights in London has gone by like a shot. But the days were packed with long walks and sights I haven’t seen since I was 15 years old, juxtaposed by things that weren’t even here 30 years ago. The city remains terminally cool – in fact it just seems to get cooler. …

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Postcards from Skye

In News & Stuff, Postcards From... by David19 Comments

We arrived in London a week ago and, jetlagged and a little confused about driving on the left and how exactly one determines the speed limit, we made our way to Scotland’s Isle of Skye. It’s beautiful here – almost magical. It has some of the remoteness and magic of both Iceland and Newfoundland’s Fogo Island. We’ve spent our time …

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Postcard from Isla Mujeres

In Postcards From... by David24 Comments

Since I was a kid I’ve been fascinated by sharks and whales and anything large that swam the seas, and there’s none larger in the shark family than the Whale Shark. There are a couple places in the world you can reliably swim with congregations of these large, peaceful, sharks; the closest to me is Isla Mujeres off the coast …