August Updates & Wallpapers.

In News & Stuff, The Italian Incident, Wallpapers by David50 Comments

Rio Grande, NM. 2011. Size: 1920×1200 Click the image to access the larger file. What an amazing 3 months. It’s now almost 15 weeks since my accident, and there have been times I didn’t think I was ever going to walk again. I’m still nervous. But I have hope. My casts are off, I’ve been off the sleeping pills and …

Don’t Stop.

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, Photographically Speaking, Rants and Sermons, Thoughts & Theory, Vision Is Better by David40 Comments

Agra Fort. Agra, India. 2008. I rediscovered this sequence of photographs while putting together Photographically Speaking. In the book I discuss one of these images and explore the elements and decisions that make the photograph what it is. But looking at the 3 together I think there’s a lesson along the lines of the stuff I’ve been talking about lately, …

45 Days.

In Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons by David68 Comments

This is a pragmatic post, and I hope it doesn’t sound too preachy. But one of the things creatives struggle with is finding time to create. We all do. I get emails all the time asking how I cram it all in, how I “find the time to do everything I do.” I posted a longer, different response to that …

Creativity: Find Your Rhythm

In Creativity and Inspiration by David39 Comments

Finding my own rhythm again hasn’t been easy, but it’s still there. Sometimes the waves just seem to take longer to crest, but they do. This was the first time I really picked up a camera since the accident. It took me two months to get there. Photo: Cynthia Haynes. Every creative person I know goes through ups and downs, …

New Plan, Part II

In GEAR, Jessie and I, Travel by David58 Comments

  Caveat: This is a post about gear. So many of you will get all glossy-eyed. Worse: it’s not even camera gear. This is a post about the gear I’ve chosen to live with on the on-going (if not somewhat interupted) nomadic adventure with Jessie. You will be forgiven if you just move on, not everyone cares about field kitchens …

OK, New Plan. Part I

In GEAR, Jessie and I, Just For Fun, News & Stuff, Travel by David76 Comments

I think we can all agree that this year went a little sideways. If things had gone to plan I’d have picked Jessie up in Atlanta over a month ago, spun through the Florida Keys, lingered for three weeks, then come up the Eastern seaboard, and back into Canada. By now I’d be heading east toward the Maritimes, finally to …

Photographically Speaking: I’m Done.

In Books, News & Stuff, Photographically Speaking, VisionMongers, Within The Frame by David54 Comments

Just a quick update on the newest book, Photographically Speaking. I was genuinely worried how far we’d have to push the deadlines out on this after my accident but if there’s one things everyone knows, including publishers and Kathy Bates, it’s that a writer with broken ankles gets way more done than his colleagues that waste all their time with …