Postcard From Delhi III
Hello from Delhi. First day of the Lumen Dei Tour and already up to our necks in new experiences and already being prodded further steps down the road of our photographic journeys. Our team is fantastic – wonderful photographers, all of them, and all with a great sense of humour. We spent the morning around Jamma Masjid in Old Delhi, …
Postcards From Delhi
A quick postcard from Delhi. I hit the ground in Delhi around 1am on the 11th, spent the 12th with Gavin Gough (above) and yesterday, the 13th, with Gavin and Matt Brandon. Today, the 14th, the three of us will add Ami Vitale to our number, and tomorrow we’ll add 8 more and begin the third Lumen Dei Workshop & …
Driving In India
I first read this a few years ago. It struck me as funny. Then I began travelling in India. Now it’s either hilarious or terrifying, depending on my mood and whether or not I am in a vehicle at the time. I’m putting it here for the amusement of our Lumen Dei team and so I can find it again …
Postcard from Ko Samet
It’s a postcard from Ko Samet (a small island in the Gulf of Thailand), but mailed from Bangkok. We got into Bangkok a couple hours ago, scrounged dinner and are moments away from turning off the lights and getting some sleep before our 4:30am wake-up call. Early flights tomorrow – Henri flies home via Tokyo, I fly home via Hong …
Postcard From Chiang Rai
Hello from rainy Chiang Rai. We arrived yesterday, spent today walking the city. Much smaller than Chiang Mai, has a really nice vibe. A little less modern, less busy. But man is it raining. Just torrential. Tomorrow we set out for a two day trek among the hill tribes. I’m going with mixed feelings about it, never completely at ease …
Postcard From Chiang Mai
Hello from northern Thailand. We’re in Chiang Mai today and tomorrow morning (now this morning, took forEVER to post this) before turning in our scooters and hopping a bus for Chiang Rai. We’re about a third into the trip and it’s gone absolutely par for the course. Gavin Gough met us at the airport. Endlessly kind and helpful, the man’s …
Kenya & Bangladesh – World Vision Canada
In November I was in Kenya for World Vision Canada, in February I was in Bangladesh. Both trips were a visual adventure for me, another challenge to shoot similar subject matter in new ways and to discover new moments. I’ve only now got around to posting something. Part of that is simple deference to the client’s wishes as they complete …
VisionMongers: Making a Life and a Living in Photography
Last week my new book got rolled out on, which means two things. Thing One: I can now talk about it. Thing Two: I guess I need to start writing this sucker now. Just kidding. Almost done, promise. VisionMongers: Making A Life and a Living in Photography is due out in November/December. Amazon lists it at December 25 just …
Joe McNally Weighs In on WTF
Easily the proudest moment in my professional life was reading the words Joe McNally wrote in the Foreword to my book, Within The Frame. The good folks at Peachpit/New Riders have just released that Foreword in a PDF format and it’s downloadable from their website be clicking HERE. Joe wrote the Foreword, Vincent Versace wrote the Afterword; if you’ve been …
WTF! IS HERE! (Almost)
A year ago this thing was little more than a crazy “what if…?” that I couldn’t shake from my brain. Now it’s on the home stretch to being 260-something printed pages. A book. The book goes to the printer on Friday, so those of you who pre-ordered, the end is in sight. And by “in sight” I mean it’s still …