
In The Italian Incident by David71 Comments

It’s my second full day in physical rehab. Monday was spent doing intake and assessment. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent kicking my ass. I went to bed Tuesday exhausted, but having walked 16 lengths of the gym. Today I did 20. Tomorrow I’ll do more.

Before bed this evening I went for a walk around the ward, made the photograph above. And I kept walking. Did 5 laps. A man on the ward stopped me and said, from his powered wheelchair, “I’d give my right arm to be able to do what you are doing right now.” I am in the minority – one of the few that either has 4 limbs or will walk out of here this month. It’s not hard to see why I’m so grateful, so exhilarated to be able to walk a handful of slow, sore, and graceless feet or metres. Because I still can. And those few feet will become kilometres, they’ll hurt less, and I’ll be dancing before some of these people walk. It’s deeply humbling.

Heading to bed now. Just wanted to check in and say Hi, let you know I’m alive. Tomorrow’s a new day and I’ll be up early. You don’t learn to walk again by not walking 🙂 These folks are good. I’m very blessed to have the PT that I do and the support I have from all of you. Thanks again.


  1. Well done David. Your spirit and attitude for life is inspiring. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  2. Good on you. Be grateful. everyday. I have been where you are. It makes one humble. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Wow David! It’s wonderful to see you standing on your own two feet, and to hear that you’ve walked so much. You look so much happier in this photo than you did when you crawled into your parents place.

    Congratulations man! Keep it up! It won’t be long now until we disband the society. 😀

  4. It doesn’t matter how bad your situation, someone, somewhere will be worse off. Keep up the battle, David, that’s your ticket to freedom.

  5. I have just finished to read your two books translated in French. I am a bigginner in photo à 60 years old, and it is so exiting, you describe exactly what I want to do in photograph, so I practice, I practice until I move the button without having a look on the device ! I send you a lot of good energy. and when you will come in France, perhaps for a workshop, let me know. I’ll be there ! Thank you for all, David and keep going with this smile and let the bad moment go.

  6. i keep looking for an update; no news is good news and means you are working hard, tired, and completely absorbed. best wishes

  7. Glad to see you are so far down the road to complete recovery. Keep smiling like that and your destination will be upon you before you realize it.

  8. What a great, well-deserved, appreciative, hopeful and complete smile! Beaming…and contagious…I found myself smiling back at you!

  9. Great news, David!! Hopefully you’ll have time for lunch or coffee with Maureen, Freeman and I sometime while you’re here in Ottawa and you can demonstrate your progress. We’re looking forward to seeing you mobile again!.

  10. Well done, David. I am a big fan of your books, I think I have them all. Tell me, you had me check out Photoshelter but I already set up a portfolio with 500px. What is the difference between them? my tweet is @morgana16 in case you want to respond via tweet. Good job with your rehab. You´ll be up and about in no time

  11. David – I shared with you my own story of recovery from two back surgeries when you first injured yourself. A few months after the surgeries I also went to six weeks of live-in physical therapy. The PT’s were the catalyst needed for my recovery to truly begin. I was humbled by the other patients who fought back with everything they had and were injured so much more than I was. You will emerge from the crucible stronger and better than you went in. Reading your story has reminded me of all I have to be thankful for and inspired me to be a better person.

    Please keep sharing your story.


  12. way to go. Attitude of Gratitude and unbearably hard work will take you a long long way….x.thanks for opening up this experience to all of us in the ether world ~ there are many ways to teach, and to move people. thank you.

  13. Its very cool that you have mentioned the PTs . Very seldom does it seem like there are any other people working in the hospital other than Nurses and Doctors. All the rest of us are often forgotten.
    Take care David and all the best as you conquer your various mountains.

  14. The picture is so cool! You look like a toddler who just discovered how great it is to walk. I hope it felt like that, if just for a moment before that pain came back.

  15. Wow that is a great step David! good for you. Maybe it is a reborn after all. It definitely gave new perspectives, but will it be a better you?

    hahaha no just kidding. I’m enormous happy that you made your first steps again. Keep up the spirits, train hard, and you will be rewarded next month with your new travel adventure.
    cheers David,

  16. Excellent excellent! So glad to know that you’re making such “strides”!
    You’re a great inspirer! {is that even a real word?}
    Keep walkin!

  17. So happy for you – that you are blessed so, even in the face of such a hardship!! Keep up the hard work!

  18. LOOK AT YOU STANDING. Awesome.

    I’m in Beijing right now and saw Within The Frame in Chinese… (hopefully that’s legit 😉 Glad to see your photos pop up when I didn’t expect them.

  19. Thanks for sharing David and I’m really glad to hear you are getting back to where you were. Keep going, you have the right attitude! Oh when you have some time aside of your routines check out this website for more inspiration, ive enjoyed it very much. Wishing you all the best 🙂

  20. Nice David, you’ll be saying adios to the cane in no time. Stay focused.

  21. You look super happy in that snap! Awesome. Keep up the good work.

    P.S. your quote reminded me of another a friend used to say…’you can’t drink all day unless you start in the morning’…completely irrelevant but I always thought it was clever.

  22. Nice one David 🙂

    It’s great to hear that you’re moving slowly but surely towards recovery. All the best, and if the blogging helps, keep it coming – I, for one, read them all.


  23. My, my, you look happier than a fat rat in a cheese factory! All kidding aside, it’s a beautiful thing, this progress you’ve made in such a relatively short period. You have been such an inspiration, always seeking those nuggets of hope. I am so happy for you!

  24. i guess one has to fall deep [sorry for the pun] to be honestly and fully gratefull. i think i’m very far from that same gratfullness you have because i had more luck (?) in my life. but i try to put myself in your shoes (sort of) and learn maybe at least a tiny bit … so thanks for sharing the whole process. keep on walking!


  25. What a great post. Your grateful attitude and hard work are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. Praying for you.

  26. You are doing amazing! Having been there, I am so incredibly proud of you and am here cheering you on. You can do this!

  27. Hi David, i am happy for you, you doing better and better. You’ll surely dance again one day, maybe not with the Stars…:) but it will be a great day!
    I wish you courage, you are well supported by your family and of course the medical team.
    Have a happy day.

  28. Oh, what a wonderful blog. You put everything into perspective for me. Your excitement is contagious. Wishing you many more laps each day. My heart is full. Thanks for taking the time at the end of your very hard day to share with us all. xxoo

  29. That’s wonderful. Having gone thru 4 years of PT I totally get how hard it is. I’m happy to say I can take photos again even though I only have about 20% use of my right arm. Wishing you continued success!

  30. Good news. Come early October, you should be quite mobile and ready to shoot. How about hitting Gatineau Park and capturing some of those fall colours and sharing them with the world. I really miss the area because I used to take friends visiting from elsewhere to see that spectacular scenery. It was best when we could photograph it and marvel at the natural art of it all. Please continue your good news.

  31. the smile says it all… and now do your best to inspire your new friends in rehab… your attitude is infectious… that is one bug they will want to catch

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