Touch the Heart

In A Beautiful Anarchy, Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, The Craft, The Life Creative by David1 Comment

Songwriter Leonard Cohen once asked “How do we produce work that touches the heart?” It’s a question I think we need to pursue if we’re going to make anything that finds traction or resonance, most especially for ourselves but for others. So how do we do it? Let’s talk about it.

I’ve decided to begin posting my weekly podcast here to my blog, as well as the other platforms, just to make it easy to get to everything I make in one place. You can still get it at or on iTunes, Spotify, and the usual other suspects.

You can also download the mp3 file here and you can read the transcript here.

One of the reasons I am doing this is there is no way to leave comments through the other platforms, but you can do so here. In the coming months I’ll be less and less on social media. It might be a permanent move away from the world of Facebook and Instagram, it might not, but I want to be sure I remain available and that our conversations continue.

Want to be told when new episodes are live and ready for you? I’ll send you a very brief email to let you know it’s there. I’ll also send you every issue of On The Make, which comes out every 4 weeks when the podcast isn’t airing. Just click here and let me know where to send it.


  1. Pingback: I’m set now… | Monte Stevens Photography

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