Getting UnStuck

In Creativity and Inspiration, Pep Talks, The Life Creative, Vision Is Better by David14 Comments

The late Steve Jobs once said that creativity was nothing more than connecting dots. Ignoring for a moment that creativity is more than just idea generation, and necessarily includes idea execution, I like the metaphor. The more divergent those dots, the more unusual and interesting our ideas and the solutions to the problems we’re working on, whether that’s a new …

Why Sketch?

In Creativity and Inspiration, The Craft, The Life Creative by David24 Comments

I’m a big believer in sketch photographs, making frames you know aren’t working but have some idea in them you want to explore. The alternative is to believe that all the images I make that don’t work the way I had hoped are failures and I don’t believe in the notion of failure in creative endeavors. At least not in …

Being More Creative

In Creativity and Inspiration, The Life Creative, Thoughts & Theory by David28 Comments

For a craft that is, at its heart, a creative effort, it amazes me that you’d have to read 100 books about making better photographs before you read anything on the creative process. And it’s not that it’s the job of these educators to teach creativity, but still. I’m sitting in a coffee shop right now, two photographers beside me. …