SEVEN Linen Cover, Front Plate. Yesterday we released SEVEN, my first fine art book, for Pre-Orders. We released it in two limited editions and within hours the first 100, a special dustjacketed edition, were long gone, which throws a wrench in my plans because now we have to re-jig the marketing. A beautiful problem to have and a small price …
SEVEN Now Available for Pre-Orders
Today we’re launching my first fine-art book, SEVEN. It’s a retrospective collection of the personal work I’ve done over the last 7 years on 7 seven continents. This is a limited edition book and once those 1,000 signed and numbered copies are gone, they’re gone. Today we’re announcing pre-orders of this limited edition, and giving you 7 days to …
New Work Posted
There’s some new work posted to my portfolios, representing some of my favourite photographs from the last couple months. Click either of the images above to be taken to my recent work from Kenya and Hokkaido, respectively. I love the new direction my work is taking, though I’m at a loss to say where it comes from. There is, I …
Hokkaido Re-Cap
I’m not one to pigeon-hole, but all the same, I’m no wildlife photographer. Of course I said that about landscapes three years ago as well, so what do I know? I’ve spent almost 2 weeks in Japan, mostly in Hokkaido, with birds and monkeys, often flopping around gracelessly and hip deep in snow, and almost always freezing my arse off. …
Last Postcards from Hokkaido
Last moments in Hokkaido before flying back to Tokyo. I’ve got a longer post in the works about this trip, and have a small collection of photographs to post as well – I’ll get that up in the next 24 hours, along with your desktop wallpaper for March. In the meantime, a couple last hours behind big lenses, spending time …
Northern Kenya on White
The images above are another sample of the photographs from this last month’s work in northern Kenya. I wanted something simpler than the environmental portraits I’ve done in the past. Something that isolated my subjects from their contexts and showed them, and their emotions and character, elegantly. Before I left I talked to the folks at Westcott, and picked up …
LR4: Graduated Filter + Colour Temp
Near Tofino, BC. 4 Different Skies. The key to great black and white images (and by this I mean the B+W part, obviously light, lines, and moments still come first) is tonal contrasts. Those contrasts will occur within the scene, of course, but the way we chose to render them in Lightroom (or PS, ACR, etc) has a strong impact …
Mara Impressions I
Mara Impressions I, Kenya, 2012. Click it to see it larger as the smaller image really does it no justice. I made this in the Maasai Mara, still under the spell of my friend Wendy’s expressionist / abstract work. What struck me most about her work is the effect of motion and light to create new lines, almost brush strokes, …
Photographing My Father
This fall I took my girl and my camera to visit my father. We drank some wine, watched the leaves change colour, spent some time riding around the back roads in his 1949 Willys Jeep, Patches. And we went off for an hour to do a portrait project I’ve been wanting to do, more and more urgently as my father …
A Second Edit
Iceland, 2010 I spent part of today doing a second edit – nearly two years after the first one – on my Iceland 2010 images. These second edits are important to me, for two reasons. First, we miss images on our first edit, and the closer that edit happens to the moments of making the photographs, the more we get …