MindShift Filter Hive
Hello from the windy and rainy coast of Newfoundland where we’re enjoying the fallout from tropical storm Cristobal! A few months ago I starting looking for a better way to deal with my 100mm Lee / Singh Ray filters and the various things I end up cramming into my pockets – spare batteries, filter holder, cable release, lens cloths – …
Postcards from Newfoundland
We’re 9,000Km, and 25 days, into this trip and I’m beginning to find a rhythm, learning to relax and see the place as it seems to want to reveal itself. I’ve photographed almost the whole trip so far on my iPhone, enjoying the simplicity and the constraints of the square frame I’ve chosen, in part because of Instagram, in part …
Postcards from Labrador
After almost 7800km across this vast country, we arrived on the coast of Labrador a couple hours ago, to fog. The last couple hundred kilometers like so many before them, along bone-jarring rutted roads flanked with pine trees that seem at once both arthritic and anemic. The roads just seemed to go on and on, through sun, rain, and endless …
Process & Product
We’re stopping in Ottawa right now, after a couple days at the cottage, on the way to Labrador and Newfoundland to work on making images for my next coffee-table book. Emily, the Jeep, is in for service and tweaks, after 5500km and in preparation for many more on the rougher roads of rural Quebec and Labrador. What a journey we’re …
On The Road
The road has always called to me; perhaps it’s part of bearing the last name, duChemin, all my life, which means “of the road.” It’s in my blood too, born to a mother who was a nurse in the RAF when she met my father, a Canadian soldier, both stationed in Cyprus in the late 1960s. Here on the road …
I’m Outta Here!
Today we packed the Jeep and hit the road. We’re heading east, across Canada to Newfoundland and Labrador, and won’t head west again until the autumn leaves begin to turn, coming back to Vancouver around October 15. Time for an adventure, some silence, and a chance to play with the light while camping for two and a half months. I’m …
A Beautiful Way to Tell Stories
The first thing I noticed about Maptia was the manifesto, one I can buy into with my whole heart. I, David duChemin, want to see the world. Follow a map to its edges, and keep going. Forgo the plans. Trust my instincts. Let curiosity be my guide. I want to change hemispheres & sleep with unfamiliar stars and let the …
Know Your Rhythm
Every person I know—whether they identify as creative or not—goes through ups and downs, though I think the self-identifying creative or artist can feel it more acutely, as though our creative life rides on top of the water and rises and falls with the waves. We experience brilliant highs and depressing lows. When the wind kicks up and the ocean …
Whisky Shots
A personal project. A glass of whisky. With ice. Natural light. Minimal post-processing. Shoot what you love. Be willing to play and see things anew. There are constellations and worlds in the tiniest places if we’re willing to see them. Also helps if you don’t drink too much of the subject.
The Hunger & The Hype
I spent this morning with my coffee and Instagram, Facebook turned off for the sake of my spirit. More and more I wrestle with leaving Facebook. I’m not sure (m)any of us are wired for such a constant stream of hyperbole and hysteria. I know I’m not. It’s become so, so noisy and then I open Instagram, a social media …