Being More Creative

In Creativity and Inspiration, The Life Creative, Thoughts & Theory by David28 Comments

For a craft that is, at its heart, a creative effort, it amazes me that you’d have to read 100 books about making better photographs before you read anything on the creative process. And it’s not that it’s the job of these educators to teach creativity, but still. I’m sitting in a coffee shop right now, two photographers beside me. …

The Khutz Trip

In Travel, Wallpapers, Wilderness by David21 Comments

Grizzlies of the Khutzeymateen, 2013. This is a large desktop wallpaper, feel free to click it, make it larger, download it and enjoy it on your desktop. This is my favourite image of the trip and sums up my time with these beautiful bears. I’ve been planning this trip to the Khutzeymateen for a while now, not because I’ve got …

Nice Capture?

In Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons by David37 Comments

Some thoughts about the way we talk about photographs. As always, I think the questions are more important than the answers. I’m not looking for consensus, just giving voice to my own thoughts and questions. Yours might be different. Thought the First. “Nice capture,” says nothing about what you felt when you experienced a photograph. It says nothing about art. …


In Postcards From..., Travel, Wilderness by David31 Comments

Just off the float plane from a week in British Columbia’s Khutzeymateen. I’ll write more later, and put up another photograph or two, but wanted to drop a postcard your way. I’ve pulled these straight out of Lightroom on the 11″ MacBook Air, so they’re rough images yet, but man was this a mind-blowing week. One of the most intimate …

The Magic Wand

In Pep Talks, Rants and Sermons, The Craft by David71 Comments

This weekend I posted about my experience with the new Fuji XE-1. It’s a great camera. It’s capable of making some beautiful photographs. But I didn’t say the one thing I most wanted to. My heart was screaming to say it and got over-ridden by my mind and it’s always a mistake not to listen to my heart. I wrote …

Italy and the Fuji XE-1

In GEAR, News & Stuff, Travel by David38 Comments

I spent three weeks in Italy this month, making photographs, teaching, and looking for great food and wine. I took with me the Fuji XE-1 and two lenses, the 14mm and the 18-55mm, both from Fuji. I took them because I wanted a light kit, because for places like Venice I just won’t walk around all day if my gear …

SEVEN: Vancouver Launch Party

In Craft & Vision, News & Stuff, SEVEN by David23 Comments

On Wednesday, June 5th, I’m inviting you to join me as we take the wrappers off my first art book: SEVEN. It’s a small event, just me (and my fantastic team), my new book, and a chance to have a glass of wine or cup of coffee in Vancouver’s fantastic Gastown. If you wanted a chance to pick up a …

Final Postcards from Italy

In News & Stuff, Postcards From..., Travel by David19 Comments

A few final photographs from my recent trip to Italy (I posted others last weekend). The image above is one of my favourites, and still makes me chuckle. I’d been standing there waiting for a moment and talking to friends. I’d made a comment about the need for photographers to remain observant and then the discussion  moved on to the …