July wallpapers are here, in both 2560×1600 and 1280×853.
This is the cover image of the next in The Print & Process series: SAFARI, A Monograph being released through Craft & Vision on July 8th.
Click the image above for the smaller wallpaper. Click HERE for the larger one.
You have a nice collection of wallpapers all of them is so nice we don’t need to go any where else to find more this kind of stuff.
I’ve been a harsh critic at times, but this shot is why I love your photography. Brilliantly done.
What a good idea. Where do you get the calendar icon from? I’d like to adopt this for my clients – hope you don’t mind me cribbing this idea!!
Have a lovely day,
Paul, I create the calendar in Photoshop. You could just as easily paste in a screen shot from the Mac OSX Dashboard calendar or some other app.
Excellent shot and smooth colored…..
I can’t wait for the next Print & Process, I went on a safari two years ago and hopefully will get to next year. My safari photos are some of my favorites I’ve ever taken, this one is awesome David!
Thanks for this gorgeous shot!!!!
Beautiful wallpaper — love big cats!
Thanks David, a keen and splendid leopard photograph, universally a stunning image!!!
(now you’ve got me using!! and ALL CAPS)
Good Lord I want to go on the next Safari! That place looks amazing, great photograph David.
By golly, for being a human-shooter, you’ve sure done a great job with this big cat! Loverly.
Great shot David, I still remember watching you on your first game drive in Samburu as you shot this guy. You were SO excited!
I have to agree with Sean. I always approach the end of the month wondering which beautiful photograph will greet me on my PC for the following one. Thank you!
Lovely photo!!!!!
As terrific as this picture is, it’ll be difficult giving up those June boats!
Brings back some great memories – like Sabrina – this is one of my favorite images
Thanks David. Your wallpapers have become a monthly habit, addiction can be a good thing!
You’ve inspired me to start doing a monthly wallpaper as well. Great work.
I just want to pull that tail and see what happens
One of my favourite images from Kenya…thanks for making it into a wallpaper.
Great shot David – thanks for sharing.
Oh so sweet this was one my favorite photos of yours!