SEVEN Now Available for Pre-Orders

In Books, Craft & Vision, Images, News & Stuff, SEVEN, Travel by David33 Comments

  Today we’re launching my first fine-art book, SEVEN. It’s a retrospective collection of the personal work I’ve done over the last 7 years on 7 seven continents.  This is a limited edition book and once those 1,000 signed and numbered copies are gone, they’re gone. Today we’re announcing pre-orders of this limited edition, and giving you 7 days to …

Building SEVEN: It’s coming!

In Books, Craft & Vision, News & Stuff, SEVEN by David21 Comments

Next week I’m releasing my fine-art book, SEVEN, for pre-orders. Tuesday, March 26 is your chance to reserve your copy. On Wednesday we’ll be telling the world but it seems only right that you folks get your chance first. And if you reserve your copy within the first 7 days, you can save $15 on either edition. I’ll spill the …

Building SEVEN: The Mock-Up

In Craft & Vision, News & Stuff, SEVEN by David19 Comments

On Friday I got my hands on the mock-up of the physical book that will this spring become SEVEN, my 160-page fine-art book. If you know me at all you know I’m not given to hiding my enthusiasm and I’m pretty sure I’ve been grinning about this all weekend. The cover is embossed, and a little understated, in a warm …

Building SEVEN: CMYK, Etc.

In Craft & Vision, News & Stuff, SEVEN, The Craft by David11 Comments

One of the things I most dreaded about the building of SEVEN was the learning curve related to the CMYK conversions. Last week I set aside some time to prep a collection of images for the printer, putting 15 photographs into a Lightroom Collection and then taking a deep breath. The first thing I learned was that Lightroom 4 has …

Building SEVEN, A Fine Art Book.

In Craft & Vision, News & Stuff, SEVEN by David

SEVEN, the proposed cover. Embossed on linen. SEVEN, the proposed front plate. On October 02, I walked into Hemlock Printers, the folks who print Lenswork so beautifully, and after several months of wrestling with ideas, started the ball rolling on what, for now, I am calling SEVEN. SEVEN is a fine art book, self published as the first hard copy …

Better Landscape Photographs – 11 Tips

In Craft & Vision, e-books, Resources by David15 Comments

Ladakh, India, 2009. I’m in my Jeep, Emily, driving north to Inuvik, North West Territory, past the Arctic Circle, right now, chasing beauty as autumn comes to the tundra. I’ve got a couple bags full of gear and a couple tripods in the back of Emily, a luxury I seldom have, but I’m hoping to play a little while I’m …

Heading North

In Craft & Vision, Emily and I, News & Stuff, Travel by David27 Comments

ARCTIC CIRCLE TRIP On September 05 I head to Vancouver Island to pick up my friend Al Smith and his Jeep. Together the 4 of us (two guys, two Jeeps) head up to the far north of Vancouver Island to Port Hardy. From there we catch the ferry to Prince Rupert and drive north towards Whitehorse, the capital of Canada’s …

Postcards from Sweden

In Craft & Vision, e-books, News & Stuff, Travel by David39 Comments

I’m just wrapping up an amazing week in Sweden. Spent part of it pubbing and exploring Stockholm, which is an incredible city, and so easy to travel. It’s got great public transport, and it’s small, and extremely friendly. English is so widely spoken I never once had that familiar dread of knowing I needed to mime my way through ordering …

Portraits: Some Questions Answered.

In Craft & Vision, e-books, Thoughts & Theory by David21 Comments

Old Havana, Cuba, 2009 I got some questions after we released the latest eBook, Forget Mugshots, 10 Steps to Better Portraits, that I thought I’d answer here. Some of this stuff was answered in Within The Frame, The Journey of Photographic Vision, but I don’t expect everyone to have read that, so here’s some additional ideas that have come up. …