On The Road

In News & Stuff, Travel by David6 Comments

The road has always called to me; perhaps it’s part of bearing the last name, duChemin, all my life, which means “of the road.” It’s in my blood too, born to a mother who was a nurse in the RAF when she met my father, a Canadian soldier, both stationed in Cyprus in the late 1960s. Here on the road …

I’m Outta Here!

In News & Stuff, Travel by corwin13 Comments

Today we packed the Jeep and hit the road. We’re heading east, across Canada to Newfoundland and Labrador, and won’t head west again until the autumn leaves begin to turn, coming back to Vancouver around October 15. Time for an adventure, some silence, and a chance to play with the light while camping for two and a half months. I’m …

The Adventure Resumes

In Emily and I, News & Stuff, Travel by David23 Comments

  It’s been a weird few months. After an incredible adventure in January and February – Lalibela, Ethiopia, then Kenya’s Maasai Mara, then diving in Zanzibar – I came home to (yet another) foot surgery and (yet another) recovery, one I didn’t write much about because I’m getting a little self-conscious about just how many times I reference the fall …

2013 Retrospective

In Life Is Short, News & Stuff, Travel, Vision Is Better by David20 Comments

Kenya, January 2013. It’s the nature of time to go too quickly. Maybe that’s one of the reasons photography works so well for me: in making time one of our raw materials we pay more attention to it, honouring it down to thousandths of a second, more present, more perceptive. I wish paying more attention slowed it down somewhat, and …

Hokkaido Landscapes with Martin Bailey

In Hokkaido, Life Is Short, News & Stuff, Travel by David4 Comments

I fell in love with Hokkaido, Japan, last year. I joined Martin Bailey as a guest on his Winter Wonderland tour, and spent almost two weeks photographing monkeys, cranes, eagles, and beautiful landscapes. I wanted more of the landscapes and Martin and I talked long and hard about the possibilities. So the second he started getting serious about running a …

Christmas Presence.

In Life Is Short, News & Stuff, Vision Is Better by David33 Comments

In the coming days, if you’ve not done so already you’ll see all kinds of articles about making better holiday photographs. They’ll be filled with advice from the banal and obvious, to the dubiously helpful. Mostly they’ll be written to drag people to their blogs, and increase traffic, when those same people should just shut the laptop and be with …


In Books, Craft & Vision, e-books, News & Stuff by David15 Comments

SEVEN+ IS NOW AVAILABLE When I launched SEVEN, my limited edition book, earlier this year, we offered a special edition that included an expanded digital edition. 200 pages long, SEVEN+ was a chance for people who purchased the uber-edition to look at the work on a bus, a plane, anywhere you weren’t going to take a 4lb book that cost …

November Desktop Wallpaper

In Craft & Vision, Hokkaido, News & Stuff, Wallpapers by David9 Comments

Desktop Wallpaper from Hokkaido, Japan, last winter. Enjoy! I’ve just got back from a nice road trip – one that took me for the first time in almost two years over the US border. Let’s just say I’ve had some unnecessary issues stemming from a decision to live nomadically with no fixed address a couple years ago. Anyways, there’s some …