Printing Hokkaido

In Hokkaido, Lightroom & Workflow, Resources, The Craft, Thoughts & Theory, Tutorials &Technique, Workflow & Technical Issues by David

After narrowing down my Hokkaido work through my edit process, I’m now left with a collection of images to print. Here’s my rough process. 1. Image Prep. I take each image through a final pass in Lightroom’s Develop module. Here are the questions I’m asking myself as I go through the panels. Is my monitor recently calibrated? Am I completely …

Better Landscape Photographs – 11 Tips

In Craft & Vision, e-books, Resources by David15 Comments

Ladakh, India, 2009. I’m in my Jeep, Emily, driving north to Inuvik, North West Territory, past the Arctic Circle, right now, chasing beauty as autumn comes to the tundra. I’ve got a couple bags full of gear and a couple tripods in the back of Emily, a luxury I seldom have, but I’m hoping to play a little while I’m …

Hello from Maui

In Books, Influences, News & Stuff, Resources, Travel by David22 Comments

iPhone shot of dolphins swimming under the bow of the zodiac. Maui. A quick note to say hello. Kind of feeling guilty for being here and not dropping a line. We’ve been having an amazing time here -yesterday I spent the day in a zodiac off the coast of Lanai, a small island itself just off the coast of Maui. …

Visual Peacemakers

In News & Stuff, Resources by David12 Comments

There are two organizations I am particularly excited to be involved with right now – one is Focus For Humanity which is an incredible initiative aimed at providing grants to photographers to partner with NGO’s, the other is the International Guild of Visual Peacemakers, an initiative aimed at breaking down stereotypes and opening dialogue between cultures. Both are a little …

Stuck In Customs Textures

In Resources by David9 Comments

One of the things I love about photography is the wide range of expression it makes possible. Oddly, the board and forums are full of people arguing for the narrowest possible expression – use this gear, don’t do this, don’t do that, and God help you if you even THINK about doing this AND that with the wrong camera. Sheesh. …

(Yet Another) Gift Guide

In News & Stuff, Resources by David16 Comments

“…and a Nikon D3X, and a Gitzo tripod, and OH! can your elves make those Singh-Ray Vari-ND filters? They can? OK, I want one of them too…” In the face of other gift guides, and in light of the tongue-in-cheek iconoclasm that goes on here at the PixelatedImage:Blog, I offer my 2009 Holiday Gift Guide for your consideration. A handful …

Join Me This Evening

In Books, News & Stuff, Resources, VisionMongers by David8 Comments

This evening my publishers – Peachpit – are hosting a video conversation with me at 5pm PST. The disussion begins with me addressing some issues related to VisionMongers, then the bulk of the conversation becomes just that – a conversation. You can ask questions which will be moderated and fed to me, and we’ll have an hour to hash out …

End of Week Round-up

In News & Stuff, Resources by David12 Comments

I shot this in northern Bangladesh, earlier this year while on assignment. We’re now in between two great holiday seasons that focus on gratitude and giving. You don’t come here for preaching, but you know it’s going to happen once in a while. Please consider giving to organizations, like World Vision, Invisible Children, or others that work closer to home. …