The Life Creative (4)
Why am I going on about this Life Creative stuff? Most likely, it’s because in my heart I’m a preacher and I’ve always done very poorly at keeping my mouth shut. But it’s more than that. I have loved photographs since I was a kid and that love’s grown to become a love for those who create them. There’s a …
Back It Up!
Here’s your New Year’s reminder: back your stuff up. Do it redundantly, with extreme paranoia, and do it now. If it helps, I’ll even say “Pretty please.” You put so much time into your work, and harddrives fail all the time. So really, this is not paranoia. It’s wisdom. My preference is that every file, including my Lightroom catalog files, …
The Life Creative (3)
Someone just asked me what I do in my spare time. I told them I didn’t have any. I know what they meant, I really do, and I swear I’m not trying to be difficult. You’ll get the same blank look, or blunt reply, from me if you ask me what I do. I just haven’t a clue how to …
Happy New Year
What a year. I often take some time around now to sit with my pen and notebook, a cup of coffee, and my thoughts. I’m not big on resolutions but I do like to look back at the year and be grateful, think about lessons learned, and celebrate. This year took me to Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania, before I jumped …
The Life Creative (2)
The story goes like this: A student asks Jay Maisel, “How can I make more interesting photographs?” to which Jay sagely replies, “become a more interesting person.” Having never formally studied Art, my creative is process is probably a little unsophisticated: I daily try to live the most vital, engaged, and interesting (to me) life I possibly can. Intentional. Passionate. …
The Life Creative (1)
Craft can only take any of us so far. Learn all there is to know about photography and the resulting photographs themselves may get Liked on Facebook but they’re unlikely to be art. Art, to be art, has to have something of the artist within. Art uses craft to say something, to point at something, and as often as not …
Holiday Wishes
I love this time of year. I’m drinking hot-buttered rum while I write this. And on Monday we’re throwing our bags into the Jeep and heading to Whistler to quietly celebrate my birthday, and Christmas, next to a snow-covered lake under the shadow of mountains. It’s the perfect time of year to unplug from the matrix and connect, instead, with …
Building SEVEN: The Mock-Up
On Friday I got my hands on the mock-up of the physical book that will this spring become SEVEN, my 160-page fine-art book. If you know me at all you know I’m not given to hiding my enthusiasm and I’m pretty sure I’ve been grinning about this all weekend. The cover is embossed, and a little understated, in a warm …
Shooting in Black & White
I couldn’t bring myself to shoot a single black and white image in Antarctica last year. To me the place was all about colour. This year it was very different. Last week I was on Deception Island in Antarctica, walking around an old whaling station in the crater of a still-active volcano. It’s a fascinating place, full of texture, contrasts, …
Desktop Wallpapers – Antarctica
I know, it’s been a while. I hope it’s worth the wait. I stopped putting these out there because I felt I was on the edge of giving you stuff that’s already had so much exposure, or worse, of giving you photographs I wasn’t 100% happy with. Thanks for the patience. I shot these in Antarctica this month. Clicking the …