Antarctic Farewell

In Antarctica, Postcards From..., Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David20 Comments

Top, Bivouacked in Antarctica. Not my warmest night ever. Antarctica and the Drake Passage are behind us now. One last day to look through our work together, then we all go separate ways. I’ve made lifelong friends here and solidified others in beautiful ways. And now we’re scheming to come back, because this is a place you fall in love …

Postcard from Antarctica: Pleneau Island

In Antarctica, Postcards From..., Travel, Within The Frame Adventures by David14 Comments

Another day in Antarctic waters. Yesterday it was Pleneau Island and Peterman Island. This morning we woke to more sunshine and dramatic mountains rising, seemingly, straight out of ice-strewn water, black, clear and deep. Weather’s been a treat – warm and sunny – and a change from the mood and drama of last year. Secretly I’m hoping for a return …

The Gift of Inspiration

In Books, Creativity and Inspiration by David13 Comments

Ah, Christmas time, that precious time of year once set aside to celebrate love, peace, and forgiveness. It’s also that time of year when the blogs get full to bustin’ with “official” gift guides (it’s true, they register them down at town hall.) for photographers who need more clever gimmicks and plastic crap like they need a wet tongue on …

Postcards from Tierra del Fuego

In Antarctica, Postcards From..., Travel by David21 Comments

Spent a good chunk of today bouncing around the backwoods of Tierra del Fuego here in the southernmost part of Patagonia, Argentina. My friend, Daniel, and I, hired a Land Rover Defender and a guide and spent the day getting out of Ushuaia and exploring forests and lakes. Love it here. We wound up at a small cabin for BBQ …

Packing For Antarctica

In Antarctica, GEAR, Travel by David40 Comments

If there’s an upside to jetlag, it’s productivity. I was up all night so I packed early. Nothing to do now but sit on my thumbs and wait. On Sunday, Nov. 25, I fly to Toronto, then Buenos Aires via Santiago, then on to Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego, the far southern tip of South America. I’ve got a couple …

Travelling Sick

In Travel by David15 Comments

The last couple days have been rough. I went to bed two nights ago and was violently ill all night, in ways I’ve not been violently ill before. I remember apologizing to Jeffrey, with whom I was sharing a room, much to his misfortune, every time another noisy bout of sickness came on me, but the rest is a bit …